"Is that all?" After Yzaks and Lanina finished telling the love story between the Mad Demon King and the Sword Saint, everyone present, except those who knew the truth, all asked the same question.

Among them, Vivian even asked, between Yzaks and the Sword Saint, didn't they consider the various differences between races, such as personality differences, cultural differences, and aesthetic differences?

"In many cases, when we demons choose our partners, we don't care about race or appearance! And she can accept my human appearance!" Yzaks scratched the back of his head again.

At this time, Yzaks had turned into the human face he had when facing the Sword Saint. It was simply a vulgar face that had not recovered from a car accident.

For this reason, Hao Ren and his group present secretly questioned: Could it be that the Sword Saint had been completely blind when she first saw Yzaks?

In addition, judging from Elizabeth's appearance, this Sword Saint is definitely a top-notch beauty in terms of appearance and figure. It can be seen that her aesthetic view of her partner is really unique and different!

"What about her (Sword Saint)?" Vivian asked Yzaks on behalf of everyone.

"She died many years ago, but don't worry! She died of old age. I used the devil's magic to extend her life. She has been with me for more than three hundred years!"

"However, in the end, she was still unwilling to become a real half-demon to extend her life, and I chose to respect her decision and let her die in my arms with a smile on her face!" Yzaks said with a little sadness.

"Father, don't be sad, you still have me!" Elizabeth touched Yzaks' face with her hand.

"That's true! At least we both have a precious daughter! Well, let's not talk about this topic for now. If we continue, it will be endless. Today, we are reunited as father and daughter. It is a festive day. I invite everyone to taste the food of the Demon Palace!" Yzax picked up Elizabeth and said so with a smile on his face.

Elizabeth, who was held in Yzax's arms, always felt that her father seemed to be a little different, but she couldn't tell where it was different!

Next, when everyone gathered together and celebrated a little, Elizabeth introduced to everyone the mechanical puppet of the Mad Demon King that she and Uncle Hammer had created together. In order to be on the safe side, the two of them also created a total of ten such puppets.

After seeing these mechanical puppets, Hao Ren couldn't help but give Elizabeth a thumbs up.

In fact, as a half-demon, Elizabeth's physical fitness has always been relatively weak compared to that of a real demon. For this reason, she has a very good talent in alchemy despite her poor physical fitness.

When Betha learned that Elizabeth, who was more than a thousand years old, was not growing up like herself, she took the initiative to step forward and greet her, and then the two of them became a pair of good friends who appreciated and empathized with each other in some aspects.

In response, Kai Yu, who was standing aside, said with eyelids twitching: Sister, as a princess of angel civilization, is it really okay for you to be friends with a little demon princess?

After a small celebration, Yzax ordered people to hold a real royal city feast on the morning of the third day, and at this banquet, he also announced to all the demon ministers: My mission has ended, and the integration of the entire demon plane is not suitable for a demon king to complete.

Yes, after reuniting with his daughter Elizabeth and going through so many things, Yzaks has decided to give up the demon plane. He took the initiative to tell Hao Ren that he wanted to move the entire Demon King City away.

Under the constant persuasion of the demon ministers, Yzaks still insisted on doing so. For this reason, some of the ministers chose to leave him, and when he conveyed this decision to every corner of the Demon King City, some people chose to leave him again.

Yes, there are many demons who choose to follow Yzaks. Their ambitions are not the stars and the sea, because they like war itself more.Because they like the fun brought by war, so when the Mad Demon King gave up the idea of ​​conquering the world, they would naturally choose to leave the Demon King City, and Yzaks did not send anyone to stop them from leaving.

Knowing clearly that someone was going to run away, he was able to show such an open-minded attitude. It seems that Yzaks's state of mind has really improved a lot, and Elizabeth also thinks that such a father is more amiable.

However, when the news that the Mad Demon King chose to leave the Demon Plane was passed to other areas of the Demon Plane, many wandering demon soldiers, as well as humans and other races, chose to come to Yzaks.

Excluding those who left automatically and adding those who surrendered automatically, the current number of residents in the Demon King City at this time is actually more than before. In this way, the Mad Demon King who does not want to dominate the Demon Plane has a strong cohesion of the people.

When the number of people in the Demon King's City would no longer increase or decrease, Elizabeth led everyone to a high-tech power room in the basement of the Demon King's City. The reason why the Demon King's City was able to survive the explosion was because of these high-tech power furnaces.

When escaping from the center of the explosion, the energy utilization rate of the power furnace in the power room was less than 30%. If the energy utilization rate can be increased to more than 70%, then this Demon King's City can be transformed into a huge spaceship.

The energy required for the power furnace is some kind of magic crystal in the ground. They are more pure than the currency crystals circulating on the market, and the difficulty of collecting them is also several levels higher.

Collecting magic crystals underground may be a difficult task for demons, but it is a piece of cake for the Bei Yu sisters. So, they took everyone to the underground to collect those high-purity magic crystals.

After hollowing out all the strata in the area near the Demon King's City, except for the Demon King's City, all other places in this large area collapsed deeply.

With sufficient energy, the Demon King's City can leave the demon plane, but when the Demon King's City is about to set sail, the joint army once again assembled tens of millions of soldiers and horses to stop the Demon King's City from leaving.

That's right, I don't know which people with ulterior motives actually spread the word everywhere. They claimed that the departure of the Demon King's City did not mean that the Crazy Demon King gave up conquering the world. On the contrary, the other party wanted to come and kill all the creatures in the demon plane through air strikes! Oh... It's a pity not to write a novel with this idea.

Facing tens of millions of allied troops, the Bei Yu sisters smiled at each other, then jumped straight down the city gate, and then they both quickly rushed to the opposite side, and then they launched a unilateral and absolute crushing attack in the form of dimensionality reduction. In this way, their absolute strength scared the remaining allied troops, and they fled for their own battlefields!

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