After humans dominated the earth, demon hunters had to spend money to buy relations with humans to enter the world, but if aliens wanted to enter the world, humans would warmly welcome them.

Why is this so? Of course, it is because demon hunters, although they have all kinds of magical means, they will not use these abilities to seek personal gain for humans, while aliens often have no scruples in this regard!

In today's earth, there are many humans with huge wealth, and there are traces of aliens behind them, who are secretly supporting them. Humans and aliens cooperate in this way, one openly and one secretly, and grab a lot of ill-gotten gains from the world.

Whenever demon hunters find that humans and aliens are colluding, they will kill both humans and aliens. The aliens will either be killed or taken back for research, and humans will be bankrupted by them. For this reason, many humans have already hated demon hunters.

After learning the cause and effect of the incident, Hao Ren bought a pair of women's shoes with a pair of bat wings on each side for Vivian from Zhao Xi's counter. Then when he was checking out, he met the female cashier in the shoe store - Liu Sheng, and this lady was also a demon hunter.

Liu Sheng was very smart. She saw through it at a glance. The amateur demon hunter (Nangong Sanba) who took the task and came to investigate Hao Ren and others must be a traitor who was in the same group with Hao Ren and others.

And Liu Sheng also said bluntly in front of Hao Ren and Vivian: If I meet that traitor again, I will definitely cut him into pieces.

When Hao Ren and Vivian returned home, Gun Miao came to their feet with a beaten cat face and a wronged look to seek comfort.

Yes, just now this stupid cat actually took advantage of Doudou being alone and no one around her, and ran over to try to swallow her up. As a result, she was severely punished by the other party. This time, not only did Gunmiao get a big beating on the face of the cat, but Doudou also pulled out several tufts of cat hair on its head.

How strong is Doudou? When she wanted to eat, she once grabbed a leg of the table and lifted the whole table up, and then she stuffed that table leg directly into her mouth. So, it was easy for her to pull out the cat hair on Gunmiao!

Hao Ren held the stupid cat Gunmiao and shook it for a long time before coaxing it into a good mood, and then he put it on the sofa.

After a while, the Bei Yu sisters came out of the bathroom on the first floor with Doudou. They had just taken their little sister to take a bath. After seeing the little mermaid, Gun Miao was so scared that all the cat hair on his body stood up, and he quickly hid under the sofa.

Seeing this, Hao Ren felt that this stupid cat, Gun Miao, would probably not dare to hit Doudou again in the future, and it was very likely that he would be afraid of fish.

One day later, the Bei Yu sisters, who were somewhat curious, brought a plate of carp that was only broken but not cooked, and brought the fish to Gun Miao.

After seeing the carp, Gun Miao was frightened and took several steps back. When he saw that the carp did not jump up to hit him, he walked over carefully with real cat steps, and even tried to use cat claws to gently poke the fish body.

After making sure that the carp would not jump up and hit him, Gun Miao dared to lower his head and eat the other carp with confidence.

The series of actions of Gun Miao, the stupid cat, had been filmed by the Bei Yu sisters and posted on their online short video accounts.

Since the Bei Yu sisters set an example, Liu Lili, Nangong Wuyue, Becky and even Xiertan would use the same method to tease Gun Miao two or three times.

Among them, Liu Lili was the worst one. She deliberately chose a fish with the same body color as Doudou's tail color. When Gun Miao made sure that the fish would not jump up and hit him, she quickly exchanged the positions of the fish and Doudou. The next scene was naturally... the cat was beaten by the fish and ran away in the house.

Looking at Gunmiao, who was beaten with a big bump on his head, Hao Ren first hugged him and coaxed him for a long time, and then he gave this stupid cat a more profound education. After being taught a lesson by his master, Gunmiao lowered his head with a wronged look on his face.

Since this fish-cat battle, BeiKai and the others asked Doudou to avoid contact with Gunmiao. Over time, this kind of fish flying cat jumping scene will never be seen again.

On the other hand, Becky and Hiltan came to the surface world. The former was very easy to integrate, but the latter really couldn't adapt to such a living environment.

Therefore, starting from one and a half months after coming to the surface world, Hiltan would pester Hao Ren almost every day, and she asked him to find a way to send her back to the Elf Kingdom in the dream plane.

Under Hiltan's tireless pestering, Hao Ren had to bite the bullet and go to the sky castle. This time, the crazy goddess-Raven 12345 has returned.

"Hao Ren, although the surface world and the dream plane are deeply involved, these two worlds are not for anyone to come and go as they please. Otherwise, the empire would not have left the dream plane alone for so many years and ignored it!" Raven 12345 said so in a deep voice.

"Sister Raven, tell me the truth! Can't you enter the dream plane? You have waited for so many years, and finally I am the one who can go to the dream plane!" Hao Ren actually dared to take over.

"Oh, with your brain, you should not be able to think of such a thing. Who taught you this? Oh, I understand, it must be those two foreign gods who taught you!" Raven 12345 saw through everything with her fiery eyes.

"So, you admit that although the Xiling clan is powerful, there are times when they are powerless. I am not the judge you chose, but..." Hao Ren had not finished speaking when a small dark cloud appeared above his head.

"No way! Is it going to strike me too?" Hao Ren said in his heart, and then a golden lightning came from the dark cloud and "crackled" towards him.

"Hao Ren, there are some things that you just need to know in your heart. The gods of the empire cannot be complained by employees, unless the will of the universe approves your complaints, just like you call me a psychopath!" Raven 12345 threw a coquettish look at Hao Ren.

After Hao Ren was struck by lightning, he and Raven 12345 started today's business conversation.

According to Goddess Shunzi, it was a great miracle that Hao Ren could bring Becky and Hiltan from the dream plane to the surface world, but once they stayed in the surface world, they would be stained with the breath of the surface world. When they wanted to return to the dream plane, the dream plane would most likely reject them.

However, things are not absolute. A great god of the Xiling Empire once did some experiments. If a specific anchor point is found in a strange world, and this anchor point is closely related to a person, and this person is in another world.

Then we can use some means or technology to open a temporary stable channel between the two worlds through the anchor point and this person.

As for the choice of anchor point, it can be a place or an object, but it is best not to be a person. The anchor point must be an inanimate object!

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