After hearing about the topic of the eldest son, the brain monster's brain waves finally showed a slight fluctuation, which shows that there is indeed an unknown connection between it and the eldest son.

"Since you like this topic, why don't we have a deeper discussion! Looking at the red blood you showed, it reminds me of the replica of the source blood preserved by the Brilliant Sect. These believers firmly believe that these source bloods are the extension of the blood of the Goddess of Creation, and the source blood is the secret of the origin of all creatures in the dream plane!"

"How about it? Can we talk about the Goddess of Creation, the god of the origin of species in the dream plane?" The more Hao Ren talked, the more confident he felt that he could have a deep communication with the spiritual consciousness of the brain monster.

Unfortunately, after Hao Ren finished speaking, the spiritual consciousness of the brain monster stopped directly. After being silent for a while, it used its mental power in an angry tone to convey a sentence to Hao Ren's mind: You, the rebellious son, dared to talk about your mother at random, I will not forgive you!

In an instant, the spiritual world that was originally just like the end of the world, suddenly became dizzy, and the whole "world" began to collapse... Finally, under a burst of brilliant white light, Hao Ren and Vivian "walked" out of the spiritual world of the brain monster.

Although the brain monster only responded to this sentence, Hao Ren and Vivian were still able to analyze a lot of things. The brain monster, like the eldest son, was a divine creature directly created by the goddess of creation, and the rebellious son who rebelled or killed the goddess of creation was also a real species.

"Hao Ren, the brain monster doesn't want to talk about anything, but it only scolded you for not talking about the topic of the goddess of creation, which shows that the goddess of creation has a very important position in its heart. Then those scenes that are like the end of the world, will they be the scenes when the rebellious sons kill the goddess of creation?" Vivian put forward her own views.

Combining Vivian's insights with his previous research, Hao Ren felt that he was one step closer to the truth. At this point, he could make a bold guess:

In the mind monster's cognition, when the rebellious sons were killing the goddess of creation, there should have been other aliens who acted as spies or insiders in this action, so the mind monster now hates all the surviving aliens.

Just as Hao Ren and Vivian were still discussing topics related to the goddess of creation in the laboratory, and they couldn't help but sit closer and closer, Nolan's sweet electronic voice came into their ears at an inopportune time: Landlord, I found a spaceship that is almost identical to the Nasaton.

This is an immigrant ship that looks almost 90% similar to the Nasatron. It floats on the space orbit of Io, which is almost 180 degrees opposite to the orbital position that Nolan arrived at before, and there is Io between the two ships.

When Nolan gradually approached the immigrant ship, Zhongzhuan scanned the basic information of the ship without waiting for Hao Ren's instructions, and then she sent back this information: Nasatron has three sister ships, namely Zalazane, Antavian and Paracion.

Except for the specially designed Antavian, which has a symbolic core fusion tower, the other two ships have the same structure as Nasatron. The three of them should be made using the same blueprint.

In this way, the immigrant ship in front of us is either Zalazane or Paracion! Wait, the names of the four immigrant ships all end with "En". Why did the sirens name the ships like this?

After a preliminary scan by Zhongzhuan, she did not find any life signals on the immigrant ship, and then Nolan began to fly around it. The Giant Turtle Platform, which was only a few dozen meters long, was like an ant in front of the immigrant ship.

"It seems that there is no water dome or large protective wall!" After observing the immigrant ship for a long time, Katrina came to such a conclusion.

"What about the water dome! It doesn't even have a drop of water!" Liu Lili said so with a smack of her lips.

When Nolan flew around to the other end of the immigrant ship, everyone finally learned the cause of the ship's crash:

The protective shield of the ship had long disappeared, and many sections of the wall on the side were damaged. TheThe cabin had long been dispersed in space, and a large number of buildings and facilities on board were all exposed to the dry vacuum, being mercilessly roasted by the scorching sun and cosmic rays.

The cause of the crash of this immigration ship has been found, but how did the initial explosion come about? Was it the eldest son or the brain monster who created all this!

The abnormal situation of this immigration ship forced Hao Ren to temporarily adjust the plan. He first asked some powerful passengers to take exploration equipment to explore the immigration ship, and then decide on the next steps.

Originally, except for Gunmiao, Doudou and Beikai, the rest of the passengers had to follow Hao Ren to explore the immigration ship together. As a result, someone proposed to draw lots, so that the only people who could accompany Hao Ren out of the cabin were Vivian and Liu Lili.

"The world is so wonderful! Human spaceships need to be inflated, but the Siren spaceships need to be filled with water!" Liu Lili stood on the wreckage of the cabin that was once filled with clean water but now had no water left.

After the three people sighed, Hao Ren took the two girls and flew forward. After bypassing many space debris, the three of them came to a damaged alloy high wall. There was a large tear on the wall that was open to the outside. It was obviously destroyed by the shock wave. This should be one of the explosion points of the immigrant spaceship.

Next, Hao Ren took the lead and floated in from the tear. He hoped that he could find the reason why the immigrant spaceship was destroyed from the broken remains, and Vivian and Liu Lili followed closely.

After entering the tear, Hao Ren took out the final brick and determined that the explosion was not caused by the interior of the spaceship by comparing the distribution and structure of the pipelines of the Nasaton.

When Hao Ren was inspecting further, Vivian accidentally found a piece of metal with Siren characters written on it: Zara Zane-Sixth Low-pressure Circulation Pump-Main Pipeline, thus confirming the identity of this immigrant ship.

Facing the darkness ahead, Vivian released a few bats to explore the way, but the bats only flew a short distance before they began to circle in place.

"Vivian, I told you a long time ago that your bats' sense of direction will be greatly reduced in a vacuum. Why don't you always remember?" Hao Ren gently patted Vivian's shoulder.

"Don't worry! Hao Ren, I have improved it!" As soon as the voice fell, Vivian took out a slingshot, summoned the bats back and put them on the slingshot, and then these poor little guys were slingshotted into the dark pipe.

"You are really ruthless in treating your own clones!" Hao Ren stared in amazement as Vivian quickly ejected seven or eight little bats in different directions.

"It's not as serious as you say. At most, I was a little dizzy when I was ejected. If I don't learn some new skills after following you around all day, I won't be able to adapt to the new life!" Vivian said confidently with her arms folded across her chest.

Seeing this, Hao Ren suddenly thought of how Liu Lili spent five years learning the "skills" of Pegasus Meteor Brick and Dog Beating Eighteen Bricks. It turns out that Vivian is no better than Husky. How much better?

Abnormal creatures like them who want to live out the entire human history process can always waste a lot of time on trivial things without realizing it.

As for Vivian, who seems to be relatively stable and won't do anything stupid on weekdays, it's because she has lived for more than 10,000 years and has already done all the stupid things that can be done or even imagined, and it is very likely that she has done it more than once!

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