Zhongzhuan's self-boasting post was used by the Fiyali Void Consortium. As a result, they saved a considerable amount of money on the promotion of petrified tree crown products.

When their mining ships were still on the Purgatory Star, collecting petrified tree crowns, all orders for petrified tree crown products had been snapped up by the rich tycoons in the universe who had money but nowhere to spend it. In addition, the rich tycoons who were slow to grab the orders were already beating their feet at home.

When all the orders for petrified tree crown products were snapped up, the financial staff of the Fiyali Void Consortium transferred 100,000 Void Coins to Hao Ren's personal account, and they also gave him some impractical small gifts.

As the saying goes, too much talk leads to mistakes. When Hao Ren was checking his personal account, Zhongzhuan really said: Hao Ren, do you know? When those grandsons deal with the three major divine systems, only those with strong strength and strong background can make them trade with you honestly and in good faith, but asking them to pay a sum of money is really the first time in history!

If you reverse the thinking of Zhongzhuan's words to understand, then it becomes: In the universe of the surface world, do you want to test whether your power is strong or not? Then you can deal with the Feiliya Void Consortium. If they don't cheat you, it means that your power is very strong. If you are cheated by them, it means that in their eyes, you are just a fool who can be arbitrarily manipulated and slaughtered!

Therefore, prosecutors like Hao Ren and others, because of their weak power or almost no power, they deserve to be harmed by the Feiliya Void Consortium. When Hao Ren understood this meaning, he threw Zhongzhuan to the ground fiercely, and he also stepped hard on the other party's shell.

"Boss, you can be angry with Patty, but can you please stop stepping on my ship floor!" Nolan said unhappily.

After hearing what Nolan said, Hao Ren stopped stepping on the final brick, but picked her up and threw her into a cup of unknown solution.

After the mining ship collected the petrified tree crown, a technical spacecraft launched countless space bubbles towards the mutant monsters, which packed up the mutant monsters and took them away.

"Terminal, don't tell me that these mutant monsters can also be sold for money?" Hao Ren fished out the final brick from the solution.

"Yes! Those rich people who have money but nowhere to spend it just like to raise some strange pets!" The final brick said in a weak voice.

In fact, it is not just the petrified tree crowns and mutated monsters, but also the dead eldest son roots, the second-mutated eldest son tentacles, and the towering giant tree trunks. The people of the Fiyali Void Consortium can sell them to the scientists in the pan-civilization circle who like to do research. It can be seen that Hao Ren's transaction is simply a huge loss among the blood losses.

When the spaceships of the Fiyali Void Consortium were leaving the Purgatory Star, the captain of the technical spaceship said to Hao Ren: Dear Inquisitor, the stabilization device we installed on the wall of reality can only last for about three months. If you want a permanent stabilization device at that time, please remember to contact us!

The operation of these grandsons on the Purgatory Star is like pulling out all the leprosy from a person with leprosy on his head without any pain, and also pulling out the root of the leprosy, and they have not damaged the health of the person.

In addition, when these grandsons were operating, the time and space of Purgatory Star were in a state of stillness, and the people on the planet were also in a state of temporary dormancy. After the staff of the Fiyali Void Consortium evacuated one after another, the people on the planet gradually regained consciousness, and what greeted these star citizens next was a brand new ecological environment and endless night.

Yes, those grandsons even took away the glowing clouds, artificial sky curtains and artificial domes. These people from the Fiyali Void Consortium were not only profiteers but also bandits. The size of the entire Purgatory Star is now half smaller than before.

"Hao Ren, stop being stunned and ask for help from the goddess! To deal with these current problems, the goddessGod is a professional!" Zhongzhuan flew out of the solution by himself.

Under Zhongzhuan's reminder, Hao Ren immediately contacted Goddess Shunzi. After learning about the incident, the other party first praised him for being able to earn back 100,000 void coins from the Fiyali Void Consortium. Then, what greeted Hao Ren was a scolding from Goddess Shunzi.

After scolding Hao Ren, Goddess Shunzi's solution was to replace the Purgatory Star with a galaxy that had both stars and a complete ecological water cycle.

Then, Xiaobai made a suggestion: Why not let the Purgatory Star accompany Yugudora Hill! The habitable planet that Hao Ren had chosen for him and Xiaohei before was too desolate. The limited resources on that planet could only It will be enough to mine for another 500 years.

After a little thought, Goddess Shunzi agreed to Xiaobai's proposal, and then everyone saw a shocking scene: the projection of Goddess Shunzi became ten times the size of the planet above the Purgatory Star.

Next, the superplanetary projection of Goddess Shunzi cast a protective shield on the Purgatory Star, and then she...she kicked the planet straight towards the location of Yugudora Hill with a whip kick, and she said two words while kicking the ball: Go!

This is the management god of this area of ​​the universe. When she was ruthless, she directly kicked a planet as if it were a football. After Goddess Shunzi kicked away the Purgatory Star, she teleported with Hao Ren to Yugudora Hill. , and used a pair of big hands to separate the Nine Realms Tree and the desolate planet.

After the Purgatory Star flew over, she let the Purgatory Star merge with Yugudora Hill. As for the desolate star that was replaced, the projection of the goddess Shun'er kicked it to the border area of ​​Hao Ren's jurisdiction.

When Yugudora Hill landed again, Hao Ren, under the leadership of Xiaobai, went to the core diseased part of the eldest son and used the God-killing Sword to clear all the diseased factors. Next, Xiaobai will stay here and work with Xiaohei to reshape the glory of the nine kingdoms.

After Hao Ren solved the remaining problems of Yugudora Hill, he was sent back to the hull of Nolan by a whip kick from the goddess Shun'er, and she also left Hao Ren A message: You should find a way to solve the stability problem of the reality wall yourself, don't ask for help from the Fialli Void Consortium. Your 100,000 Void Coins may not even be enough for a small fraction of a second-rate stabilization device.

When Hao Ren came to Nolan's hull, everyone, including the ship girl, asked him curiously how he came back? When everyone learned that he was kicked back by the goddess Shunzi, everyone began to tease him:

Hao Ren, you should try to think about it from another angle. The Purgatory Star was also kicked by the goddess. The treatment you enjoy now is the same as that of a planet. For this, you should feel extremely fortunate, because such planetary-level treatment is not necessarily available to others even if they want to experience it!

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