"So that's how they evacuated! That thing looks like the source blood! The rebellious sons seem to be quite afraid of it!" Liu Lili blinked tiredly after seeing the surveillance footage.

Hao Ren did not respond to Liu Lili's judgment. He continued to stare at the surveillance footage because the video recording had not yet completely ended.

After all the rebellious sons in the hall had evacuated, the blood-red liquid was still quietly suspended in place. It did not chase the rebellious sons who fled in a hurry, nor did it destroy any equipment on the golden spaceship.

Although those who escaped from the liquid regarded it as a scourge, it did not seem to have any tendency to attack actively. The previous bold rebellious son commander could only be said to have accidentally become an unlucky guy who ate the "crab" for others.

At this moment, a communicator in the hall suddenly lit up, and a full-body image of a woman appeared on the holographic projection of the communicator.

The moment Hao Ren and the other two saw the figure of the woman, they had a sense of familiarity. They all felt that the woman in the picture had a sense of déjà vu.

"Flagship No. 3, report your situation... Flagship No. 3, your situation... What is this?!" The woman who appeared on the communicator seemed to be unaware of the situation on Flagship No. 3. After she called several times, she suddenly stopped talking, and then she saw the red liquid floating in the air, and then she was stunned.

In fact, the red liquid was also frightened by the holographic projection that suddenly popped up, but it immediately approached with interest, and then it twisted in front of the woman's projection.

The red liquid was slowly stretching, and then it "grew" hands, feet and clothes, and also simulated the color of skin and the texture of fabric. Next, it created a long hair for itself, and then it made several adjustments because it was not perfect enough... It should be imitating the appearance of the woman who appeared on the communicator.

When the woman on the other side of the communicator finally realized that she was looking at something and what was going on, she screamed, and then she cut off the communication line directly.

The blood-red liquid was no longer a liquid now, she was already a living person. When the woman on the other side cut off the communication screen, she had not had time to adjust the other person's appearance to be exactly the same as the other person, so she immediately looked a little annoyed.

The red liquid now looked 70% similar to the rebellious officer, but she was basically completely consistent with someone that Hao Ren and the other two knew: Vivian!

After a short while of annoyance, "Vivian" in the picture quickly forgot about it. She looked down at the simulated clothes on her body, and a satisfied look appeared on her face. Then she imitated the voice she had just heard and shouted to the empty spaceship hall: Flagship No. 3, Flagship No. 3...

Without anyone responding, "Vivian" clapped her hands again, and a white light appeared in the air, and then she opened a portal, and then she walked in with big strides, and she was still muttering as she walked: What is this? What on earth is this? What on earth is this...

Well, the surveillance recording was truly over after this, but Hao Ren and the other two were shocked by these pictures and stood there a little "petrified". In the end, Liu Lili was the first to come back to her senses and asked: That was a bat just now! That was definitely a bat just now! .

"So you think so too. I thought I was seeing things wrong. It turns out that it was really Vivian!" Hao Ren pinched his cheeks hard and found that it hurt, indicating that he was not dreaming.

"So this is how bats were born. Landlord, hurry up and make a long-distance call across the plane. I have something important to say to bats!" Liu Lili jumped up and down excitedly. After a while, she grabbed Hao Ren's sleeves with both hands.

After Hao Ren sighed helplessly, he asked Zhong Zhuan to connect the landline at home. The person who answered the phone at first was still Kaisha, because VivianCooking in the kitchen.

"Big Dog, I'm cooking now. You'd better have something very important to do. Otherwise, when you come back, I will pull out a few tufts of your dog hair!" Vivian held the spatula in one hand and picked up the receiver of the landline with the other hand.

"Bat, you can't pull out my dog ​​hair this time, because I just saw how you came out of your mother's womb!" Liu Lili said smugly while holding the final brick.

"Big Dog, you are a lunatic. You called me across the dimension just to say this. When you come back, I will pull out your dog tail!" Vivian hung up the phone angrily.

Yes, Hao Ren also felt that Liu Lili was a lunatic at this time, but he could also understand the mood of this husky spirit. He must be very excited now, because he himself was not calm at all.

After Liu Lili slowly calmed down from her extremely excited mood, Hao Ren touched his chin and muttered to himself: If I am not mistaken, the pictures we just saw are indeed the birth process of Vivian. Now we have finally found direct evidence of her relationship with the Goddess of Creation!

Vivian was indeed created by the Goddess of Creation. Hao Ren and others speculated that the raw material for her creation should be source blood, and she is obviously a unique individual. In addition, she was born on the eve of the Creation Star being breached. It is clear that her birth is different from that of the Guardian Giant. She should have her own exclusive mission.

In response to this situation, Hao Ren first thought that the Genesis Engine had identified Vivian as its administrator. However, before he could continue to think deeply, Liu Lili suddenly interrupted his thoughts: Landlord, fortunately Vivian has not completely imitated the appearance of the rebellious son, otherwise her skin should be dark gold. In addition, what kind of species is she?

"It should be no species at all. She is obviously a different creature from the Guardian Giant and the eldest son. She should be a super life form!" Yzax expressed his point of view.

"However, she looks like a vampire. What's going on?" Liu Lili asked curiously.

"Because of imitation, you just saw that when Vivian was just born, she didn't even have a fixed form. She imitated the rebellious officer and imitated about 70% of his appearance. If I'm not wrong, when she went to Earth, the first creature she saw should be a vampire, so..." Hao Ren combined the surveillance video just now and said his reasoning.

"How great it would be if the first creature she saw after she came to Earth was a dog!" Liu Lili said with a mean look on her face.

Hao Ren ignored Liu Lili's stupidity and connected the communication with Muru and other four giants again: You have seen everything just now! What do you think about this?

"Are you sure that the woman born from the source blood in the picture just now is the girl who has been with you all the time?" As Muru, who knew Vivian, asked on behalf of himself and the other giants.

"I can be sure!" Hao Ren responded decisively.

"I want to meet her. She should be the key clue left by my mother. She should have some important information to pass on to us!" Dusa said excitedly.

"Unfortunately, she has completely forgotten her origins. She doesn't even know that she has a relationship with the goddess of creation. If it weren't for our investigation, she might not even know that she came from the dream plane!" Hao Ren had to go to the giants and pour a basin of cold water on them.

"How about this! Next time I come to the dream plane, I will bring her here! But you really don't have too much hope. Muru has met her, and he can testify that he can't feel any breath related to the goddess of creation from Vivian!" After pouring a basin of cold water, Hao Ren sent a sweet date to the giants!

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