Although there is no clear book in the existing records of the Sirens that describes the specific appearance of the Sea Goddess Eva in detail, if she is a real god, Katrina, Elsa, Shakira, and most of the Sirens are willing to believe that their god looks like this.

When Hao Ren and the three Sirens were discussing the legend of Eva, the human face in the sea became even more angry, and then the sea water that covered the sky and the sun directly broke away from the control and connection of the ocean and formed a pair of even bigger hands. Seeing this, Nolan had to fly higher into the sky.

The Sirens who came to Earth forgot about Io and the Dream Plane, but they did not forget the existence of Eva. In fact, the legend about the Sea God was gradually formed after they settled on Earth. Even the name of the god "Eva" was the name of the Sea God imagined by the Sirens themselves.

"Don't disbelieve me, this so-called Poseidon Eva is actually a sea monster, but her body is all the sea water of the entire Io planet!" Zhong Zhuan said this in an unusually excited voice.

"Water is indeed amorphous!" Facing Eva, who is the size of a planet, Katrina, the other three sea monsters, and Nangong Wuyue could only sigh like this.

Io-Eva's violent attack is still going on. The small Giant Turtle Rock Platform is so small that it dodges like a moth in front of the violent rage of an entire planet.

Extremely angry, Eva simply mobilized all the sea water except for a human face. These sea waters directly bypassed Nolan's hull and formed a new layer of sea water surface in the atmosphere of Io. In this way, the Giant Turtle Rock Platform was completely wrapped in Io.

When Nolan's entire hull was wrapped, Eva calmed down. Seeing this, all the passengers on the spaceship, except for the Bekai family, breathed a sigh of relief.

"I solemnly remind you that Eva is not relaxing but accumulating her skills. She should have completely woken up!" Zhong Zhuan's voice came out at an inopportune time.

As soon as Zhong Zhuan's voice fell, a real-all-over ice knife and water arrow appeared on the inner side of the sea surface, and Nolan's shell defense system immediately sounded a very dangerous alarm.

Seeing this, Hao Ren immediately asked the Siren Queen-Katarina for her opinion: Do you mind if I fire at your gods? The Siren Queen immediately replied: The situation is urgent, you can do it yourself!

After obtaining the authorization from the Queen of the Sea Monsters, Hao Ren ordered Nolan to put all the weapons on the spacecraft, including the interstellar orbital gun, the laser main gun on the outer shell of the spacecraft, and all the defensive secondary guns, into a state of charging preparation.

The targets of the laser main gun and the defensive secondary gun are the ice knives and water arrows, while the target of the interstellar orbital gun is the sea god-Eva.

Just when Nolan's interstellar orbital gun was about to fire at Eva, Kaisha suddenly spoke up to stop Hao Ren's action.

"Although the strength of Bello and I was suppressed, we still found that this so-called sea god-Eva should be more like a collection of the resentment of the sea monsters who did not have time to escape!" Kaisha told everyone exactly what she and Bello had found.

"Of course, Eva herself also has the elements of Poseidon Io, but she has merged the resentment of those dead sirens, thus turning a race spirit into a super vengeful spirit!" After Kaisha finished speaking, Bello added this explanation.

Since Eva is a super vengeful spirit, it is possible to have a conversation with her. There is also a set of equipment on the spacecraft that can communicate with vengeful spirits, and under the dual calculations of Zhongzhuan and Nolan, the weapon system on the spacecraft should be able to maintain an hour of combat time.

After sitting in the spacecraft and trying several times, Hao Ren made a really bold decision. He wanted to jump into the sea with the equipment and have a face-to-face conversation with Eva. For this move, except for the Bekai family, the rest of the people stopped him, and even Zhongzhuan and Nolan did not agree.

However, under Hao Ren's repeated insistence, not only did he want to go down, but even the four sirens including Katrina had to go down, and for this, they had wasted very precious ten minutes.

Jumping into the oceanBefore, Hao Ren and the other five people encountered some obstacles, but with Eva's deliberate release, they finally plunged into the sea.

Next, with the help of communication equipment, Hao Ren and the other five people slowly closed their eyes, and then their consciousness entered Eva's memory.

First there was a chaotic scene, and then there was a quiet and peaceful underwater world. The sirens were born in this quiet and peaceful seabed. At first, they were a slow and dull omnivorous creature, covered with scales all over their bodies, and they also had human bodies and were good at mimicry.

Gradually, they acquired a life form between elemental creatures and carbon-based creatures in the magical environment of the planet's ocean. They dug caves in the seabed beaches to live, ate deep-sea shellfish and turned the remaining shells into tools in their hands. Their civilization developed step by step...

Occasionally, meteorites from space fell into the deep sea. The sirens regarded these meteorites as treasures. Gradually, they discovered metal elements from the meteorites, and their civilization ushered in a new era...

When the sirens used metal products to build an underwater kingdom, their civilization was written into a new chapter. After the first city was built, they slowly discovered the role of water flow, and then various equipment driven by water power was developed...

When the civilization of the sirens became more and more brilliant, a thousand years after the establishment of the Siren Dynasty, a brave siren finally wanted to see the scenery above the deep sea, and then she set off with an expedition team...

The first expedition team did not get any What harvest, but the Sirens' exploration journey did not end. Finally, around the 2,000th year after the establishment of the Undersea Dynasty, a new expedition team finally arrived in the sea area where the sun shone. At this time, the Sirens realized the concept of "light"...

After coming into contact with the light element, the Sirens came into contact with air for the first time. It took them another 600 years to adapt to the air environment from their fear of air at the beginning. After adapting to the air environment, they began to build various stargazing facilities...

When the first stargazer, Ivina, witnessed the first clearing of the sky on Io, the second clearing day was more than 1,700 years later. For this reason, the Sirens spent hundreds of years to gradually understand the concept of "day and night alternation"...

Because of the special environment of Io, everything the Sirens did was much more difficult and arduous than other races, but they did not stop exploring. When Ivina saw the first clearing of the sky in the fourth thousand years, they finally developed a flying vehicle that could fly through the storm!

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