What a coincidence! Hao Ren and his companions had just walked on the Purgatory Star for half a day when they came across a familiar stone building.

They had fought against an evil magician before. When the opponent was defeated by them, he opened a space portal to "Purgatory" in front of them. The scenery displayed in the portal at that time was exactly this stone building in front of them.

The evil warlocks, magicians and wizards on the earth, the purgatory they mentioned turned out to be this planet. A space portal spanning a distance of 125 light years, no wonder every time it is opened, the entire population of the town must be "sacrificed"!

"That evil magician, I think his name is Baptiste. Didn't we fail to catch him last time and let him run to Purgatory? This time we just go to find him and settle the new and old grudges together!" Nangong Sanba said while holding a crossbow.

"The environment here looks a bit complicated. Do you think he is still alive?" Liu Lili asked Nangong Sanba.

"Forget it. Investigating the specific situation of this planet is the top priority. Baptiste and the like are not important!" Hao Ren made the decision directly.

After leaving the stone building, Zhongzhuan's scanner continued to work, and then she slowly read some information: this planet is actually located between the dream plane and the surface world, and it seems to be stuck on the wall of reality.

Coincidentally, after walking from "this side" to "that side", the Bekai family felt the suppression of the will of the universe on them. Among their family, only Doudou was not suppressed.

"Although I failed the exam, my divine power is increasing. I can't even transform into Super Saiyan 1 now!" Bello tried to transform but couldn't do it.

"I can't even unfold my angel wings now. The only thing I can use now is probably this indestructible sacred body!" Kaisha sighed helplessly.

Although Beikai and Hao Ren were greatly suppressed in strength, Hao Ren seemed very excited because he finally found the gangrene of the wall of reality. The Purgatory Star in front of him was equivalent to the cancer between the dream plane and the surface world. As long as he could find a way to "pull out" this cancer, he could get a super-large stable channel to the dream plane.

Narrator: The plot of the Purgatory Star should have happened a long time ago, but now it has been moved to this position by the author. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuity of the plot, I have to make a lot of deletions and changes to this adventure story!

After traveling on the surface of the Purgatory Star for a long time, Hao Ren and others did not see a single person. Could it be that part of the predecessor of this planet had already suffered a mass extinction when it was blown over from the dream plane, and then another mass extinction occurred after it collided with the native planet in the surface world?

"Hao Ren, this planet is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Its crust is divided into about five layers: the petrified tree crown on the top is the first layer, the surface we are standing on now is the second layer, and there are three layers of crust structure under the ground!" Zhongzhuan told Hao Ren and others the latest scan results.

After hearing Zhongzhuan's description, after a brief discussion, everyone used Zhongzhuan's teleportation function to go directly to the third layer of the Purgatory Star's crust. When everyone arrived there, they originally thought that it should be a dark underground world, but it turned out to be a bright world with birds singing and flowers blooming. The light source of the entire space was provided by a cloud floating in the air.

Glowing clouds, what is the principle behind this? After a scan by Zhongzhuan, it was because a large number of microorganisms gathered in the clouds, and these microorganisms were all of the type that could glow!

After seeing such a peculiar ecological environment, Hao Ren released several drones from the accompanying space and asked them to explore the third crust of Purgatory Star.

There are still no traces of human production and activities in the third crust of Purgatory Star, but there are a group of distorted creatures, or strange monsters, living here. Their images are very consistent with the description of Purgatory (Hell) creatures by earthlings: they all have different degrees of mutation characteristics, they wave their asymmetrical limbs, and their bodies are covered with strange organs and hair, andAnd they are still making shrill and noisy roars.

Fortunately, although these creatures look strange, they don't have much fighting power. Their appearance seems to have no other characteristics except that they make people feel disgusted. In most of the third layer of the earth's crust, there are these strange creatures. The nearest passage to the fourth layer of the earth's crust is thousands of kilometers away, and it happens that the transmission function of the final brick is interfered by some unknown interference in this layer of the earth's crust.

In response to this situation, Hao Ren took out the Beidouxing car from the accompanying space, and then they got on the car and sped past these monsters directly. In the process of driving, these monsters continued to hit the car, but they were all knocked out, but the disgusting mucus on their bodies was firmly stuck to the car's shell.

"Hao Ren, the composition of these mucus is very special. It seems that the general cleaning method cannot clean them. Fortunately, the Coibo Space Transfer Station has a professional cleaning team. You just need to pay extra for the cleaning!" Zhong Zhuan said in a mean tone.

"Last time, in order to treat the Siren General Vanessa, I was deducted part of the year-end benefits. How much will the vehicle cleaning cost this time?" Hao Ren asked with his back teeth bitten.

"According to my calculation, it will take about one thousand void coins!" Zhong Zhuan responded with some gloating.

"According to what you said, if I can't earn one thousand void coins, then my year-end benefits this year will probably be deducted, right!" Hao Ren lowered his head speechlessly.

"Hao Ren, you have to be more open-minded. As far as I know, some of the examiners in the empire have their year-end benefits withheld for hundreds of years!" Zhong Zhuan was gloating again.

The year-end benefits were withheld. Hundreds of years later, how much Void Coins did these Inspectors owe? Fortunately, the Xiling Empire allowed the Inspectors to pay interest-free benefits to employees. Otherwise, the infinitely growing interest alone would have given these Inspectors a headache!

Of course, don't think that these Inspectors have taken advantage of you. If your year-end benefits were withheld for a year, your year-end benefits this year would not fall into your hands, but would be directly distributed to the Fiyali Void Consortium. You must know that these things are genuine creations of the God Realm. After being taken by those grandsons and resold, the price difference they can earn from them is far higher than the interest that has been waived.

When a relatively "pleasing" twisted creature pounced on the front windshield of the car, everyone realized belatedly that these monsters were mutated from some creatures.

According to some research by Hao Ren and others, when the eldest son died completely, there was a certain probability that a kind of monster would be born from the inactive source blood in their bodies. Judging from the "appearance" of the monster just now, everyone realized that these twisted creatures were all new species formed by some unknown mutation of the monster!

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