The so-called peacekeeping is to talk to you about reason first. If the reason doesn't make sense, then another kind of "reason" will be used, and this "reason" is the "reason" of physics. For the group of warriors under Yzaks, instead of talking to others about the truth, it is better to grab a brick from the ground and explain to you what "physics" is!

After cleaning up these guards, the elders of the Council of Elders had to go down in person. Damn! These elders plus the reserve elders, plus some civilian staff and servants, actually have more than 10,000 troops. In the demon hunter organization with more than 5 million people, there is actually such a large number of civil servants!

Don't say anything more. It seems that the way of talking about reason is now completely unworkable. For this reason, the 50,000 joint troops of the Demon King City should continue to fight against these tens of thousands of civilian demon hunters!

When the combined army went to fight the civil servant demon hunters, Hao Ren and Vivian finally brought back Liu Lili, who had completely turned into a husky, from a corner of the battlefield filled with smoke. This husky spirit had just gone completely crazy with killing, and she could not turn back to human form temporarily.

"Okay, Hao Ren, with the current state of the big dog, it will take at least another day and night for her human thinking to overcome the beast thinking. At that time, she can turn back to human form!" Vivian checked Liu Lili's physical condition, and soon after, the scan results of the final brick made the same judgment.

"Uncle Hao Ren, Aunt Vivian, don't worry! Aunt Lili will be taken care of by us from now on!" When a crisp child's voice came, Elizabeth took Betha and sat on the back of the husky together.

Next, the pair of two Sha Lolita used Liu Lili as a mount, and no longer let the Husky rush to kill the rebel demon hunters, but took them to the battlefield, with Elizabeth throwing fireballs at the enemy, and Betha no longer used the Buddha's wrath lotus, but learned from the half-demon little Lolita to turn various strange fires into fireballs and throw them at the enemy's face.

"Don't worry! Hao Ren, with the two of them here, the big dog will be fine. We should go and see these palaces now. Maybe we can find some clues about my mother!" Vivian patted Hao Ren on the shoulder.

The battle scene between the two sides was so fierce, but these palaces in Corpus did not suffer any damage. Under the baptism of large-scale weapons that were no less than modern humans, the outer wall surfaces of these palaces were still exactly the same as before.

Hao Ren brought Vivian to a big pit. He picked up a stone slab from the bottom of the pit. The pit had been bombarded by magic cannons before, but there was no trace of artillery fire on the stone slab. Vivian conjured a small bat and bit the stone slab. As a result, both of the bat's fangs were broken.

"The hardness of this stone slab is second only to Nolan's fuselage shell material. According to the information currently available, no mortal race in the dream plane can make this material!" Hao Ren frowned and stood up, then he took out the special pistol of the Inquisitor and fired at the stone slab without hesitation.

Under the attack of the psionic bullets, the so-called indestructible Corpus Slate was finally shattered into countless small stones in a burst of blue light, and Bai Huo, who was following Hao Ren, exclaimed: Your gun is really powerful!

"No, with this effect, the power has been weakened. Could it be that this place is..." After being an examiner for several years, Hao Ren has clearly known that only divine aura can weaken the power of psionic energy.

If "resistance" is used as an analogy, the resistance of all mortals and mortal creations in the world when facing psionic energy is basically zero. Even the weakest psionic energy, such as Hao Ren's small pistol, can cause full real damage to it.

The only people and things that can resist psionic energy are true gods and their creations. Even if the opponent has only 1% resistance, it is still an insurmountable gap compared to 0% resistance.

Sometimes, things like divine aura will be hidden very deeply, and sometimes, it will dissipate to a situation where it cannot be detected, but there is a detection method that is always effective: that is to usePsionic weapons, fire one shot at it. As long as the psionic weapons lose power, it must be the creation of the true God!

"Could this be... impossible!" Vivian had roughly guessed where Corpus was.

After explaining everything, Hao Ren quickly ran towards the inner hall of Corpus. He rushed into the palace gate and shuttled back and forth between the huge columns and the collapsed and dilapidated reliefs. He was trying to find some architectural features that were more in line with what he saw in his dream. Finally, he stopped in front of a well-preserved relief mural.

"It turns out that this is really the scene in my dream. This is the palace of the goddess of creation!" Hao Ren looked at the relief mural in front of him, and it finally completely overlapped with the scene in his dream.

"How is it possible? This is my mother's palace. How is it possible? Why did my mother's palace come from the dream plane to the surface world, and why did it become the base camp of the demon hunters?" Vivian came to Hao Ren with Bai Huo with a face full of disbelief.

"Even the golden disc behind the goddess' throne was blown to the surface world. What's so strange about this palace being blown over? No wonder the palaces outside are all in tatters. They must have been injured by the power of the explosion when the founding star exploded!" Hao Ren pressed Vivian's shoulders with excitement.

"Well, we'll celebrate later. I finally found my home!" Vivian was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

"Can anyone explain to me what's going on?" Bai Huo, who didn't know the truth, looked at the two "lunatics" in front of him.

"This is my work, and also Vivian's family affair. I can't explain it to you in a short time!" Hao Ren laughed awkwardly.

Bai Huo knew that Hao Ren had a big background, so she didn't delve into this matter too much.

Next, Hao Ren took Vivian, but not Bai Huo, and they came to a hall. This was the scene where he saw the goddess of creation being assassinated in his dream: Vivian, the goddess of creation was standing in this position at that time, and was stabbed by the leader of the godslayers!

At that time, the goddess of creation stood there, with a golden disc behind her, and the leader of the godslayers stood in front of her. There was a raised floor tile here, and then he stabbed the goddess with a sword.

Vivian looked at the dilapidated hall in front of her with mixed feelings. She looked at the place where the goddess of creation had stood in the past, and walked over slowly: Hao Ren, did you say that my mother was killed standing in this position?

When Vivian stood in a place that was almost exactly the same as the place where the Goddess of Creation was killed, the scene he saw in his dream appeared in Hao Ren's mind again: the hall was a little shaky in the flames of war, and the Goddess of Creation stood at the end of the hall. She turned her head and gave him, the "onlooker", a glance that spanned ten thousand years of time and space. Then, the blurry face of the Goddess of Creation was gradually becoming clear, and it was Vivian's face!

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