After telling her own experience, Lanina persuaded Yzaks, hoping that he could lead the demons to make a comeback and take revenge on humans and other races.

But after experiencing a failure, Yzaks didn't want to make a comeback. War was a meaningless accessory. He just wanted to live a peaceful life on Earth.

Facing the depressed Yzaks, Lanina had to tell him that the princess might still be alive.

Does Yzaks still have a daughter? Of course! But when he learned that the Demon King's City had exploded, he naturally thought that his daughter, Elizabeth, was gone.

After listening to Lanina's analysis, Yzaks firmly believed that his daughter must still be alive, and then he made a request to Hao Ren that he would go back to the demon plane and bring Elizabeth to Earth.

Yzaks' daughter is called Elizabeth. No wonder he blurted out this name when naming Doudou. It turns out that he wanted to use it to commemorate his daughter.

When the tenants in the house heard that they were going to another world, they began to get agitated. They all clamored to go to the demon plane with Yzaks.

Of course, they actually just wanted to see what kind of daughter a demon monarch like Yzaks would have!

The sisters Bei Yu also wanted to go to the demon plane with Hao Ren, Alex and others. However, Kaisha chose not to go this time. After all, the demon plane is the territory of demons. Although the world is different, she still has some instinctive resistance to the demon race.

Since Kaisha chose not to go, then Bello naturally chose not to go either. This time, on the trip to the demon plane, Betsy and the others were responsible for staying behind to look after the house and feed the cats. In this way, Betsy could follow Hao Ren and others to see the scenery of the demon plane.

Due to Yzaks' constant urging, Hao Ren decided to take everyone to the demon plane the next day, but before that, he still had to treat Lanina's leg injury first.

By the way, when Lanina was wandering in the universe, she happened to bump into the escape pod carrying Doudou's mermaid egg, so her legs became limping.

Yes, the planet where life was extinct originally wanted to send Doudou's mermaid egg to other planets through an escape pod, but as soon as it flew into the air, the escape pod was hit by Lanina, and then it fell back into the ocean of the planet again.

Lanina estimated that her leg injury would leave her disabled for life. After lying in the medical cabin in the basement of Hao Ren's house for only 35 minutes, she recovered straight away and was full of energy.

Next, when Hao Ren proposed that Lanina live with Vivian tonight, Yzaks's face became a little strange.

Lanina's demon race is a succubus. Although she is not good at fighting, she can seduce others. Especially men will do many things against their will after listening to her instructions. Although these instructions are temporary, they are very useful in the ever-changing battlefield.

"I'm sorry, King! I misunderstood you. I don't like women. I just don't like men!" Lanina corrected Yzaks's view of her orientation.

After hearing what Lanina said, Vivian took another step back. If such a succubus really stayed with her for a night, she would be eaten up by the other party.

For this reason, Vivian suggested to Hao Ren that Lanina should live in the same room with the big dog tonight! Then Hao Ren told Vivian that you want Liu Lili to do this. The Husky's property of destroying the house has awakened in advance, right?

In the end, Lanina lived in the same room with Vivian that night. After all, the former had promised with all his heart that he absolutely did not like women and was definitely not a lesbian. And the fact was indeed so. The two lived together for one night and just slept very purely. No unexpected situation happened.

The next day, when Hao Ren just opened his eyes, Yzax's big face came straight in front of him: Landlord, hurry up and leave, I can't wait to see my daughter.

"After breakfast, I will go to report to Sister Raven. After all, this is going to the demon plane, which is already a business trip!" Hao Ren said.He explained this while getting dressed.

When Hao Ren and Yzaks came to the living room on the first floor, Beikai and the others were feeding Gunmiao, and Doudou lay on the cat's head. The food that Beikai and the others fed Gunmiao was all high-end cat food from the Tianren Supermarket.

"Do you want to eat steamed buns or osmanthus cake for breakfast?" Vivian, wearing an apron, walked in front of Hao Ren and asked.

"Steamed buns are fine, steamed buns are fine!" Hao Ren was scratching the back of his head again.

When Yzaks took five steamed buns and ate them, Lanina on the side looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong? Lanina, are you not used to the food here?" Yzaks asked Lanina beside him with a steamed bun in his mouth.

"No, King, is this the kind of life you live here?" Lanina couldn't believe it. The Demon King, who was always high and mighty, actually had such a down-to-earth side.

"This kind of life is pretty good. No need to worry about fighting and killing, and no need to worry about someone coming to attack me. After we find Elizabeth, if there are still surviving demons, we will all live this kind of life in the future!" Yzax ate three buns in one breath.

"It's good, I'm full too, let's go find the goddess now!" Hao Ren put the remaining buns in his hand directly into Gunmiao's cat bowl.

"Goddess, what goddess? Is she the Pope of your area?" Lanina asked with a puzzled look.

"Sister Raven is not a Pope, she is the general leader of this universe area, the entire universe area is under her control, and I am her subordinate!" Hao Ren, who has a deep understanding of Goddess Shunzi, said so proudly.

Lanina didn't understand the concept of the universe management god. She still took it for granted that this goddess Shunzi must be the leader of a downtrodden church. Because the church was downtrodden, it would shout out such a bluffing slogan to keep up appearances!

After slapping his forehead, Hao Ren was too lazy to explain Lanina's unconventional thinking. It would be better to let the other party think so!

When Hao Ren walked to the door, Vivian came over and handed him a New Year's gift, a white scarf, and she personally put it on his neck.

When the scarf was put on his neck, Hao Ren felt warm in his heart. He had never been given a gift by a girl since he was a child. This was really the first time in history. So, he said to Vivian sincerely: Thank you and Happy New Year!

"Landlord, I deserve half of the credit for that scarf. The yarn used to knit the scarf is all my dog ​​hair!" Liu Lili showed her husky's tail and compared it with the scarf on Hao Ren's neck.

"Okay, okay, I know it's your credit. I'll get you some hair growth agent tomorrow so that you can lose more hair, and then I'll knit a scarf for everyone!" Vivian said to Liu Lili, biting her back teeth.

"I live for the landlord and it's only natural that I lose some hair to knit scarves for him. Why do you have to use my dog ​​hair to make clothes?" Liu Lili said to Vivian unceremoniously.

"If you have food and shelter, you are the master. You really deserve your bloodline!" Vivian was talking about Liu Lili and being a husky spirit again.

"It's just a dog, what's the big deal! Humph!" Liu Lili now seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Looking at Vivian and Liu Lili bickering, Hao Ren smiled awkwardly, then he led Yzaks and Lanina into the transmission channel opened by the data terminal for the three of them!

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