When the one million-year war ended, although the Lord of Madness was not completely destroyed, he was suppressed by the Goddess of Creation in his lair, and no energy could penetrate out. The Goddess of Creation became the new ruler of the dream plane, and the whole universe ushered in a beautiful era of normal order.

Soon after, Asuman received a secret order from the Goddess of Creation, asking him to come to the planet Kolo to guard Lockmarton. At that time, Lockmarton had become a monster like the Lord of Madness. He could no longer be saved, but the Goddess of Creation was reluctant to kill him, so she could only suppress him on this planet and left the corresponding purification device, hoping that one day Lockmarton could be completely purified.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong in the plot you described. Before the Goddess of Creation launched a war against the Lord of Madness, she already had the ability to create everything. So why did she start learning to create life again after that?" Hao Ren discovered that the time when the Goddess of Creation created the eldest son and the guardian giant was somewhat inconsistent with the historical process of the dream plane.

"You are indeed the messenger chosen by the goddess. You found something wrong so quickly! That's right, after sealing the Lord of Madness, in order to strengthen the power of the seal, the goddess chose to cut her own memory and let herself completely forget the existence of the Lord of Madness. As a true god, as long as she can't remember who the Lord of Madness is, then the other party will never break the seal and come out!" Asuman has a deep admiration for the Goddess of Creation.

When everyone heard that the Goddess of Creation strengthened the seal of the Lord of Madness by forgetting the existence of the Lord of Madness, the first reaction in everyone's mind was not how great the Goddess of Creation was, but whether this method of strengthening the seal really worked?

"Sure enough, she is a wild goddess who has never been to school. She has defeated the enemy, but in the end she was bound by her own power. What kind of rubbish is the Lord of Madness? Is he worthy of a true god cutting his memory to seal him?" When everyone present did not dare to speak, Zhongzhuan flew straight to Asuman and severely criticized the various "ignorant" operations of the Goddess of Creation.

After hearing that Zhongzhuan was blaspheming the Goddess of Creation, Asuman immediately wanted to fight her to the death, but no matter how clever his attack methods were and how strange his attack methods were, he could not do anything to a genuine creature of the God Realm.

"According to what you said, only you Star People know that the Goddess of Creation strengthened the seal of the Lord of Madness by cutting off the memory. Then when the Goddess of Creation began to explore the dream plane again and re-create life, you silently supported her from behind. Even if you met her again, you had to pretend not to know her and re-establish friendship with her, right?" Hao Ren asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, every Star People, after seeing the Goddess of Creation again, must not say the name of the Lord of Madness. Since the Goddess cut off the memory, everyone voluntarily took on the responsibility of guarding the Dark Abyss. We occasionally leave the Dark Abyss to see the development of the Dream Plane, and give the Goddess some creation suggestions when appropriate!" Asuman answered Hao Ren's inquiry.

Next, except for Bekai and the other two, everyone present expressed their opinions. As they were talking, Yzaks mentioned a key point: the existence of the Lord of Madness is always an unstable security risk for the Dream Plane. The memory of the Goddess of Creation will be restored one day, so in order to solve the problem once and for all, the best way is to kill the Goddess of Creation.

If the sealing power becomes less reliable and the Goddess of Creation is helpless for a while, then the best solution is to self-destruct. After Yzaks finished speaking, everyone else present thought of this one after another.

"If the Goddess of Creation planned the assassination plan against herself, then why did the eldest son and the guardian giant go crazy? Did she want to destroy her own creations? And the Creation Engine was only half assembled at that time. Was this also part of her plan?"

"And the God-killing Rebellious Son attacked the Star of Creation, and just before the God-killing was about to succeed, she deliberately created Vivian... All of this shows that she didn't want to destroy herself at all, come and solve the problems left by the Lord of Madness!" Hao Ren continuously expressed a lot of doubts.

In fact, Hao Ren almost said it directly: If the Goddess of Creation really wants to commit suicide, then she should just commit suicide directly. Why does she have to borrow the hands of the godslayers and implicate so many creatures in the dream plane, so that these creatures will suffer a catastrophe like a world-destroying natural disaster because of her!

Therefore, judging from the various words and deeds of the Goddess of Creation, she is definitely not the kind of cold-blooded person who has no feelings for the lives she created. She would never let her children follow her to die. Regarding this point, what happened to Rockmarton is a very obvious example.

"Okay, everyone stop making random guesses. I will tell you everything I know! The Goddess of Creation did not directly plan the war of killing gods, but she did acquiesce and condone it to a certain extent. The madness of the eldest son and the guardian giant was indeed beyond the Goddess's expectation. When she found out about all this, she was already trying her best to remedy it, including asking us to rush to the aid of various intelligent planets, which was also part of the remedy plan! "Asuman finally revealed some important secrets.

After everyone slowly digested all this, Hao Ren took out the God-killing Sword and the World-Splitting Blade from the accompanying space, and then Asuman told him that these two swords were the two weapons that the Goddess of Creation held in her hands when she conquered the Lord of Madness. These two swords were weapons made by the Goddess herself, and they also have a combined name: the Double Blades of the End! This means the end of everything!

Narrator: In the original work, the conversation between Asuman and everyone was too much and too watery. The author is here I will not go into details here. After writing half a chapter or a whole chapter, I will enter the plot of Hao Ren's "Sandbox Search for Love"!

When leaving the planet Koro and returning to the surface world, Asuman insisted on returning to the Dark Abyss to guard the Lord of Madness with his compatriots. The Goddess of Creation paid such a great price to seal this great evil demon, and they must not let the goddess's efforts go to waste.

After sending the twenty-one ancient giants and the guardian giants such as Muru back to the planet Tanagos, Hao Ren and his party finally returned to the planet. The little western-style building that they had been away from for two months. Yes, this trip to the dream plane was the longest "delayed" trip in their history.

Because of the couplets of the goddess Shun'er, although no one had cleaned the house for two months, there was not much dust. Then, under Liu Lili's suggestion, Nangong Wuyue turned into a pool of living water, washing the inside and outside of the little western-style building, and then the house immediately became clean as new.

The Hao family mansion, which had been deserted for two months, finally became lively again tonight. The atmosphere was simply a "chaos". After returning to their "old nest", the group of people who had been away from home for many days, except for Bei Kai and the others, including the Bei Yu sisters and Dou Dou, seemed particularly excited and excited.

Especially Liu Lili and Gun Miao, the cat-dog duo, made such a big noise that Hao Ren almost wanted to tie them up outside the door. If he was not worried that the people from the Small Animal Protection Association and the Girls' League would come together to cause trouble for him, he would have probably done so long ago!

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