"Now that the Countess has made it clear, we won't hide it anymore! That's right, interests, only this thing can maintain balance!"

"To be honest, I don't agree with attacking the human world, because I know that humans are not easy to deal with now, and the demon hunters have not completely disappeared. It's not wise to rush out to start a war, but I also don't agree with staying in the shelter and guarding these barren lands. There is no future at all. The vast and fertile world outside should have a place for us!" Hogwolf spoke his mind.

While Hogwolf spoke his mind, Hao Ren immediately struck while the iron was hot and said: The main body of civilization on Earth is human beings, you don't even have a decent order, you are actually relying on humans to live, so you know better than anyone that counterattacking the Earth is not realistic at all.

"You think too highly of humans. As far as I know, although their weapons are powerful, their physical fitness cannot keep up, which means that they can be easily defeated!" Night Demon Lord Grace said so with sharp eyes.

"That's right. We all know that humans are difficult to deal with, but they are not impossible to deal with. Thousands of years ago, we could put them in cages. Now, as long as there is a little such opportunity, most of us will not miss it in vain!" Gene Lucas made another unfavorable statement.

"Okay! I know that if the time, place and people are all on your side, you have a 70% chance of winning, but the earth you will face later may look like this!" Hao Ren took out the final brick and played a video to these alien bosses present.

When the aliens push humans to the extreme, humans will definitely hold the idea of ​​dying together and detonate all nuclear weapons on the earth, blowing the entire earth civilization back to primitive society. No matter how strong the physical fitness of the aliens is, they cannot be immune to the invasion of nuclear weapons. Therefore, after this battle, there may be only about two or three thousand aliens surviving.

In addition, humans will become extinct, and the entire ecological environment of the earth will also become extinct. Then two or three thousand aliens will rule a world full of radiation craters, sludge swamps, highly toxic rivers and thermal radiation deserts. Everyone's living conditions will degenerate into primitive people, and the main food will be rotten things and mud in the craters. In such an extreme environment, the number of survivors will definitely decrease.

And the few people with the strongest survival ability will continue to survive in the mud until the next restart of the planet's life cycle!

"Unless you can crush all of humanity at once, otherwise, they will definitely counterattack you once before they die. If you survive, you will have to live in such an environment!" After playing the holographic projection, Hao Ren knocked on the table again.

"Since you are seeking benefits, why do you have to perish with humans?" Vivian also cooperated with Hao Ren in a timely manner.

The holographic projection of the final brick made all the alien bosses present completely silent. They had not imagined these factors, but they might not have thought of such a bad consequence. After a long silence, Gene Lucas finally spoke on behalf of everyone: Then we can only take a compromise path. I want to hear your opinions on the specific situation!

"From now on, aliens don't have to hide in the shelter, but they can't interfere with human civilization. Demon hunters and aliens have a comprehensive ceasefire. Subsequent negotiations will be discussed separately. We will form a regulatory organization. The old balance and order will be abolished. We will establish a brand new order and use a new organization to control those tribes that have left the shelter and entered human society..." Vivian directly stated the things she and Hao Ren had agreed on before.

"Before everyone discusses the specific details, let me introduce an old friend to everyone. I believe that everyone present should know him!" As soon as the voice fell, Hao Ren released Mimir's big head from the accompanying space.

Mimir's huge leader suddenly appeared in the conference hall. Some people present were immediately frightened and jumped up, but some people still recognized each other's identity.

"I have just finished listening to your conversation. Vivian and Liu Lili have limited power in the Demon Hunter Organization, but I have been their advisor for more than 2,000 years. My authority is far superior to theirs.I can guarantee you that the demon hunters will not intentionally target you again! "Although Mimir only has one head left, his aura is stronger than anyone else.

The wise giant in the Nordic pantheon has become an advisor to the demon hunter organization. This change is even more shocking than Vivian being one of the fourteen saints, but his words are still authoritative. Next, everyone really started to discuss the specific details, and then two hours passed unknowingly.

After two hours of the first discussion, an organization called "Shadow Council" took shape. All members of this organization were directly selected from various races. The senior managers of the Council of the Supreme People's Government were selected to serve as the speaker. When choosing the speaker, Hesanna recommended Vivian, and some people responded, but she was rejected by the person concerned. In the end, the position of speaker fell on Mimir's true head.

Compared with becoming the king of the swamp and the radiation pit, smart people prefer to become nobles in the human paradise. Those who like to immerse themselves in the sense of glory or the beautiful fantasy of ruling the world are still a minority after all. Therefore, when the Shadow Council was established, these voices of opposition were almost not even a splash, and there was no splash at all. The splash disappeared.

Regarding the future development direction of the Shadow Council, a group of people gathered together to discuss for three days and three nights. As the largest shelter in Europe, the Athens Sanctuary not only gathered representatives of local families in the Athens Sanctuary, but also speakers who had just come from other shelters in the world in the past few days.

Those ancients who did not respond to the call before actually went out collectively this time. They almost unanimously agreed to the proposal to live in peace with humans and demon hunters. With the leadership of these ancients, After that, the formation process of the Shadow Council was extremely fast beyond imagination.

After almost all the people who came to participate in the discussion had divided up all the positions in the Shadow Council, Odin, accompanied by Hela, came to the crowd in high spirits. After a period of rest and recuperation, Odin's appearance had returned to some extent. Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the scene, he was immediately recognized by some people.

"I am no longer the leader of the gods. You can just assign me a miscellaneous job in the Shadow Council! "Odin said so with a kind face.

Although Odin said it was a miscellaneous job, everyone did not dare to arrange him like this, so after everyone's deliberation, Odin became the vice chairman of the Shadow Conference. Because of his temporary joining, everyone gathered together to discuss some new topics...

When Odin appeared in front of everyone, Hao Ren had quietly taken a large group of his tenants home. After settling the tenants, Hao Ren took Beikai and Doudou to meet the goddess Shunzi. This time, the work report must be discussed in detail!

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