The interior of this small palace seemed a little empty. It used to be a sacrificial site, but all the sacrificial items have now been cleared. Normal demon hunters set up a temporary command post here. In front of a model group similar to a 3D sand table, several demon hunters in special costumes were constantly issuing orders.

Tutanyin, who had just withdrawn from the front line, put down his work after seeing Hao Ren and his party, and came to Bai Huo with a smile: Bai Huo, I am glad to see that you are safe and sound. I already know the situation. Thank you for coming to help us regardless of past grudges and camps!

"There is no camp difference between you and me. Tell me about the current specific situation!" Hao Ren waved his hand to refuse Tutanyin's salute.

Next, Tutankhamun and Baihuo began to alternately describe the current battle situation:

Each palace is the main garrison point and battle area. They can form a powerful protective barrier to block the penetration of foreign enemies. They are also management facilities that control the flow of energy.

White towers like this are energy defense towers, which are also the main targets of both sides. They are basically dependent on large buildings for operation, so when the people of the Council of Elders compete for these defense towers, they usually take the lead in attacking the nearest palace. We are now in this position.

This is the bottom of the Corpus space, and the senior members of the Council of Elders are basically in this position. This is the Spirit World Clock Tower, which is the most tightly defended place in Corpus.

The palaces floating in the air are actually moving slightly, but only the Spirit World Clock Tower has remained motionless.

"Can't you bypass these palaces and send an elite team to the Spirit World Clock Tower to carry out a decapitation operation?" Hao Ren seemed to have caught a bright spot.

"These palaces seem empty, but they are actually filled with defensive formations. If you don't move forward in a certain way, you will fall into the space turbulence and it will be difficult to escape!" Tutankhamun sighed deeply.

"What about turning off some of the defensive formations?" Hao Ren found another bright spot.

"Sorry, we can't turn them off, because they have always been there. This defense system has existed since we regarded Corpus as our home!" Bai Huo shook his head helplessly.

"It means that you are not the builders of Corpus!" Hao Ren said with some surprise.

"No, according to relevant documents, it was the First Saint who discovered Corpus, and the scratches on the outer walls of these palaces have always existed. For thousands of years, we have been unable to eliminate these scratches, but we have also been unable to create new scratches on them. Each palace has its own defense shield. No matter whether it is our highest technology or the strongest weapons of Odin and Zeus, they can only break the defense shield at most, but cannot damage the outer walls of the palace!"

Bai Huo's words revealed to everyone that the dilapidated palaces outside have actually been in that dilapidated state since more than 10,000 years ago, and it was not the civil war among demon hunters that damaged them like this.

In addition, demon hunters can't even cut off a little bit of scraps from the outer walls, let alone repair the outer walls of these palaces, and they can't even deepen a certain scratch.

In other words, the Demon Hunters' base camp, Corpus, actually "occupied" the home of a powerful person, and this powerful person was definitely not someone they could afford to offend.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside, followed by a series of harsh sounds and continuous explosions.

"Masters, the rebels are attacking the East Tower!" A Demon Hunter ran in in a panic.

Among all the energy defense towers, many of them are mass-produced defense settings, but only the four defense towers in the southeast, northwest, and northeast are prototypes that have existed since more than 10,000 years ago. Once the Demon Hunters' rebels break through these four defense towers, these normal Demon Hunters can be said to have lost everything.

"Harel, take your men to the Rune Hall. Zoe, lead your men to support the East Tower. Everyone else, follow me!" Tutankhamun calmly issued a combat order. Then he picked up a giant warhammer and walked out with his head held high.

After Hao Ren and Vivian exchanged glances, these "outsiders" immediately followed.Behind Bai Huo, a group of people rushed out of the hall together.

The new round of attacks by the Elders was extremely fierce. When Hao Ren and others arrived outside the hall, the place was already in a state of boiling flames, smoke everywhere, constant explosions, and deafening shouts of killing...

From a void of space, the Elders continued to pour out like a tide. Their clothes were easy to identify because their black uniforms were uniformly embroidered with silver-white shoulder trims, which was a symbol of honor for them as elite warriors.

In the final analysis, this civil war among demon hunters was actually a large number of new recruits against a small number of veterans who had experienced many battles. Therefore, the situation on the battlefield was obviously one-sided.

The battle between demon hunters is a combination of cold weapons and hot weapons. The low-level long-range weapons are demon-killing crossbows, and the high-level long-range weapons are high-explosive bombs thrown from the air while standing on flying vehicles...

In the battlefield above the ground, various magic runes and formations emerge in an endless stream. Demon hunters who are good at close combat, holding various swords, spears, axes, hooks and forks, staged a series of wonderful fighting dramas there...

The blades of holy silver weapons are constantly waving, the enchanted crossbows tear the air with the scream of death, the holy flames are burning fiercely, and the Leta runes emit extremely dazzling light under the magic power...

The demon hunters launched a large-scale super melee with exquisite and complex fighting skills. The entire square around the palace group and the large area of ​​​​void outside the square were all involved in the gorgeous and deadly firestorm!

Every demon hunter is a battle-hardened warrior, a skilled killer, and a weapon master who is proficient in dozens of cold and hot weapons and hundreds of combat skills. It's just that their skill levels are different.

Hao Ren and others looked at the scene in front of them with some dizziness. Except for a few people, the rest of them basically saw for the first time how the most powerful supernatural race on this planet showed their deadly combat skills in a very intuitive way!

At this moment, the battlefield was full of flashing demon hunters and dazzling rune marks. They were like a swarm of bees in a storm, entangled in a ball without distinguishing between enemies and friends. Slowly, everyone became a hunter, and at the same time, everyone became a prey!

"Don't act rashly. Everyone else, come forward with me to help!" Hao Ren first solemnly explained to the Beikai family, then he took out Odin's spear and Thor's hammer from the accompanying space and joined the melee directly.

After Hao Ren rushed into the battlefield, Vivian, Liu Lili, Nangong Sanba, Nangong Wudi, Elsa, Yzax, and Elizabeth also rushed into the battlefield one after another. Nangong Wuyue stood by, ready to treat and replenish energy for teammates at any time. As for the most cowardly and timid Gun Miao, he had already hidden behind the Beikai family!

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