This demon who descended from the bottom of the collapsed temple to the surface of the earth looked only 80% similar to Vivian, and compared with other evil thoughts, she only had a pair of red eyes. When Hao Ren and others looked at her a few more times, they suddenly realized that instead of saying that she looked only 80% similar to Vivian, it would be better to say that she looked more like the rebellious officer.

"I understand. After Vivian left the dream plane, her next stop was not the earth, but the Purgatory Star. She completed her first sleep and first split here, and then she set off for the earth again!" Kaisha explained for everyone.

Kaisha's explanation made everyone feel suddenly enlightened. After Vivian's original body imitated the rebellious officer, she came to the Purgatory Star from the dream plane. After splitting the first evil thought body here, she went to the earth.

So, who helped this planet reshape its ecological environment? Was it Vivian herself? Or was it the demon Vivian in front of them?

The current situation did not allow everyone to think any more, because the demon Vivian had already launched a fierce attack on them. Her attack skills did not show any trace of vampires at all. Her attack method was to control various elements of nature and fight against everyone like a long-range mage.

The most controlled items by the demon Vivian were various stones that could be seen everywhere. In her hands, these stones were played with various tricks, stone swords, stone arrows, stone cones, stone knives... As long as you can imagine the style of cold weapons, she can use stones to simulate them for you.

Not only that, even the meteorite summoned by Yzaks was controlled back by the demon Vivian, and she was able to learn from it and turned the meteorite into a rolling stone dragon cannon, and then attacked the people who couldn't fly...

Nangong Wuyue launched a water element attack at the demon Vivian, but it turned into a vast ocean flying all over the sky, and then it came towards her in a turbulent wave...

Even Kaisha's sharp arrows were blocked by the demon Vivian The empty space was squeezed into a ball. Nangong Sanba's prop attack was not to be mentioned. When the flame attack was close to the body of the demon god Vivian, it would be blocked by an invisible air wall when it was about three meters away. Then she could strengthen the flame and bounce it back...

"Damn it! These skills should have belonged to my power. You took them away from me. Give them back to me!" The small bat attack used by Vivian was easily resolved by the demon god Vivian.

"Hehe..." Facing Vivian's impotent rage, the demon god Vivian smiled contemptuously.

Except for the weak chicken, Vivian's evil thoughts should be individuals without independent consciousness. They can only act on instinct, but I never thought that the demon god Vivian actually has a certain degree of independent consciousness.

With the firepower cover and distraction of the enemy, Hao Ren finally wielded the God-killing Sword and killed in front of the Demon God Vivian. When the other party saw the God-killing Sword, she obviously showed a panic expression.

But only two seconds later, the Demon God Vivian quickly adjusted herself, and then she actually fought head-on with Hao Ren, who was holding the God-killing Sword, with her bare hands.

"My sword master! This time you have found the right person. I feel some slight divine aura from this lady. If you kill her with me, my sword will be worthy of the name of the God-killing Sword!" The voice of the God-killing Sword Spirit appeared in Hao Ren's mind without any warning.

"Does she have a divine aura? If so, let her have a taste of it!" Hao Ren used dazzling swordsmanship as a cover, and then suddenly took out the psionic pistol from the accompanying space. In a moment, a psionic bullet rushed towards the demon Vivian.

Although the demon Vivian had already noticed it, the psionic bullet still hit her right shoulder, and then under the gradual erosion of the psionic energy, her movements began to slow down obviously. So, everyone followed the principle of "taking advantage of your illness to kill you" and launched an extremely fierce attack on the demon Vivian...

After a whole day and night of fierce fighting, the demon Vivian, who was really no match for four hands, finally slowly lost, and her last blood was taken by HaoHao Ren, wielding the God-killing Sword, stabbed into her chest.

When Hao Ren stabbed this sword, the scene of the leader of the God-killing rebellious sons assassinating the goddess of creation appeared again in his spiritual world!

"You and I are one, and this ending is also quite good..." After saying a few intermittent last words, the demon Vivian fell into Vivian's arms, and then her body gradually turned into a blood crystal stone as big as a fist.

A normal blood crystal stone is usually only the size of two or three glass marbles, but the blood crystal stone transformed by the demon Vivian is so big. It can be seen that the other party must have taken away a lot of Vivian's power and many memories.

With the death of the demon Vivian, what was the truth of the year? Who changed the geographical environment of Purgatory Star and saved the survivors on this planet? Perhaps only after Vivian recovered this memory, everyone could know.

"Hao Ren, the demon Vivian is the most important part of the ecological environment on this planet. Now that she is dead, this planet is about to face the crisis of total collapse!" Zhong Zhuan flew to the top of Hao Ren's head in an anxious tone.

"What should we do now? If this planet collapses, what will happen to the wall of reality?" Hao Ren also became anxious.

"According to my calculations, the wall of reality may also collapse! By then, we may never be able to go to the dream plane again!" Zhong Zhuan replied in a frivolous tone.

"Terminal, aren't you extremely smart? You should think of a solution quickly!" In order to solve the crisis at hand, Hao Ren even flattered Zhong Zhuan.

"Let's go back to the spaceship first. I have already thought of a way. Don't worry! This planet won't collapse for a while." After being flattered by Hao Ren, Zhong Zhuan's tone of voice was a little floating.

When everyone returned to the spaceship, through Nolan's external monitor, everyone could feel that Purgatory Star was gradually approaching the edge of collapse.

"Terminal, stop keeping us in suspense. What is your good idea? Tell us quickly!" Hao Ren's heart began to tremble as Purgatory Star gradually collapsed.

"If you want to save Purgatory Star, you can only remove all traces of the eldest son on this planet!" Faced with such an urgent situation, Zhong Zhuan was still pretending.

"But we don't have such technology right now!" Hao Ren's heart was already hanging in his throat.

"Professional matters need to be handed over to professionals. You don't have such technology, but others do! Hao Ren, you just need to let me make a phone call, and professionals will come immediately to help you solve the crisis of Purgatory Star!" Zhong Zhuan said this in a mean tone.

"Zheng Dian, the professionals you mentioned, don't you mean the grandsons of the Fiyali Void Consortium!" Hao Ren was biting his back teeth again.

This Zhong Zhuan definitely has bad intentions. She actually wants Hao Ren to ask the Fiyali Void Consortium for help. How many years of year-end benefits does she want this trainee examiner to have withheld? One hundred years, three hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years, or even ten thousand years!

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