Hesperius may have never thought that one day, he would be frightened by a simple sentence: The hunting of demon hunters against aliens will be completely over!

For ordinary people, this sentence may be understood at once, but for Hesperius, the ancient "god" who has survived from the mythological era, she was unable to understand the true meaning of this sentence for a moment. She thought that this sentence meant: Have the demon hunters completely disappeared?

"No, there is a problem within them. From now on, the hunting war will be completely stopped. You just need to maintain the current balance, and the demon hunters will not take the initiative to hunt you!" Hao Ren dared not say the fact that the demon hunters were already seriously injured.

"You went to help the demon hunters before! Countess, did you sleep and make yourself confused?" Hesperius asked back with a frown.

"The demon hunters are the key to balance. We go to help them so that everyone can be safe. I won't say more. We are going to enter the shelter now!" Vivian said so in an imposing manner.

"Bat, let me try my new tricks after we go in!" Liu Lili showed two completely different dog paws from before.

Yes, since she had the memory of the first saint, Liu Lili has ushered in the second awakening of power and blood. Her two dog paws are no longer simple offensive weapons, but the left one can emit flames of fire joy, and the right one can release ice and snow of frost sorrow. Under the blessing of the "enchantment" of ice and fire, the power of these two dog paws has been enhanced by geometric times.

"What's wrong, Big Dog! You want to be the ancestor of the demon hunters now? When they tried their best to keep you, you refused without hesitation!" Vivian said this in Liu Lili's ear, in words that only she could understand.

"Well, it's harmless to make a guest appearance occasionally!" Liu Lili took back the Fire Joy and Frostmourne in her hands.

When passing through the shadow area, Hesperus told Hao Ren and the other two: In the current Athens Shelter, there are not only old stubborn people like Lucas, but also representatives from several other shelters, and these people are the ones who are making the most trouble. However, the Countess's daughter can still barely calm the situation.

"Just now when I was on the phone, I wanted to refute you. That stinky girl is not my daughter. She is just a little bat I threw out. If you drop some dregs from your body one day and cultivate yourself into a spirit, I wonder if you will treat her as your daughter?" Vivian really said this in a hypocritical way. In fact, in her heart, she cares about Hessiana more than anyone else.

"I will! If one day I pull out a hair and it becomes a little doll, I will definitely spoil her to the sky!" Hesperius responded without hesitation.

In this way, in the "laughter and joy" of Vivian and Hesperius, Hao Ren and the other four finally passed through the shadow area. When they stepped into the streets of the Athens Shelter, a depressing and gloomy atmosphere of tension suddenly hit them in the face. The aliens on the street were wearing the characteristic costumes of various families with flags, and they were whispering to each other continuously.

"The most violent ones are those who came from the Egyptian shelter. They are families that have gradually risen in the last few hundred years. They are ignorant and like to fantasize. When they learned that some of the demon hunters' bases were deserted, they firmly believed that the demon hunters would never come back, and then they clamored to rebuild the glory of the mythical era!" Hesperius led the way and explained as he walked.

"New families, how can you aliens give birth to new families? How can those old guys allow this to happen?" Hao Ren was a little curious about the inheritance of aliens.

"There are many reasons for the birth of small families: splitting and heresy are the two most common phenomena! Some little guys are dissatisfied with the rules and regulations of the big families, so they will run away from home and start their own business. In addition, after some families fight, the remaining people will gather together to form new families. Of course, there are also learning from a certain hegemonic human country, and some old families secretly support some small families"Hesperius explained very patiently.

"That is to say, these small families are very weak!" Liu Lili muttered casually.

"That's not necessarily true. For example, Hesperius was born only three thousand years ago, and her family power has already ranked in the top five. Some little guys took away a little bit of the mythical era when they left the family, which led to them gaining some hidden strength!" Hesperius said with a smile.

"After learning about the origin of the bats, I think Hesperius is no longer an alien. She came to the Athens Shelter to establish a family power. It's simply a top-level boss coming to slaughter the novice village!" Liu Lili teased in a yin-yang tone.

"Countess, I have known you for so long, what other unknown identities do you have? "Hesperius looked at Vivian with curiosity.

Just when Vivian was about to say something, they came to the outskirts of the city council hall, and then a red light with a ferocious aura swept from the direction of the council hall, and then a large group of people rushed over there.

"This red light is Hesanna's unique skill. Is anyone against her?" Vivian said with a tight chest, and then she didn't wait for Hao Ren and others to react, she spread her wings and flew over.

"Hehe, you didn't want to recognize your daughter just now, but now you are so nervous. Bats are really a person who says one thing and means another!" Liu Lili teased as she looked at Vivian's back.

"Let's go over quickly! Hesanna's actions are often not light or heavy. If someone is killed by accident, this turmoil will not end well! "Hao Ren used the energy shield-flying method and flew forward with Liu Lili.

When Vivian arrived at the square outside the meeting hall, a young vampire was shouting inside: This city has been corrupted! We must find the traitors in the hall! We must restore the glory of the mythical era! We must put humans back into the cage!

As soon as the vampire finished shouting, a red light shot out from a window of the meeting hall, punching a big hole in the floor of the square on his left, and there was already a similar big hole on the floor on his right.

"Who did you just call a traitor? Say it again if you have the guts! "Vivian grabbed the vampire's collar and lifted him up.

"Of course it's Heather..." The vampire didn't even finish his words before he flew backwards dozens of meters. Vivian slapped him hard on the face: Congratulations! Young man, you've received the same treatment as Caesar did back then!

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