The author has something to say: Because the original work of "Records of Abnormal Creatures" is very long, if you randomly extract some of the storylines, it will take up a long space. Therefore, in my article, Hao Ren's experience of going to the dream plane will only be briefly mentioned!


Hao Ren used the cosmic coordinates given by Raven 12345 to control the official spacecraft with the data terminal and came to the dream plane of Aerym Star. This is the strange planet he came to during his previous "dreams".

After communicating with the Wolf King several times before, Hao Ren already knew that Aerym Star is a planet inhabited by humans, but the sphere of influence of humans is relatively small, while the sphere of influence of other races is relatively large, especially the sphere of influence of the elves.

According to the regulations of the Xiling Empire, official spacecrafts are not allowed to approach the surface of intelligent planets at will unless they can get the consent of the planet owner. Therefore, Hao Ren let the official spacecraft hover in the atmosphere of Aerym in stealth mode, and then he came to the surface of the planet with a data terminal.

The animals on Aerym are almost all species that have developed wisdom and can speak, but they extremely hate contact with humans. In addition, they don’t know much about the development process of this planet.

Therefore, in order to better understand this planet, Hao Ren can only stay away from the territory of intelligent animals and walk towards the gathering place of humans. On the way, he met a girl named "Becky", who was also the first human he met in the dream plane.

Narration: The original work describes Hao Ren’s first real contact with the dream plane for a long time, so the author will not describe it in detail here. Friends who are interested can go and read the original work.

Hao Ren gained a lot of useful information during his first trip to the dream plane. When he returned to the surface world, he brought back Becky and the queen of the Elf Kingdom, Hiltan.

"Inspector of all realms, please take me back! I don't want to stay here!" After seeing only a little bit of the scene in the surface world, Hiltan wanted Hao Ren to take her back to the dream plane because she couldn't adapt to the environment of this world.

On the other hand, Becky liked everything in the surface world. She regarded all kinds of electrical appliances here as alchemy, and she even learned it by herself. She wanted to make the two worlds communicate with each other because she thought that doing so would definitely make a lot of money.

Before officially returning home, Hao Ren brought Becky and Hiltan to the sky castle of Raven 12345. He was here to handle the identity information of this world for these two alien residents.

When Hao Ren arrived at the sky castle, the goddess sitting in the office was not Raven 12345, but a goddess who looked exactly like Goddess Shunzi, but her name was Raven 23333.

"The first time I went to the dream plane, I brought back two beauties. Young man, you have a bright future!" Raven 23333 reviewed Hao Ren's work report on behalf of Goddess Shunzi, and also applied for identity cards for Becky and Hiltan in the surface world.

"It's just a fluke! Goddess, when will Sister Raven come back?" Hao Ren missed Raven 12345 a little.

"Who knows where that psychopath is hiding now? Don't worry, I have more authority than her in the empire. I can review the work reports of you examiners, and it won't delay your year-end evaluation in the empire!" Compared with Goddess Shunzi, Raven 23333's work attitude is the most typical and strict.

"Okay! I got it. Thank you, goddess!" Facing the methodical Raven 23333, Hao Ren also believed in the rule that talking too much will lead to mistakes.

After leaving the sky castle of Raven 12345, Hao Ren took Becky and Hiltan to his own small western-style building.

Along the way, because Becky and Hiltan were dressed unusually, they would attract a high rate of turning heads from passers-by whether walking or riding in a car. Of course, more importantly, their looks were also 100 points, especially Hiltan's pair of elf ears, which made many boys whistle at her.

When they arrived at the door of Tianren Supermarket on Nanjiao Commercial Street, Hao Ren took Becky and Hiltan into the store and selected some local clothes for them.

Yes, the marketing business of Tianren Supermarket has been getting wider and wider. It is not only about food, but also about clothing, department stores, home appliances and jewelry. And it is in a booming sales period.In the season, the turnover of just one day can break the one million mark.

As the lobby manager of Tianren Supermarket, Cheng Gang naturally recognized Hao Ren, and he also knew the relationship between him and his boss. Therefore, every time he came here to shop, Hao Ren would enjoy the biggest discount when checking out.

Although they were from the dream plane, Becky and Hiltan's vision was also first-class. The several sets of clothes they selected for themselves made Hao Ren pay more than 30,000 yuan when he checked out, even if he enjoyed the highest discount.

"Mr. Bei, Ms. Huo, I finally believe in you now. If there is no restriction on the will of the universe, with your family's ability to make money, it is estimated that buying the entire earth will not be a problem!" This is the true portrayal of Hao Ren's heart when he swiped the card to pay.

After returning to the small western-style building and getting to know everyone, Becky and Hiltan started their leisurely life in the other world (Earth).

The people from the other world came to the surface world. When they saw the fantasy movies on TV, they would constantly imitate the skills of various characters, and Becky liked to imitate Gandalf in the movie "The Lord of the Rings".

When Hiltan saw that the flying little people in the movie were called elves, she asked Hao Ren, "Does your world have any misunderstandings about the elves?" Hao Ren didn't know how to answer for a while!

Because they were all queens, Kesha and Hiltan became a pair of good sisters who could talk about anything after three days of contact.

Most girls' biggest hobby is shopping. Becky and Hiltan, one is a mercenary in the magic kingdom and the other is the queen of the elf kingdom. After living on the earth for a month, they gradually fell in love with the fun of shopping.

At the same time, it was fortunate that the person who took them to spend money was Nangong Wuyue, a mermaid girl who made a living by singing. Because she lived a frugal life on weekdays, she did not let Becky and Hiltan develop the habit of buying luxury goods. They went to the street to buy some relatively cheap goods every day.

Of course, as Hao Ren, who was responsible for the dream plane, all the consumption of Becky and Hiltan had to be paid by him. The wallet that had finally bulged was shrinking at a visible speed.

"Hao Ren, although I have the attribute of a poor god, you have the Xiling Empire behind you, so you should not be affected by me! For this reason, you should go to Mr. Bei and his family to learn how to do business!"

"You should know that there will definitely be more and more alien tenants in this family in the future, so relying on your meager salary alone, it is estimated that you can't support such a large family!" Vivian analyzed to Hao Ren with reason.

After listening to Vivian's analysis, three vague black lines flashed on Hao Ren's forehead, because he knew from childhood that he was definitely not cut out for business. It would be better for him to take an exam for a higher education institution or become a civil servant, which he would never be able to get into, than to do business!

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