When Hao Ren, Vivian, Shaqila and the sisters Bei Yu set off for Nasaton, Doudou's mood became more and more abnormal. After about an hour, she said to Beikai and the others: Dad, Mom, my stomach hurts so much!

"Doudou, did you have a stomachache?" Kaisha activated the Eye of Insight with an anxious look on her face, but she couldn't see anything abnormal about Doudou.

"I don't know, Mom, my stomach hurts so much!" Doudou's forehead was covered with drops of sweat the size of beans.

"Doudou, do you remember what you ate before?" Beiluo was also using his spiritual sense to explore and check Doudou's body, but he couldn't feel anything abnormal.

"Dad, I don't know, my stomach really hurts!" Doudou had already started rolling around in Kaisha's palm.

Seeing Doudou rolling in her palm in pain, Kaisha brought her little daughter to the basement of Hao Ren's house with a broken heart. She was going to use the medical warehouse here to treat the merman baby.

"The administrator's instructions are wrong, please do not violate the rules!" The electronic sound of the medical warehouse reached Kaisha's ears, making her even more anxious.

All the equipment in the basement of Hao Ren's house needs to be inserted into the final brick before it can be used as an intelligent AI. If anyone dares to use violent threats, these devices would rather start the self-destruction program than let the "bad guys" succeed.

"Mom, am I going to die? If I die, will you, Dad and my two sisters remember me?" Doudou's voice has become weaker and weaker.

"Doudou, Mom will not let you die, don't leave us!" Kaisha hugged Doudou, and the tears in her eyes had already burst out.

"Keisha, don't worry, I'll contact Goddess Shunzi to see if she has any way to solve Doudou's problem?" Bello closed his eyes and began to communicate with Goddess Shunzi.

Just as Keisha was anxiously waiting for Bello to contact Goddess Shunzi as soon as possible, Doudou seemed to have recovered miraculously, and she also said something shocking: Mom and Dad, my stomach doesn't seem to hurt anymore, but I just laid an egg!

Lay an egg? How old is Doudou! She can lay an egg. Beikai and the others looked at the peanut-sized egg in the hands of the mermaid baby, and they both showed a look of helplessness.

It seems that Doudou's previous stomachache was because she was going to have a "baby", right? But no matter how you look at it, it seems a bit too weird!

"Mom and Dad, I laid an egg, what's going on?" Doudou asked with a cute and confused face, holding the egg in both hands.

"You two, bring the little mermaid up!" Just as Bekai and Doudou were staring at each other, the voice of Raven 12345 reached the ears of the three of them.

When Bekai and Doudou met Goddess Shunzi, Raven 12345 took the mermaid baby over.

"Don't worry, you two! This egg has no signs of life. This is just a self-examination behavior in the life of the little mermaid to prove that her fertility is a feature without problems!" Raven 12345 gently pinched the little mermaid egg with two fingers.

"May I ask Goddess Raven, will this happen again in the future?" Kaisha asked with lingering fear.

"Maybe, maybe not. I can't guarantee this kind of thing! However, after this experience, you two won't have to be so flustered and nervous next time!" Raven 12345 was playing with Doudou while making the little mermaid egg into a pendant-shaped amulet.

"Thank you, should I call you sister or aunt?" After accepting the pendant made from the mermaid egg by Goddess Shunzi, which can also be said to be an amulet, Doudou tilted his head and looked at Raven 12345.

"Little cutie, call me aunt! You two have done a good job in educating!" Raven 12345 touched Doudou's little head and expressed his affirmation of Beikai's parenting methods.

When Doudou returned to Kaisha's arms, Goddess Shunzi invited Beikai and the others to stay and drink a cup of coffee with her.

"Goddess Raven, I remember you said before that we are not citizens of the Xiling Empire. We must be accompanied by Hao Ren every time we come here. Otherwise, it will not comply with the rules and regulations of the empire. Then we are violating the rules.You've come here twice. I wonder if the Empire has any punishment for you?" Kaisha asked with a complicated expression while drinking coffee.

"It was originally a violation of the rules, but after I reported the two of you to the Empire, the people above gave me a small favor and allowed me to receive you two privately occasionally. It's also an insignificant little problem!" Raven 12345 responded with a light expression.

"So what about your brain? Don't you plan to return it to the factory for repair?" Bello asked jokingly.

"You should have met my colleagues! Although they have their own independent consciousness, they have a standard attitude when working and doing things. I don't want to go back to that working state. Isn't it good to let myself go like this! "Raven 12345 is really letting himself go.

Goddess Shunzi dare not say it out loud, because she has been taught countless times by her original body (mother) - Bellavira for letting herself go, but she is determined to continue to be "lawless" like this!

Raven 12345, you are a manager of a cosmic region, and you let yourself go like this, so that all the creatures under your jurisdiction have become a little abnormal, especially the judges under your command, each of them has a little bit of symptoms of not working well in the brain, which is commonly known as some middle school disease!

"You are happy to let yourself go, but Hao Ren and the others have been influenced by you, so that when they do things, they have more or less a little bit of your shadow!" Bello took another sip of the coffee that can increase the power of God.

"How should I put this? Because of my self-indulgence, the universe area I manage has become somewhat different. If Hao Ren and the others do not make some adjustments in time, they will not be able to adapt to the work of the Inquisitor!" Raven 12345 said this directly.

From this point of view, this topic cannot be continued. If the conversation continues, Beikai and the others will become gods with abnormal brains.

After a while, Goddess Shunzi took out a book and asked Beikai and the others to recognize the cover text of the book.

In the eyes of Beikai and the others, the cover text of the book was just twelve messy garbled characters, but Doudou, who was in Kaisha's arms, read it out word by word: Xiling Empire...Primary God...Introductory Textbook!

"Doudou, can you read the text clearly?" Kaisha held Doudou in her hands and stared at her little daughter's eyes.

"I can! Mom! "Doudou said this with a cute face.

"It's right that you two can't understand it. If you can't see the text clearly, it means that you two have reached the empire's minimum requirements for gods, or even a little bit above that! "Raven 12345 opened the title page of the book again.

In the eyes of Beikai and the others, the words on the title page were still rows of small garbled characters, but Doudou could read them out word by word. However, when the words were combined, the mermaid baby didn't know what they meant.

At the same time, when Doudou read out the words on the title page, what Beikai and the others heard was the mermaid baby talking nonsense.

That's right, this is a theft prevention measure for the books of gods in the Xiling Empire. Before the foreign gods who can meet the minimum standards join the gods of the Xiling Empire, the words on the books are just piles of garbled characters in their perspective.

Demigods or other races that do not meet the minimum standards can read the words on the books, but they can't understand what they want to express. When these races read the contents of the book to gods who are not from the Xiling pantheon, these foreign gods can't hear any of the words in the book clearly!

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