Although the demon hunters had cooperated with the human church and destroyed the four major gods on the earth, the demon hunters did not have much sympathy for humans.

After all, humans are also selfish creatures. Over the long years, demon hunters have suffered a lot at the hands of humans.

Especially for people like the Andre family, who actively invite vengeful spirits to haunt them in order to obtain huge wealth, it is even more unworthy for demon hunters to have sympathy for them.

So in the eyes of demon hunters, even if the members of the Andre family were wiped out by the vengeful spirits, as long as the vengeful spirits did not run out of the scope of this manor, this vengeful spirit was a safe and harmless type.

On the earth today, except for the sea monsters who live in the deep sea and live in peace with the world, a particularly strange dynamic balance has been formed between humans, aliens and demon hunters.

Bai Huo bypassed everyone's sight and quietly came to the underground palace from another road without the knowledge of the entire Andre family. She also opened a temporary foothold for herself in this underground palace.

When everyone arrived at Bai Huo's temporary foothold, they exchanged their information with each other.

After that, Nangong Wuyue mentioned that with human power, they should not be able to summon the ghost, so the people of the Andre family probably tampered with history. They used this method to cover up the fact that they stole wealth from the witch.

Yes, after exchanging information, Hao Ren and others and Bai Huo were more willing to believe that the so-called ghost was just a punishment for the Andre family by the witch.

"I always feel like I have been here, I..." When everyone was discussing the witch, Vivian's memory had a lot of flashbacks.

"Look, what did we find?" Becky found a portrait of the witch in a pile of rubble.

When everyone was ready to take a look at the face of the witch's portrait, Vivian just remembered that this underground palace was where she used to live. Then everyone saw that the face of the witch was naturally Vivian herself!

"I saved the clothes in this portrait for half a year and asked a French tailor to make them. This underground palace was also my former residence!" Vivian finally remembered some memories about this underground palace.

"Vivian, so you are the witch of Andre's family!" Becky was carefully comparing the woman in the portrait with Vivian's image.

"They didn't call me that back then!" Vivian asked a few little bats to turn a chair into a chair for her. She wanted to sit on it and recall the things that happened more than 300 years ago.

"When did the stinky bat become so elegant? She doesn't match the one in the portrait at all, okay?" Liu Lili still couldn't believe that Vivian was the witch of Andre's family.

"I remember it now, I finally remember everything!" Vivian stood up excitedly. Her action scared Liu Lili so much that she poked a big hole in the witch's portrait.

"It's over. This is an antique from more than 300 years ago. I lost at least 5 million with this claw!" Liu Lili said to herself while holding the witch's portrait.

Vivian ignored Liu Lili's stupidity. She told everyone that she did know a man named Andre more than 300 years ago, and there was another man. The three of them had done business together.

Doing business, after hearing these three words, everyone present, except Bai Huo, showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

"At that time, I felt very good about myself. I took them in as my younger brothers. They were both small businessmen. We..." Vivian continued to tell the past.

Andrei and another small businessman, both of them were the kind of people who could not make money but could not starve to death. At that time, their village was attacked by werewolves, and Vivian happened to pass by there, and then she casually rescued them.

They thought Vivian was a witch, and because they were afraid of being killed by the other party, they swore allegiance to Vivian and voluntarily became her little followers. Then, the three of them started a business of reselling some cheap small commodities together.

Then... Andrei and his companions lost everything, and not only that, but they and Vivian were exiled to the West by the Tsar at that time.Belia went to dig potatoes.

As a result, they had not been digging potatoes for a few days when they encountered a once-in-a-century avalanche. Except for Vivian and the other three, all the others died in the avalanche, and then the three of them were exiled to a more remote place by the Tsar.

Oh, by the way, the new exile place is the old site of this manor, and the vengeful spirit also ran out shortly after Vivian and the other three arrived here.

Then Vivian picked up two magical stones from the ground here, and used one of them to seal the vengeful spirit, and also built a sealing altar, and then built a underground palace around the altar, and then Vivian lived here until she was sure that the vengeful spirit would not run out again.

As for what happened next, after Vivian sealed the vengeful spirit, she felt very sleepy. After she was sure that the vengeful spirit would not run out, she gave the two magical stones to her two little followers, and she found a place to sleep.

When Vivian woke up, she naturally forgot about the two little followers. Well, the above is what Vivian can remember now.

"You are the witch of Andre's family, and you have forgotten everything. You are really a noble person who forgets things easily!" Bai Huo stared at Vivian with a joking look.

"She has lived from prehistoric civilization to the present. If she remembers everything, I feel tired for her!" Hao Ren patted Vivian's shoulder.

"Bero, you have lived for tens of thousands of years. Do you feel tired?" Kaisha, who was eating melons and watching the show, suddenly asked Bero, who was lying on her.

"Keisha, you have lived for tens of thousands of years. Do you feel tired?" Bello stood up a little bit.

"In the tens of thousands of years in the Super God Universe, besides missing you every day, my life was actually quite fulfilling. After reuniting with you, my life became even more fulfilling. After having Xiaobei and the others, it became more and more fulfilling!" Kaisha said so happily.

"It's the same for me. When you were not by my side, my life was still quite fulfilling, but with your company, it was the most fulfilling life!" Bello kissed Kaisha's lips again.

As they kissed, Bei and Kai started again. It was unknown how many rounds of romantic journeys they had, and there were so many that even the Counting King was too lazy to show his face again.

In the underground palace of Andre's house, when Bai Huo heard that Vivian had lived from prehistoric civilization to the present, she realized belatedly that the other party was actually the Countess who summoned the Red Moon in the legend.

Next, Bai Huo continued to talk about the content of Vivian that was written in the demon hunter textbook: the oldest alien on earth, with a strange personality and likes to mingle among humans, and is also poor and unlucky, with bad financial luck, and very serious amnesia... Until Hao Ren interrupted, Bai Huo finally stopped describing Vivian in the book!

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