"Is it safe here? The static electricity is so severe!" Liu Lili found that the hair of her tail and Gun Miao's tail, as well as the hair of the big yellow cat, were all erected by electricity.

"It's better now. When I first took office as an examiner, I went to the Fiyali Void Consortium and asked them to install a stabilization device here, which can be regarded as eliminating the safety hazards here. Those grandsons cheated me of a lot of good things at that time! Then they gave me a lot of useless things as a gift!" Galadjoer gritted his teeth and said so.

After hearing what the Dragon Queen's colleague said, Hao Ren secretly decided that he would never go to or ask for help from the grandsons of the Fiyali Void Consortium in the future. (Narrator: Sometimes, don't be too sure!)

Galadjoer led everyone and flew into a golden hall. The facilities here all have magical elements. I guess the principle of power generation here is to first generate static electricity through magic, and then draw lightning from the sky.

Liu Lili looked down and saw a disc-shaped object spinning rapidly. The temperature of its surface seemed to be like the sun. She was so scared that her legs immediately became weak. Once her legs became weak, Gunmiao and Nangong Wuyue also became weak. Only the big yellow cat, who didn't know what fear was, was still meowing.

"The temperature of the disc is very high, probably tens of millions of degrees! But the insulation material is only two or three millimeters thick. From this, we can see how brilliant and glorious the technology of the Suha civilization was at that time!" Galadzoel explained everything here to everyone.

"It's a pity that no matter how brilliant and glorious the Suha civilization was, it died halfway in the end. Let's not talk about it. That's the vengeful spirit!" Galadzoel pointed the direction to Hao Ren with the dragon head. Just above a crystal column, there was a vengeful spirit that could not fly out of a translucent energy shield no matter how it flew.

"So energetic! This ghost is more powerful than all the ghosts we have encountered. Could he be the king of ghosts?" Zhong Zhuan flew to the ghost's vicinity and carefully scanned the other party's situation.

"King of ghosts means that his memory can be read better!" Hao Ren said so, and then he cast an energy shield under his feet, and under the support of the shield, he flew to Zhong Zhuan's side. This is his latest ability.

"Before you came, I also analyzed him, but my terminal is not good at data decoding. I heard that you have made a device that can communicate with ghosts!" Galadjoer placed the rest of the people in an absolutely safe area, and then she turned into a human form and floated to Hao Ren's side.

"That's my foresight!" Hao Ren didn't say anything, but Zhong Zhuan became excited.

"Go, go, go and play with your friends! I do have equipment for studying ghosts, but they are all on the spaceship. I will contact Nolan now!" Hao Ren pushed Zhongzhuan in front of the Dragon Queen's data terminal.

"Friend, let's chat for a while!" Zhongzhuan said to the Dragon Queen's data terminal.

"This machine refuses, meaningless behavior, I suggest you check your logical thinking!" The Dragon Queen's data terminal rejected Zhongzhuan's proposal again.

"Tsk, it seems that you are not that strong!" Zhongzhuan finally couldn't help but retorted, and the Dragon Queen's data terminal said one sentence.

When Hao Ren was contacting Nolan, this ship girl was still a few light years away, racing with a bold and stubborn space wanderer, and the space wanderer thought that the driver of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform must be a beautiful and kind girl, so he also invited Nolan to have a candlelight dinner together.

After receiving Hao Ren's message, Nolan "stepped on the accelerator" and drove the Giant Turtle Platform towards the Santusu galaxy, making the cosmic prodigal think that the beautiful pilot refused to have a candlelight dinner with him.

Nolan, who was rushing towards the Santu galaxy, was flying with special effects like sonic booms all the way. When she arrived above Tusun, the temperature of the shell of the Giant Turtle Platform had roasted some small meteorites around it red.

After Nolan sent the equipment, Hao Ren began to study the King of Wraiths, and in order to be on the safe side, he also asked Kaisha to bring Doudou to the King of Wraiths and sing a song to stabilize the King of Wraiths' emotions.

"This little mermaid is so cute! What planet is she from? I also want to raise one!" When Hao Ren was studying the King of Wraiths, Galadhor cameWhen she arrived in front of Kaisha, she stared at Doudou in her arms.

"Doudou comes from a planet that has been destroyed. There is only one in the entire universe, and her genes cannot be copied!" Kaisha proudly introduced Doudou's situation.

As the ultimate life on a destroyed planet, Doudou's genes are actually very simple, but they cannot be copied. It is unlikely to create a cloned fish of her.

"In that case, did you cut off Hao Ren's beard?" Galadjoer asked in Kaisha's ear in a voice as soft as a mosquito's hum.

As expected of the Dragon Queen who has served as an inquisitor for more than a thousand years, Galadjoer's reasoning ability is also very strong, because she can roughly infer from some of Kaisha's words that Doudou should have originally belonged to Hao Ren's fish daughter.

Although Galadjoel spoke very quietly, Hao Ren, who had amazing hearing, still heard it. He had already suspected that Doudou should have belonged to his daughter. After hearing what the Dragon Queen said, he was even more convinced of the whole story.

Next, after re-adjusting his thoughts, Hao Ren began to study the King of Wraiths by resuming the transmission from the breakpoint...

After about two hours, Hao Ren successfully extracted the memory of the King of Wraiths, but the other party's memory was very messy, and the memories of different time periods were all squeezed together. Then the data terminal of the Dragon Queen helped, and it reshuffled these messy memories.

After the memory of the King of Wraiths was re-arranged, Hao Ren gave the task of selecting the memory to Zhongzhuan, and then he wanted to take everyone away from the Santu galaxy. After all, this was not his jurisdiction, and he had other work to complete.

But Galadjoer stopped everyone. She claimed that a major festival of the dragon clan was coming soon, and there would be a grand dragon clan banquet. It was rare for Hao Ren and others to come to her place, so why not leave after attending the banquet! And she should also do her best to be a good host!

Hao Ren wanted to refuse, but the Queen of Dragons said: The last dragon clan banquet was three hundred years ago. This time you rarely meet, don’t you want to see the hospitality of the dragon clan? More importantly, Galadjoer didn’t want her colleagues to label her as a person who didn’t know etiquette!

"Oh my! How boring are my colleagues on weekdays! Is this kind of thing worth talking about?" Hao Ren is now more and more worried about the corporate culture in the circle of examiners.

Of course, when they heard that there was food, Liu Lili and Gun Miao, two big foodies, kept urging Hao Ren to stay.

Just like that, Galadjoel transformed into a golden dragon again, and brought Hao Ren and others from the Thunder Mountains to the VIP reception palace of the Dragon Kingdom. The important festival of the dragon clan would not arrive as scheduled in three days.

Three days later, on the Dragon Clan's Prayer Square, countless dragons captured various beast creatures from all corners of Tusang Star: some looked like lions, some looked like tigers, some looked like goats, some looked like bison, some looked like camels, some looked like elephants... and some other indescribable beasts that could not be seen what they looked like!

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