After collecting the weapons on the scene, everyone planned to build a huge God's Grave for these former "gods" on the principle of respecting the dead, but the actual result was that they directly dug a pit nearby and buried these "gods" hastily.

While cleaning the bones, Vivian was still constantly introducing to everyone which "god"'s bones this was, and whose remains that was...

Near the remains of Jörmungandr and Thor, Liu Lili found a powerful alien skeleton. Vivian recognized that this was Frey of the Vanir, Frigga's younger brother. He defeated the fire giant Surtur with his bare hands, but eventually died of exhaustion.

More than a hundred meters away from where Frey died, the bodies of War God Tyr and Hellhound Garm were completely entangled together. The two skeletons were almost completely broken. They had obviously chosen to die together in an extremely tragic fight.

Vivian stood on a big rock and told everyone: When War God Tyr and Hellhound Garm were fighting each other, Frey came over and said something to her, and they made an agreement, and then he turned around and fought with the fire giant Surtur.

Coincidentally, at the moment Frey fell, Vivian ushered in a new round of sleep cycle, and then her acquaintances became hideous monsters in her eyes, and Loki laughed at the rainbow bridge.

Soon after, the demon hunters' army attacked in full force, and Vivian, who was about to fall into a frenzy at this time, left this place desperately before she completely lost consciousness. When she woke up again, the mythological era had completely ended.

One more thing to add, Thor was ambushed by the demon hunters' pioneer pathfinders. All the demon hunters responsible for pathfinders died under the siege of the Norse gods before the large army arrived, and Vivian had not yet entered the sleeping cycle.

It can only be said that the Norse gods are too stupid. The demon hunters' pathfinders came to attack once, but they did not choose to temporarily put aside their grudges and join forces to face the outside world, and they had to continue the process of Ragnarok. It is really not a pity to die.

As the faces of familiar faces appeared in Vivian's sight, her memory of Ragnarok became clearer and clearer. These memories helped fill in the blanks in Hao Ren's information and help him complete this work report better.

When digging pits and erecting monuments for these "gods", Liu Lili was the most active one. After all, she liked the myths of the Nordic gods very much. Now she had to move the remains of the gods, which was like the joy of ordinary people to deal with the affairs of their idols after seeing their idols. (Narrator: Why does this metaphor sound a bit weird!)

When Hao Ren was carving monuments for each "god", Anthony and Galadjoer took out their respective data terminals and took pictures of this rare scene. If nothing unexpected happens, Hao Ren will have to add some new and eye-catching "nicknames" in this universe from now on, such as a one-stop funeral service.

After cleaning up most of the remains, the long-silent Final Brick finally spoke: Hao Ren, Gungnir should be nearby, I have detected a very strong resonance signal.

When Hao Ren raised his head and prepared to go to Gungnir's location, he happened to see Anthony and Galadjoer holding a data terminal and filming him, and the Dragon Queen's terminal just made a sound similar to the automatic shutter button.

"Well, Anthony, the scenery here is nice! Let's take another photo together!" Galadjoer raised the data terminal and took a photo with Anthony beside him, and the old wizard also cooperated very well and posed for a photo pass.

Seeing this, Hao Ren sighed and slapped his forehead. He did not dare to rush forward to ask his two colleagues for the video materials that had been secretly filmed before. What's more, those video materials are probably now in the employee group chat and are spreading everywhere.

After sighing, Hao Ren gathered everyone and headed towards Gungnir's location. Maybe they could see Odin's remains there..

Next, an impact crater with a radius of several dozen meters appeared in front of everyone. The ground around the impact crater showed a solidified glass texture after being melted. Obviously, it had been subjected to a very strong high temperature baptism.

At the bottom of the impact crater, a huge and twisted skeleton of a beast was half buried under sand and soil. This skeleton was even larger than Liu Lili after she was completely transformed. Although it had been twisted and deformed and most of it was buried by soil and rocks, everyone could still see at a glance that it was once a giant wolf.

"Will I become like this after I die?" Liu Lili was shocked at first, and then she began to feel sad. After all, the one lying in the giant pit was also her own kind.

As they didn't know much about this husky spirit, Anthony and Galadjoer both looked at Liu Lili, whose brain circuit was a bit weird, at the same time.

"This is Fenrir!" Vivian read out a name. From this, it can be seen that the remains of this beast are one of the most terrifying beasts in Norse mythology: Fenrir, the giant wolf that devours the sky, and in some human mythology books, everyone also defines it as Loki's mount.

Obviously, in human mythology books, their description of Fenrir is a bit exaggerated. The giant wolf in front of him is far from being able to swallow the sky and eat the moon. Its "terrifying" name may come from its own powerful strength rather than its size.

When everyone came to the remains of Fenrir, the signal prompt of the final brick sounded continuously. It can be seen that the remaining part of Gungnir is undoubtedly in this big pit, and it is most likely in Fenrir's stomach.

Yes! In human mythology books, Odin's final ending is to be eaten by Fenrir. Although Vivian did not see the process of Odin's fall, she still firmly believed that her old friend died in this way.

Wait, Vivian had told everyone before that the content of the book and the real plot are two different things, but now she firmly believes that Odin's death is as shown in the book. This is really a descendant of the gods who likes to play double standards!

However, when Hao Ren used the final brick to scan a circle, he also believed that the remaining part of Gungnir was in Fenrir's stomach, because there was no trace of Odin's spear in the big pit, so he called Liu Lili to come and dig the pit, oh no, come and dig the remains.

Although Liu Lili was the best at digging among all the people present, when facing her own kind, this husky spirit still hesitated: It looks too much like me, I feel a little scared.

"Frighten your head! Big dog, look at it clearly, this is a wolf, not a dog. You are full and have nothing to do here, what kind of relationship with it are you trying to make?" Vivian took Liu Lili's collar and brought her to the closest position to Fenrir.

Just when Liu Lili figured it out and was about to dig up Fenrir's remains, Besha shouted: Get out of my way, it's just a dead dog, isn't it? A small two-color fire lotus will do the trick!

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Hao Ren, who knew the power of the fire lotus, quickly ordered everyone to leave the pit.

Besha's two-color fire lotus smashed down, and Fenrir's remains were blown to pieces on the spot, and then a scene of blood and flesh flying appeared. Those who had not had time to completely evacuate the pit were baptized by a wave of wolf blood and wolf meat, and Fenrir's bones were being burned by the strange fire.

Hao Ren had already understood that the more types of flames Besha used in her fire lotus attack and the larger the size of the fire lotus, the stronger the power of the fire lotus would be, and vice versa. The fire lotus that just attacked Fenrir was not only very small in size but also had only two types of flames, and the opponent used the two least powerful flames!

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