Before the birth of Little Weak Chicken, Hao Ren and others had learned about the approximate strength of the evil body through the description of some ancient scrolls. Their combat effectiveness can basically beat Vivian under normal circumstances.

And in these ancient scrolls, many of Vivian's evil bodies were crowned with the title of "Demon God" or "Blood God". A large number of human wizards regarded the sacrifice of the Demon God or the worship of the Blood God as their life motto and the greatest pursuit goal.

And this also explains why Vivian, the God of Poverty and Unlucky, still has so many humans who want to get a taste of her joy? Because they all know the relationship between Vivian and the Demon God (Blood God)!

Since the birth of Little Weak Chicken is an evil body clone of Vivian, and it is also "filtered" by the amulet given by the goddess Shunzi, so she not only has low combat effectiveness, but also a little confused, and can't even speak.

Faced with the weakling who depended on her, Vivian could only keep him like a pet, hoping that he would not develop into another Heather Anna.

After a series of extensive research on Vivian's splitting of the evil body, Hao Ren felt that there should be some unknown virus in Vivian's body, and this virus was different from the pollutants in the bodies of the aliens.

Hao Ren estimated that every time Vivian fell asleep, she was actually detoxifying, and the frenzy state before falling asleep should be the precursor of the virus reaching the critical point and the blackening and demonic possession. Therefore, Vivian's combat effectiveness during that period of time would show a geometric increase, and this is the so-called blackening is three points stronger.

However, the virus in Vivian's body could not be completely discharged no matter what. Every time the poison was discharged, that is, after splitting an evil body, the virus seeds still remained in her body, and then waited for the next critical point of the virus, that is, the arrival of the eve of falling asleep.

For this reason, Hao Ren also came to a funny conclusion: Vivian's lost memory and power should have been taken away by these evil thoughts.

After Hao Ren came to this conclusion, Goddess Shunzi opened up some permissions to him. Raven 12345 took him to another collection room and took a look at a whole row of Vivian's evil thoughts that were forcibly stilled.

Every time Vivian's evil thoughts appeared, it would definitely cause a stir. Then, as the earth's nanny, Goddess Shunzi would send elemental servants to the earth to bring these evil thoughts back "in one piece".

If Vivian had not separated these evil thoughts, how powerful would her original strength be? This is the answer that Hao Ren wanted to know the first time after looking at a whole row of "hand-made figures"!

Therefore, the current priority is to quickly solve the mystery of Vivian's life experience. Although everyone is speculating that she is related to the goddess of creation, there is no actual evidence.

And Bekai and the others, who have long noticed that there is a trace of divine breath in Vivian's body, have basically come to the conclusion: Vivian must be the daughter of the goddess of creation! It's just that due to the limitations of the will of the universe, the two of them cannot tell everyone this information.

In the next dream plane journey, Hao Ren and others finally made significant progress in the investigation. They actually found three living giants. Their names are Muru, Dusa and Sif, and Sif is a female giant.

The three giants told Hao Ren and others that they were all the guardians created by their mother (the goddess of creation). Their duties are to protect the safety of the Star of Creation, to receive pilgrims from other planets, and to take care of their mother's food and daily life.

As the creator of the dream plane, the Goddess of Creation has always been a pilgrimage site for all forces. These guardian giants receive a large number of pilgrims from various planets every day. When the mother recites the oracle for each pilgrim, it is the happiest moment for these guardian giants.

But one day, a group of rebellious sons who called themselves "God Killers" suddenly appeared in the dream plane. The elite warriors among them had a single strength that exceeded most of the guardian giants. They also claimed that the Goddess of Creation was a cancer of the dream plane and issued a slogan to openly kill God.

At first, the Goddess of Creation did not take these rebellious sons to heart, and she kept persuading them to fightThe idea of ​​killing gods was eliminated. We were all creatures of the dream plane, and we should live in peace.

The rebellious sons accepted the teachings of the goddess of creation on the surface, but they actually expanded their troops in secret. When the time was right, they launched a war of killing gods for more than a hundred years towards the Star of Creation.

At the beginning of the war of killing gods, the goddess of creation sent a distress signal to support the Star of Creation to every planet in the dream plane.

After receiving the distress signal, and knowing that the rebellious sons came with bad intentions, all the wandering guardian giants rushed back to the Star of Creation without hesitation to help their mother resist foreign enemies.

However, the pilgrims who had come to the Star of Creation did not see any human figures. As a result, the Guardian Giants unanimously determined that these bastards (aliens) who did not help must have been in collusion with the rebellious sons or had a secret relationship.

When the situation on the Star of Creation became more and more serious, the Goddess of Creation asked the Guardian Giants to leave here quickly and not be destroyed with her, but the Guardian Giants refused to leave no matter what.

In the end, the Goddess of Creation knocked out all the Guardian Giants with tears in her eyes, and sent them to the spaceship, and then she opened a random space portal and sent the giants out of the Star of Creation.

After being teleported out of the Star of Creation, the Guardian Giants' spaceships were scattered to various corners of the dream plane. Out of distrust of all the aliens, the Giants' observers chose a planet where native species were born as the meeting place for the giants to meet and return to the Star of Creation.

Needless to say, the meeting place chosen by the giants was most likely above the star Io, but their observer spaceship had a little unpleasantness with the spaceship of the sirens.

But these are not the main points. The main point is that after the giants met, they gradually discovered that there were traitors who were secretly in collusion with the rebellious sons in the team of the guardian giants. It was because of the passive resistance of these traitors that the founding star fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

So, a civil war between the guardian giants was in full swing above the star Io, and the traitor giants also invented a weapon specifically used to deal with the guardian giants, an electronic pulse weapon that can affect the other party's brain waves.

Yes, those brain monsters that once caused various crises actually belonged to the ranks of the guardian giants. They originally belonged to the righteous side. As a result, after they lost their mothers, lost the meaning of existence, and became monsters again, they started a wandering journey in the dream plane.

Once the brain monsters meet the surviving alien creatures, they will attack without hesitation, because they will treat these aliens as traitors... and all this is the truth about the brain monsters. As for the brain monster that appeared in the Siren Kingdom, it was just a "poor creature" who accidentally came to the surface world and wanted to go home quickly!

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