When Hao Ren returned to the living room of his home, he listened to some of the irritating words that Gunmiao had said in person, which he had already been immune to, as usual, and then the cat-eared girl got a large box of top-grade cat food.

After Liu Lili stepped into the living room, she was looking for Vivian: Bat, Bat, come out quickly, I want to talk to you about your birth process.

As soon as Liu Lili finished speaking, Vivian came out of the kitchen with a rolling pin: Hao Ren, you are back, has anyone seen that stupid cat?

"She just asked me for food, and now..." Hao Ren closed his eyes and felt it, and saw that the cat-eared girl was now carrying a box of cat food and moving quickly towards the commercial street in the southern suburbs.

Gunmiao, who had eaten the golden apple, ran so fast that you could see some afterimages that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"That stupid cat, just now, while I wasn't paying attention, used the leftover fish bones, cat food, mice, and food picked up from the garbage dump to make a pot of stew for you, the owner. And she used the top-grade pressure cooker that the sisters Kaiyu and Betha just brought back from the supermarket!" Vivian held up the rolling pin and gritted her teeth as she recounted the "crime" of the rolling cat.

"When she comes back, I will definitely teach her a lesson. Now it's time to talk about business!" Hao Ren took the rolling pin from Vivian's hand and asked her to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Bat, what I said on the phone before was true. I really saw how you were born from your mother's womb. It turns out that you were neither born from eggs nor from the womb, but from fluid!" Liu Lili said so excitedly.

"You big dog, you really can't spit out ivory from your mouth. Believe it or not, I'm going to pull out your dog hair now!" Vivian stood up and grabbed Liu Lili's hair.

"Stinky bat, you treat my kindness as fish liver and lungs, I'm going to bite you to death..." Liu Lili bit Vivian's arm directly.

"Okay, okay, both of you stop making trouble! Vivian, Lili is right, you are indeed fertilized, this is a video, take a look for yourself!" Hao Ren put the final brick on the coffee table, and then the brick began to play the surveillance footage.

Vivian sat on the sofa in confusion, watching the images projected from the end brick: in the lobby of the Rebellious Son Battleship, a blood-red liquid suddenly appeared, and after scaring a Rebellious Son officer to death, it began to imitate the Rebellious Son female officer in the communicator...

"Where did you take these pictures, and who are these golden people?" Vivian really couldn't believe that she was born like this.

"These are all surveillance pictures on a Rebellious Son Battleship. As for these golden people, they are the Rebellious Sons, that is, the God Killer Clan. The shutdown area of ​​this spaceship is an area where time is almost still. We..." Hao Ren spent about an hour describing the incident in detail to Vivian.

"So that's how I came to be. I am a super life form created by the goddess of creation using the source blood. At the beginning, I didn't even have a fixed form. The reason why I look like this now is because I imitated the appearance of a rebellious officer, and after arriving on Earth, I imitated the ability of a vampire?" Vivian asked back with a shocked face.

"Yes, yes! Bat, when you learned that you are not afraid of the sun, like to eat garlic, have healing talents, and differentiated little bats, and can freely cultivate into spirits, how did you firmly believe that you are a vampire, and it has been more than 10,000 years. If I were you, I would have doubted my bloodline long ago!" Liu Lili said this with a sarcastic tone.

As soon as Liu Lili finished speaking, everyone present turned their heads to look at her. Hao Ren picked up the dog tail of the Husky spirit and said: Do you feel guilty about saying these words? Until a few years ago, you still firmly believed that you were a werewolf! When you squatted on the ground to eat noodles for the first time, didn't you doubt your bloodline?

"Huskies and wolves are close relatives. Maybe my great-grandfather's great-grandfather was a Siberian wolf!" Liu Lili argued with a perfunctory argument.

"But when it came to your great-grandfather's generation, they even didn't let go of Pekingese!" Hao Ren knocked on Liu Lili's head and said so with a teasing look on his face.

"Landlord, stop talking.The more I talk about this topic, the more I feel embarrassed!" Liu Lili buried her head under the coffee table.

"If that's the case, my strange abilities have a more reasonable explanation, but if my essence is really the source blood, then I should have the ability to imitate all living things, but why have I never realized that I have this ability?" Vivian said with her hands spread out.

"With your characteristics of washing every time you sleep, God knows how many times you have washed out this skill. Maybe there is still the original power of the source blood in your body, but you have deleted even the skill bar!" Hao Ren also spread his hands and echoed.

"Aunt Vivian, you know nothing about your own power!" Elizabeth, who was standing aside, acted like an old-fashioned person, and said so seriously with a tight face.

"Who taught you this sentence? "Hao Ren asked Elizabeth curiously.

"About a hundred years ago, my father said this when he was beating a human swordsman!" Elizabeth thought about it for a while.

Vivian ignored Elizabeth's interruption. She began to close her eyes and wanted to feel whether there was any ancient and mysterious power sleeping in her body. But after feeling it carefully, she still couldn't feel anything!

And Vivian was still thinking about a question: If the power she lost suddenly came back, what would she look like? Because when the goddess of creation created herself, she obviously didn't use her current standard as a reference!

"I'm afraid I forgot the most important thing. The guardian giant named Dusa is right. The goddess of creation must have a special mission to create me! Am I going to guide all the aliens? Or am I responsible for the special task of rebuilding the dream plane? "Vivian muttered to herself.

"Don't think about it if you can't remember it. Humans are basically incurable after losing their memory once, not to mention that you have formatted it dozens of times!" Hao Ren calmed Vivian's emotions.

There is only one sentence that Hao Ren did not say clearly, that is, he also thinks that Vivian's mission is related to rebuilding the dream plane. After all, as the administrator of the creation engine, Vivian's mission is most likely related to "creation"! Creation: Does it mean to re-create the dream plane?

"Aunt Vivian, your life is like a blank piece of paper. Because it is stained with too many colors, you finally forget your original color!" Elizabeth said so again in a deep voice.

"Who taught you this sentence again?" Hao Ren grabbed one of Elizabeth's devil horns.

"In Aunt Lily's laptop, when she was writing a romance novel, the sentences she used were very sour! "Elizabeth pointed at the husky spirit who was still lowering his head.

"Can the affairs of literati be called sour?" Liu Lili raised her head slightly.

"You guys continue to chat slowly! I have to go to Sister Raven now. I have to tell her about such a major discovery!" As soon as the voice fell, Hao Ren opened the final brick, a transmission channel to the God Realm.

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