"Okay! I believe you. As long as you can help us through this crisis, I am willing to swear allegiance to you!" Bai Huo performed the highest etiquette of a demon hunter to Hao Ren.

What era is this? Why is swearing allegiance still popular? If it were any other occasion, this Bai Huo girl would have to say that she would pledge her love to him, but if the other party really said that, Hao Ren would probably be "beaten to death" by Vivian on the spot.

Next, after Hao Ren calmed down a little, he took out a lot of scattered materials needed to open the space gate from the accompanying space.

This will be Hao Ren's biggest action on Earth in history: building a demon portal and summoning a million troops from the dream plane! Oh no, according to the work report, he is now going to summon a million peacekeepers, which sounds much better, and can also avoid the monitoring mechanism of the Xiling Empire.

Although Yzaks was defeated in his hometown, as a demon monarch who once commanded several races, he would always be the supreme leader in the hearts of his loyal subordinates. Therefore, as long as he gave an order, the soldiers of the demon army would immediately respond to his call, and they would march quickly to wherever he asked them to attack without hesitation.

Of course, more importantly, since moving into the new home, the soldiers under Yzaks's command have probably been thirsty for the swords and axes in their hands. Perhaps they are just dreaming and want to go to the battlefield and kill a few enemies with their own hands to sharpen their swords.

For this reason, when Yzaks made this suggestion to Lanina, the other party only asked three words in return: Where to go? Who to kill? How many to kill? In addition, the soldiers under the mad demon king did not need to ask any more irrelevant questions.

On the vast Arctic ice field, Hao Ren and Yzaks were busy arranging a large space portal that could be used for inter-dimensional teleportation. It would be difficult for only a few people to complete this task, so Hao Ren released hundreds of autonomous robots in his portable space to help build this complex teleportation device.

In addition to the Bekai family who were watching the show, and Bai Huo who didn't know what to do, the huge space teleportation device had already taken shape under the busy work of the autonomous robots and Hao Ren. However, as a gate that could accommodate millions of troops, the thing they arranged still looked a bit crude.

What finally appeared in front of Bai Huo was a strange magic circle that was dozens of meters wide, made up of a silver-white metal frame and a large number of green demon runes. To be honest, she had never seen such a strange thing in her life, but now she was more curious about this thing and how it was going to pull an entire army over.

"Based on this diameter, let alone a million troops, even a hundred thousand troops would be very difficult, not to mention the countless baggage problems!" Bai Huo gestured the size of the portal with his hand.

"I didn't say this is a complete version of the gate, terminal, confirm whether there are any interference problems around?" Hao Ren wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had sweated while assembling the space portal in the ice and snow.

"It has been confirmed that the interference device is operating normally and will not be photographed by satellites and other equipment!" The final brick flew straight around within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

"That's good, everyone get in the car and retreat!" Hao Ren said with a wave of his hand.

When everyone got on the car in an orderly manner, only Bai Huo was still standing there in confusion. Then, Vivian flew over and took her away from the place, and then Hao Ren gave her a pair of sunglasses: Put it on!

Bai Huo put on her sunglasses in a daze. When she was about to ask Hao Ren how the strange space portal worked, she suddenly heard a loud noise from afar, followed by a strong flash that suddenly illuminated the entire sky.

Next, in everyone's sight, they saw a huge ball of light rising from the horizon, and inside the ball of light, they could vaguely see large tracts of distorted light flowing across the sky.

"It's all disposable anyway, so you can do whatever you want with it!" Hao Ren was self-centered about his masterpiece.He gave a thumbs up, while Bai Huo, who was standing beside him, was completely speechless.

"You have to adapt first, the landlord has to blow something up every now and then!" Liu Lili bumped Bai Huo's arm.

The shock wave of the explosion flattened the snow and frost corners on the ice field. With the original teleportation device as the center, the local plain has become a huge open area formed by countless concentric circles, and the original teleportation device was almost completely blown away in the explosion just now, leaving only a large area of ​​lightning sparks and energy turbulence running around.

In this really messy place, a huge space crack, like a broken mirror, slowly expanded from the magic halo like the aurora. When the space crack grew large enough, a demon warrior more than three meters tall walked out of the crack carrying a huge axe.

"This place is simply freezing to death!" This is the true feeling of the first demon warrior who set foot on the ice field about the environment here.

Then, heavy and uniform footsteps sounded behind the demon warrior, and the multi-ethnic coalition from the Demon King City strode out of the portal one by one.

When everyone returned to the original position of the portal, the scene they saw was the scene of the demon army pouring into the planet: the demon warriors, who were more than three meters tall, carried weapons such as giant axes and swords, and stood tall like the lords of the abyss.

These fire demons were wrapped in sulfur and thick smoke, and they also carried a bloody smell and a very strong murderous aura. Their arrival almost "frozen" the air of the ice field.

What made Bai Huo feel incredible was that in this demon army, there were also: hideous half-orc warriors, dwarf infantry carrying large guns, human knights wearing heavy armor and surrounded by magic, and even slender and elegant elves who seemed to have walked out of a fairy tale!

These races walked with the demon army calmly. Although they were very different in stature and race, they all wore the same badge, which was the Sun King badge of New Aerym!

"Don't you say it's a demon army? What kind of weirdos have you summoned now?" Bai Huo asked in confusion, and at this time she had an illusion: such a murderous army was probably not here to help the demon hunters overcome difficulties, but to conquer the earth!

Hao Ren did not answer Bai Huo's doubts. He just watched the coalition army quietly, one after another, coming out of the space crack. At this time, he felt that his title of Sun King was a well-deserved honorary title. When the commander of the coalition army, Lanina, also came out of the space crack with an elegant lady's step, the space crack closed without any warning.

Just when Hao Ren wanted Zhongzhuan to check what was going on, the voice of the goddess Shunzi came into his ears: Hao Ren, you stinky boy, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have escaped the supervision mechanism of the empire. Don't forget that I am still here!

In view of the special circumstances this time, I allow you to take these 50,000 troops to deal with the rebellion of the demon hunters, but afterwards, you must write me a one-million-word self-criticism, and you are not allowed to use any superpowers, and write it to me purely by hand!

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