Narrator: Next, we have to speed up the progress a little bit. We can't adapt it step by step anymore. The author has to make some jumpy descriptions!

Text: When everyone followed Bai Huo into the interior of the Ice Fortress, Liu Lili, who was walking in the team, felt like she was back home. Her husky attribute seemed to have a strong resonance in her blood at this moment.

"In fact, we don't think our hometown is so comfortable. There is nothing but ice around, and no extra colors can be seen. The only edible things are seals and fish. Other things have to be transported back by a lot of manpower and material resources!"

"Life on the ice field is really boring. There is nothing else to do every day except training and patrolling. My childhood dream was to become a hunter like you two. Although the level of doing so would be very low, it is full of freedom and romance. As a result, my blood just returned to my ancestors, and all my plans after that were ruined!" Bai Huo led the way in front and told about his childhood.

"So you were born here. I thought you were born somewhere else. After your elders discovered your talent, you were sent to the headquarters for training. Isn't that how it's usually played in TV dramas? And what about your parents? Don't they care about you?" Liu Lili asked three questions in a row with a clear mind.

"My parents died when I was very young! Don't worry! They didn't die fighting with aliens. My mother is an ordinary person. She died of illness. My father took too much magic potion and went to fight with the volcano..." Bai Huo said bitterly.

Hao Ren has also studied magic potion. It's probably a stimulant exclusively for demon hunters! Once you take too much, there may be all kinds of unpredictable serious consequences.

According to the general TV drama settings, a genius girl like Bai Huo shouldn't have both her parents killed by aliens, and then she was taken back by the organization to be trained with all her strength, and she also vowed to kill all the aliens? As a result, there was no bitter hatred between her and the aliens!

"Wait, you look at me with such strange eyes, do you think there must be a blood feud between me and the aliens? We also have our own lives, hunting aliens is not all of life, I also have my own hobbies, which are painting and reading comics, and my mentor, Elder Hasu, likes to play chess!" Bai Huo shrugged helplessly.

The gossip among the crowd was interrupted by Ksuzov's voice: the Star Tower is in front, the gate has been closed, it seems that the situation inside is not optimistic.

After hearing what Ksuzov said, except for the Bekai family, everyone else became nervous, but the Star Tower mentioned by the demon hunter was not a towering building, but a deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters. Its shape is a regular circle, as if it extends like a shaft that can lead to the center of the earth.

A chaotic dark energy enveloped the shaft, and the depths were filled with thick fog, as if it was another world. The wide stairs that spiraled downward and a series of complex supports were arranged on the pit wall in different categories. These places should be the roads leading to the lower level and the rest stops.

And around this shaft is the largest square in the Ice Fortress. Countless fully armed demon hunters are stationed on the square in full battle array.

Oh my! How can this be a tower? This is clearly a bottomless pit, okay? At this time, everyone questioned the demon hunter's eyes, or said that there was something wrong with the demon hunter's worldview and aesthetics!

Yes, at this time, even Nangong Wudi and Nangong Sanba, a father and son demon hunters who had never been to the headquarters, had the same doubts as everyone else.

"This is the Star Tower! It extends downwards, all the way into the Arctic Ocean, but after reaching a certain stage, it will extend upwards and go straight into the space entrance of Corpus!" Bai Huo explained expressionlessly.

"We usually call this a well. Did you get the blueprint wrong when you were constructing it?" Hao Ren asked on behalf of himself and everyone else.

Bai Huo did not respond, because even she did not know how to answer. From a human perspective, this thing isIt should indeed be called a well, but the predecessors have always called it the Star Tower. Therefore, after an awkward smile, she asked whether she should wait for the main force.

Hao Ren told Bai Huo that it was better to go and see the specific situation inside first! Then Ksuzov put his right hand on the icicle beside him, and the icicle lit up a faint light and made a subtle sound. After a moment, the old hunter exhaled and said: You go in!

As Ksuzov's voice fell, the strange and chaotic phenomena inside the Star Tower, oh no, the deep pit well, suddenly disappeared like a phantom, and the thick fog in the depths of the deep pit became thinner, and then a passage with a particularly clear view appeared.

Next, under the leadership of Bai Huo, everyone walked down to the "Tower" of the Stars. Around the entrance of the huge crypt, there were circles of black rocks floating in the air, and on each rock stood a stern-looking demon hunter.

When everyone passed these floating stones, Bai Huo introduced: They are the Nightsworn of the Stars Tower. The duty of these sentinels is to guard the entrance of the tower forever. If one day, our fortress is really going to fall, they will activate the magic stones under their feet and blow the entire tower into the twisted space. The demon hunter will never let outsiders break into the holy land of Corpus.

But things are unpredictable! Who could have thought that one day, the threat would come from inside Corpus? Now these Nightsworn are ready to blow up the gate here at any time, but this is to prevent the people of the Elders Council in the holy land from running out.

"Do they have to stay here for the rest of their lives? What a strong willpower!" Liu Lili gave a thumbs up to the Nightsworn.

"How can we not let them come down? They have a three-shift system!" Bai Huo immediately corrected him.

"Didn't you just say that they have to stand there forever?" Hao Ren asked in confusion on behalf of Liu Lili.

"When I say forever, I mean... Oh my! What's wrong with your thinking patterns? Forever means to hold this position forever, not to stand there all the time. We demon hunters also have to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. If we stand there all the time, we will starve to death, right?" Bai Huo found that he and Hao Ren and others seemed to be on different channels.

What Bai Huo said made sense! Many people present didn't know how to refute it for a while, but many people, led by Hao Ren, really thought that these Nightsworn should be a group of sleepless fortress defenders.

"My thinking is obviously normal, why do you always think I am abnormal?" In view of this situation, Bai Huo shook his head helplessly.

A group of people walked down along the huge vertical shaft that seemed to lead to the ground, and along the wide spiral staircase attached to the wall of the vertical shaft. After entering the interior of the vertical shaft, everyone saw the scene in the whole big pit. At this time, everyone finally had a feeling as if they were in a high tower, and as everyone walked down, the silvery white ice layer gradually turned into a dark rock layer!

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