With a loud bang, the Golden Palace guard who was fighting with Anthony was finally knocked to the ground. The armor on his body broke straight from all the joints and scattered all over the ground. Then everyone saw that there was nothing inside the armor.

Seeing this, the others also concentrated their power to attack a certain part of the Golden Palace guard. Hao Ren waved Gungnir and cut off the head of an enemy, and Liu Lili's two dog claws directly broke an enemy's arm... As a result, there was nothing inside these broken armors without exception.

"It turns out that they are all hollow. I said that the feeling of this attack is a bit wrong!" Galadhor used the power of the dragon and dismantled the two arms of a Golden Palace guard with his bare hands.

Just when everyone was still sighing that they had fought with a bunch of empty armors for so long, the armor parts scattered on the ground began to slowly gather together, and then these "dead" Golden Palace guards "came back to life" again.

"Oh my god, they are not dead yet!" Hao Ren waved Gungnir again and cut off the limbs of a Golden Palace guard who had just "resurrected". As a result, the opponent only took about five minutes to stand up again with "full blood".

Next, it was Yzaks who discovered the only weakness of these Golden Palace guards, which was to tear these armors into pieces so that the enemies could not put them together again. As a result, the style of the battle on the scene changed further, and everyone changed their respective moves to a large-scale battle type.

Afterwards, various famous scenes of real hand-tearing armor were staged one after another. Especially for the two female Tyrannosaurus, Galadjoer and Liu Lili, they were the two most enthusiastic when they tore the bodies of the Golden Palace guards.

After a period of fighting and studying, everyone slowly discovered that they only needed to divide each independent part of the armor into three pieces, or more than three pieces, and they could no longer be put together.

"I finally remembered what these things are. You can disassemble them along their joints, which will be more convenient!" Vivian flew up and reminded everyone.

These Golden Palace guards are Enheria in mythology and legend. Their magic resistance is terrifyingly high. They are the Valhalla warriors in Norse mythology, and the word "Heroic Spirit" was first coined by Vivian. It's just that the records in the mythology books and the reality are not the same.

The records in the mythological books may be about the heroic warriors, who are the souls of the "gods" who died in battle, collected in the Hall of Valor, and then made into undead warriors by Odin.

But the reality is: the Valkyries run around on the battlefield, collecting the souls of the dead, and then forging these souls with a pile of black gold steel in the soul furnace of Valhalla... In the end, their souls were permanently cast into a set of armor, and this hollow armor is Enheria.

Enheria has no blood or tears and knows no pain. Their state is always immersed in the excitement of the last bloody battle in their lives, which makes them extremely aggressive, and they are also extremely tough. Unless they are shattered to pieces, they can hardly be destroyed. But even if they are shattered to pieces, as long as they are recovered in time, the dwarf blacksmith can repair them again.

Because the fertility of the Norse gods is generally very low, this Enheriya was once the main warrior of Asgard, but when the Ragnarok came, the central control room responsible for operating Enheriya was inexplicably attacked, so that more than half of the Enheriya were not sent to the battlefield, so the Odin clan lost so badly.

Yes! After wiping off the bright whitewash of myths and legends and removing the mysterious veil of religious beliefs, the real history is so cruel. Behind these cold ghost armors is the real mythological era, which is a bitter history full of human blood and tears.

In order to obtain a steady stream of Enheriya, the Norse gods will deliberately or deliberately guide and cause large-scale wars to break out between human kingdoms, but those ignorant humans are proud of being able to enter Valhalla after death. Yes, humans themselves actually strongly support this cruel cause of the Norse gods.

“It sounds sad., is that right? In the mythological era, some humans worshipped the gods crazily. When they were injured in the battlefield, they were too lazy to even bandage themselves. They wished they could die in the next second and offer their souls to Odin to prove their loyalty to the gods! "Vivian couldn't help but say this with some sadness.

At that time, in a human tribe, if there was a person who was "promoted" to Valhalla, it was a very honorable thing. Valkyrie would appear in person and fly over the tribe on a Pegasus.

If a certain "god" was in a good mood, he would even give something to humans by the way: usually food and medicinal materials, and in rare cases, he would be given inferior gems that all "gods" despised, and these inferior gems despised by the "gods" would become the treasures of a certain human tribe, enjoying incense offerings from generation to generation!

"Glorious and barbaric, ignorant and blindly obedient, even the most fanatical support and pursuit can't cover up all kinds of oppression and injustice!" Galadjoel concluded expressionlessly.

"Yes! From today's perspective, it is indeed true! But at that time, humans attached great importance to being able to become Enheriya. Some people were even indoctrinated with this idea as soon as they were born, and they fought for it all their lives! "Vivian agreed with Galadjoer's conclusion.

"Do they still have their own consciousness now?" Liu Lili took a look at the armor fragments that were still trembling even though they were already shattered.

"In the process of being cast into armor, most of their memories before death and most of their humanity will be erased. In fact, after being formed, Enheriya is more like a fighting machine driven by a program! "Vivian shook her head gently.

Speaking of this, Vivian suddenly remembered that without the operation of the central control room, these Enheriyas would not be dispatched, which means that in the main control room of the Golden Palace-Valhalla, someone must have activated these Golden Palace guards, and this person is likely to be Odin.

But when everyone was about to go to Valhalla, hundreds of Enheriyas appeared in groups, so everyone once again launched a large-scale offensive to fight these almost indestructible Golden Palace guards.

"All of you get out of my way, no matter what kind of metal it is, whether it is mixed with human souls, as long as it is metal, it has a common weakness, that is, it cannot withstand burning. If it cannot be burned, it means that the power of the flame is not strong enough!" Everyone looked carefully and saw that Betha had already rubbed out an eighteen-color Buddha's wrath lotus in her hands.

"Oh my gosh! Miss, you are planning to blow up this place, right? "At this time, Hao Ren wanted to say more dirty words, but he didn't dare to speak after the words came to his lips.

After saying a lot of indecent words, the others began to look for places to hide. Only Galadjoel and Anthony stared at the Buddha's wrath lotus in Besha's hand.

"Don't worry! With us here, Xiaobei's fire lotus can't blow up here!" Beikai and the others said so in unison, and they also worked together to seal the more than one hundred Enheriyas in an energy barrier.

With the barrier created by Beikai and the others, Besha's eighteen-color Buddha's wrath lotus can lock all the explosive power and the temperature of the strange fire in the barrier, and then the fire lotus did not waste any energy, and burned all the more than one hundred Enheriyas into molten iron flowing all over the ground!

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