No matter at any time, no matter in any world, there is no shortage of "fanatic fans". For a poor and unlucky person like Vivian, there are still people who want to share in the good fortune. As a result, they have become a modern nuclear fossil.

"Don't worry! Vivian, I will definitely find a way to cure your narcolepsy and amnesia!" Hao Ren swam over and patted Vivian's shoulder.

"Thank you, Hao Ren! Apart from these three words, I can't give you anything else!" Vivian leaned her head on Hao Ren's shoulder for the first time.

When Hao Ren and Vivian were in a good atmosphere there, everyone else present took the initiative to leave space for them...

When Shaqira led everyone to find the coordinates of the messenger in the sea, Vivian noticed that there seemed to be a demon hunter approaching this area.

Seeing this, Hao Ren took out the final brick, and then a virtual picture was projected in front of everyone. A small group of demon hunters came to the sea above the messenger coordinates. The leader was a one-eyed dragon with an eye patch on his left eye. This person was Hasu, one of the elders of the demon hunters.

Behind Hasu was a dark-skinned burly man, two men and women with serious expressions, and the demon hunter genius girl Bai Huo who had dealt with Hao Ren and others before.

These five demon hunters were obviously also coming for Nasaton. They were suspended above the sea of ​​the messenger coordinates, constantly taking out various Feng Shui props such as compasses, and desperately calculating the specific location of the messenger coordinates.

"Go up and say hello to them!" As soon as the voice fell, Vivian rushed to the sea first.

Immediately afterwards, Hao Ren, the sisters Bei Yu and Shaqila also rushed to the sea one after another.

"I didn't expect that I would get an unexpected prey when I came out to work today!" Hasu pretended to be deep and said this when Hao Ren and others surfaced.

"Are you sure that you are the hunters, not the prey? Hasu boy!" Vivian asked maliciously.

"Ms. Countess, after so many years, I didn't expect you to be the same as before. What are you doing here today?" Hasu's attitude suddenly became humble.

"It has nothing to do with you. Leave now. We can still pretend that nothing happened!" Vivian ordered Hasu and others to leave.

"The Countess who summoned the Red Moon, I, Tutanyin, a master-level demon hunter, want to fight you one-on-one now. I wonder if you can do me the honor of fighting?" The dark man-Tutanyin bowed to Vivian.

"Master-level demon hunter, who do you think you are? How can you, a junior, interrupt when the seniors are talking?" Vivian asked in a pretentious manner.

When Tutankhamun was about to move, Hasu grabbed his sleeve and told him not to act rashly.

"Sister, Vivian is bluffing! In fact, she has no confidence at all to defeat the five demon hunters in front of her!" Bessa said this in Kaiyu's ear, only moving her mouth without making any sound.

"Sister, you will do this in a while..." Kaiyu also said this in Bessa's ear in the same way.

"The junior does not know the rules, I hope the Countess will forgive me!" Vivian's momentum successfully frightened Hasu.

"You are a sensible kid!" Vivian accepted Hasu's apology.

In the following conversation, Hao Ren and others learned that Hasu and the other five demon hunters were also going to Nasaton. They had become particularly concerned about the fifth prophecy of the sirens.

Although Hao Ren tried his best to explain that the fifth prophecy of the sirens was a rumor spread by the aliens on land, Hasu and others still insisted on going to Nasaton to find out the truth. By the way, they could also discuss with the queen of the sirens about the specific matters of peaceful coexistence between demon hunters and sirens.

In the end, Vivian chose to compromise with Hasu and others' insistence on their own opinions. After all, if the demon hunters wanted to regret it temporarily after arriving in Nasaton, the five of them would become the prey.

In the following journey, Hao Ren and others learned further that the demon hunters actually knew that the fifth prophecy of the sirens was the result of rumors spread by the aliens on land.

Then the demon hunters also suspected that the queen of the sirens was controlled by something., so the saints of the Demon Hunter Organization sent Hasu and others to investigate this matter, because the Demon Hunters really didn't want to be enemies with the Sirens.

Of course, the Demon Hunters had this idea, not out of good intentions, but because the Demon Hunter Organization could no longer withstand the storm. Just facing the current alien situation, they were already somewhat powerless. If there was another Sirens clan as an opponent, then they would probably only be able to sit and wait to be destroyed by the concentrated fire.

Therefore, if you look at it from another angle, the part of the Sirens' fifth prophecy that was spread by rumor does not seem to be an unattainable vision. This is the common idea of ​​the Bei Yu sisters, but the others did not think of this.

In addition, the reason why the two groups of people today could not fight is that the demon hunters have learned to judge the situation, and the killing intention of the aliens in their genes has also weakened. If you want to put it more bluntly, they feel that they can't beat the Countess who summoned the Red Moon.

When the group returned to the sea again, the messenger coordinates that were just here disappeared again, and then the group had to search again. This time, with the participation of the demon hunters, they quickly found the new location of the messenger coordinates.

When passing through the layers of defense on the seabed and on the way to Nasaton, Hao Ren asked Hasu and others again, what is the reason for the demon hunters to hunt aliens? Then Vivian answered for the demon hunters: After seeing the aliens, they will involuntarily have the instinct to hunt the other party!

Hunting instinct, no matter how you listen to it, it seems like a rigid program implanted in the demon hunter's DNA. Could it be that the demon hunter's hunting of aliens is secretly fueled by a mastermind?

Vivian further explained that the demon hunter's hunting instinct is different from the mutual hostility between aliens. In the mythological era, after the demon hunter saw the alien, the hunting instinct would be automatically transformed into combat power, and then he would attack the alien involuntarily.

"Hasu boy, do you have the urge to hunt when you see me?" Vivian deliberately made a provocative gesture to Hasu.

"I have heard many predecessors say that their hunting instincts would be very weak when facing you, but that was a long time ago. With the passage of time, our hunting instincts for you have been rising for a fixed period of time, but in recent years, they have gradually weakened!" Hasu responded truthfully.

According to the situation shown on the surface, Vivian is the oldest "vampire" ancestor on the earth. Theoretically, the hunting instincts of the demon hunters for her should be the strongest, which is in line with common sense. However, there is such a contradiction between theory and reality, which makes many demon hunter elders and elders doubt Vivian's true identity!

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