Living in such an underground city where you don't need to do anything and you have to do it yourself, after a long time, I'm afraid anyone will develop lazy thinking and never want to leave here again.

However, Hao Ren and his group are not ordinary people. After all, they are not human beings at all, so such a lazy and corrupt free life may only be a novelty for them for three to five days.

On this day, while looking for the traces of Nangong's parents, they were discussing: What is the purpose of the humans on this planet to build a refuge underground city into this appearance? Don't they worry that after living in it for a long time, people will become lazy people who won't do anything?

Yes! Even the Beikai family felt a little curious about this question. Escaping disasters means that they want civilization to continue to move forward, but letting themselves and their descendants live in such a city will 100% cause humans to continue to degenerate. When these humans built this city, did they never imagine these situations happening?

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore. After meeting the so-called mastermind or getting the tombstone of the civilization, all the questions will naturally be solved!

Speaking of finding people, the Bekai family is professional. No matter how big the city is, they can accurately find the life signals of other people. On this day, they came to a supermarket in the south of the underground city and "ran into" the Nangong couple who were out shopping for food. The two of them were Nangong Wudi and Elsa!

Before, everyone always thought that Nangong Wuyue, the mixed-blood mermaid, would not be able to see any unusual difference between her and humans as long as she didn't transform or use her big moves?

But now after seeing Elsa, the pure-blooded mermaid, the Bekai family discovered that the pure-blooded mermaid in human form has a head of water-blue curly hair like waves, and the color of her pupils is also as blue as the ocean!

Nangong Wudi looks 70% similar to Nangong Sanba, while Elsa looks 80% similar to Nangong Wuyue. It seems that the brother and sister inherited the looks of their parents.

In addition, the long-lived races are also in this state. As long as they are not old, they will look handsome and young no matter how many years have passed. However, their temperament and aura will gradually mature with age.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Nangong Wudi protected Elsa behind him like a conditioned reflex, and he quickly pulled out the demon hunter's special demon-killing dagger from his waist.

"Don't be nervous, we are Nangong Wuyue's friends, are you her parents?" Although he had already learned about the other two people, Kaiyu still had to act first.

"May, where is May?" Elsa walked to the front and put the demon-killing dagger in Nangong Wudi's hand back into his scabbard.

"Dad, Mom!" Just when Kaiyu was about to keep it a secret, Nangong Sanba and Nangong Wuyue, brother and sister, had already come into their parents' sight, so Kaiyu had to return to Betha with some resentment.

"Sanba, May, my children, I finally see you again!" Elsa went forward and hugged Nangong Sanba and Nangong Wuyue at the same time, and Nangong Wudi on the side also looked like crying with joy.

After the Nangong family stayed together for a while to reminisce about the past, Nangong Wudi and Elsa and his wife took Hao Ren and his party home. The couple actually chose to live on the 88th floor of a 108-story skyscraper.

"Well, Mr. Nangong, I want to ask, why did you and your wife give Brother Nangong such a unique name?" When Elsa took Nangong Wuyue to the kitchen to cook, Hao Ren found Nangong Wudi alone.

"Is this unique? Why don't we think so? Sanba was born on March 8th, ten years after marriage, and Wuyue was born on May 5th, eighteen years after marriage. We just named them according to their birth dates. What kind of uniqueness is this?" Nangong Wudi asked in confusion.

In this regard, Hao Ren felt that the biggest feature was that there was no uniqueness. It seemed that the Nangong couple didn't know what the two words "Sanba" meant!

"Okay, Hao Ren, in the alien world, how can theyThere is a complete human culture? I guess nine out of ten aliens don't know what Sanba actually means! "Vivian patted Hao Ren on the shoulder.

During the meal, Hao Ren and others learned for the first time the real age of the Nangong brothers and sisters. The elder brother, Nangong Sanba, is already 90 years old, and the younger sister, Nangong Wuyue, is also 82 years old, but they both look like a boy and a girl.

In addition, the Nangong couple also told everyone: You should have come a few days earlier, we just celebrated our 100th wedding anniversary a few days ago!

As a long-lived race, aliens can only reproduce faster after combining with humans. For example, Yzaks and the Sword Saint, they have only been married for five years. Elizabeth is already there, but the hybrids born for this purpose often have physical deviations, and this is probably the balance of the law of nature!

When heterosexuals of the same race combine, the reproductive cycle is usually between ten and fifty years. Of course, there are also some miracle-like reproductive cycles like human couples. When heterosexuals of different races combine, their reproductive cycles will increase according to the actual situation, and some heterosexual couples can't even have children at all.

"Mom and Dad, you two have been here for twelve years, why didn't you give me and my sister another child, a little brother or a little sister?" Nangong Sanba asked with a rude face.

"What are you talking about, brat? Do you think I don't want to? In the past twelve years, when I was with your mother, I never used any contraceptive props, and it came every night, and sometimes even during the day, but your mother just couldn't get pregnant! "The first half of Nangong Wudi's sentence was about scolding Nangong Sanba, but the second half was about complaining to his son.

Although Nangong Wudi spoke the second half of his sentence very quietly, everyone present heard it clearly. After all, these people present were all non-human creatures with excellent hearing, so the unmarried girls all blushed at the same time.

"Dad, do you know what you are talking about? Come on, follow me in, I must teach you a lesson tonight! "Elsa pinched Nangong Wudi's ear, and the couple walked straight into the bedroom.

In the following time, is Elsa going to give Nangong Wudi a beating? Or is the head of the Nangong family going to "feed" the mistress of the house? As experienced people, Beikai and the others smiled at each other tacitly!

Yes! In this underground city, in the past few days, without Doudou's "interference", Beikai and the others have comfortably enjoyed a series of various wonderful music in the world of two people!

Because there are so many rooms here, there is no need for everyone to squeeze together. When it gets dark, After that, Beikai and his partner took the lead in choosing a house on the 66th floor. As soon as they closed the door at the entrance, they started the prelude to a romantic affair. When they came to the couch in the bedroom, they were already in full view of each other... (Someone said: I'd better come out "a little bit" to make a cameo appearance!)

Although life in the underground city is wonderful, people can't get out. Nangong Wudi and Elsa have tried several times, but they were both blocked by the mechanical guards in the city. The mechanical guards will not harm humans, but they will use various means to make you stay in the city!

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