The furnishings in the Mage Tower are not as gloomy and depressing as the wizard tower in the impression of ordinary people. In fact, except for those magical creations and arcane phenomena that come out from time to time and scare people, the tower is full of bright lights and light-hearted paintings.

Anthony is obviously very proud of the design of the home decoration. He introduced it to everyone while leading the way:

I spent more than three hundred years to improve the traditional magic structure, and finally got some inspiration from the "simulated neural grid" technology of a certain world, and directly wrapped the entire tower with a three-dimensional energy network.

These metal wires and magic energy conduits buried in the rock wall transmit energy like blood vessels and nerves, and the tower can also be regarded as an antenna, allowing me to connect with the bases placed on other planets.

In fact, I am ashamed to say that many basic technologies and resources were given to me by the goddess. Human energy has its limits after all. However, for almost immortal guys like us, as long as we have time, there is nothing that we cannot learn and nothing that we cannot study thoroughly.

"Bero, Anthony's magic technology is worth learning. If we change our thinking, these knowledge theories can be applied to the technology of angels!" Kaisha's insight eyes are constantly reading the various structures and layouts in this wizard tower.

Bero did not respond. He just paced and used his spiritual sense to explore and feel the various magic elements in this wizard tower.

"Anthony, you are much better than me. I am not a material for scientific research!" Hao Ren scratched the back of his head.

"Hao Ren, don't underestimate yourself. Many people are paying attention to you. Your experience has made many examiners feel ashamed. I heard that you even put some demigod creatures into the laboratory for slice research. These things, I and most of the examiners don't even want to think about it!" Anthony patted Hao Ren on the shoulder.

After hearing these words from Anthony, Hao Ren silently complained in his heart: If it weren't for Vivian, who would want to deal with those dangerous things all day long?

"Let's talk about the situation of Yogudora Hill first!" Hao Ren hurriedly changed the subject.

"To be honest, I haven't had much contact with this kind of creature, but according to my observation, he is still quite honest now. He should have exhausted his strength! I have a magic hut in space. When that thing just came, it scared my disciple who was in charge of guarding the hut!"

"The two guests walking at the end, you two are the two extraterritorial gods mentioned by the goddess! If you two like my magic technology, why don't we find a time to sit down and discuss it! You two don't have to steal my technology in this way!" Anthony suddenly changed the subject and looked at Beikai and the other two walking at the end of the team.

"Sorry, we didn't do it on purpose!" Bello apologized to Anthony on behalf of himself and Kaisha.

"It's okay, it's rare to meet like-minded people. How about tonight! Let's go to the top of the tower together and have a good exchange with each other!" Anthony suggested without any anger.

"Then I'd rather obey you than be respectful!" Bello put his right hand on his chest and saluted Anthony slightly.

With Anthony's promise, Bekai and the other two also retracted their spiritual sense exploration and insight eyes.

Next, everyone continued to follow Anthony and walked up the spiral staircase. After they passed through the banquet hall of the Mage Tower and two laboratories of unknown purpose, the space on the upper floor seemed empty.

At this time, it gave people the illusion that the higher they went, the more spacious the space inside the tower became, as if the Mage Tower was placed upside down. There was no need to doubt it anymore, this was a wonderful use of space magic.

Finally, everyone followed Anthony and came to a round hall that was wider than a football field. The four sides of the round hall were closed with colored glass, and above it was a black dome made of obsidian. In the gaps between the obsidian dome, there were countless stars, as if the light like stars was flowing.

"This is Anthony's observatory, but this is not the most mysterious place. The top of the tower is his exclusive space!" Galazoel found a place to sit down with ease.

"What exclusive space?"Space? It's just my little private space! Let's get back to the point. I've said before that I sealed up Yugudorahil with the Star Barrier. The entrance to the Star Barrier is here! "As soon as Anthony finished speaking, a dark object suddenly emerged from a shadow corner of the round hall.

Next, the dark object slowly changed its form in front of everyone, and finally it turned into a petite girl. After the girl looked at everyone, she floated to Anthony's side like a ball of air: Teacher, the star track disk has been debugged.

"This is my disciple who I accepted fifty years ago-Ailu, she is responsible for the observatory here! There are not many disciples who can complete the studies I set, and Ailu is one of them! "Anthony touched Ai Lu's little head with a smile, and then he introduced Hao Ren's identity and other people to the female disciple.

After hearing Hao Ren's identity, Ai Lu immediately hid behind Anthony like a frightened rabbit. After a long time, she whispered to Hao Ren: Sorry, Mr. Inquisitor, I was a little rude just now!

"It's okay, you didn't mean it!" Hao Ren was embarrassed and could use his toes to dig out a villa in his shoes.

From this point of view, the rumors about Hao Ren's name, such as the blasting genius, the explosion wherever he walked, the death of anyone he stared at, and the good grave digging, have now spread to these "remote" areas of the universe.

"Okay, Ai Lu! Get the key to open the star barrier ready, we are going to meet that big guy tomorrow! "Anthony did not blame Elu for being rude.

Elu breathed a sigh of relief, and then she floated directly to a spherical object in the round hall and tried to see if it could still work normally. This glowing spherical object made many people, including Hao Ren, think it was just a lamp.

At night, Anthony brought Bekai and some interested friends to the different space on the top of the tower as agreed. As for the route to the top of the tower, you only need to push open a specific window in the round hall and jump out to float to the top of the tower.

However, after everyone jumped out, only Anthony, Bekai, Hao Ren, and Galadjoer were left. Together with Yzaks and several others, they came to the different space at the top of the tower. After jumping out of the window, the others, including Vivian, were all sent back to the round hall by a mysterious force.

But compared with the others, Vivian was obviously sent back by the mysterious force after she touched a little bit of "scraps" at the top of the tower. It can be seen that if she had not separated those dozens of evil thoughts, she should have been qualified to reach the top of the tower.

The top of this wizard tower is completely an isolated different space. It can be said that there are all kinds of things here, or there are no items, because all the scenes here are controlled according to Anthony's personal will!

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