When the group retreated to the west gate of the inner city, the regular troops of the human kingdom finally arrived. They were holding the advanced weapons of this era - matchlock guns. Seeing this, Liu Lili rushed forward without fear.

After a few gunshots of "bang bang bang", a few blood spots were shot on Liu Lili's body. The husky girl was in pain, but she still roared: Werewolves are fearless! After she rushed forward a few steps, she immediately turned into a small alley: Only idiots would fight you head-on!

Hao Ren and others ran to another alley, because the soldiers holding matchlock guns had been attracted by Liu Lili's firepower, so the pursuers in front of them were all soldiers holding cold weapons, so everyone used their own tricks to kill a bloody road, scaring the human commander to retreat again and again.

When everyone came to the outside of the city and met up with Helen, Hesanna already looked as if she was dead, because her plan had completely failed.

"Lily, are you okay? This body you are in now is the body you just left the small mountain village and came to the human world to explore. You can't be so reckless like in the 21st century!" Hao Ren first "ignored" Hesanna's emotions, and he went to check Liu Lili's specific condition.

"So this is what it feels like to be hit by a bullet. This journey through time is quite novel! But these few matchlock guns broke my defense, which is really very unpleasant! You know, I can resist rocket launchers in the future, and this body is really weak!" Liu Lili looked at the bullet holes on her body that were gradually healing.

"You have to learn to get used to this body slowly!" Hao Ren patted Liu Lili on the shoulder.

"Landlord, the little bat spirit seems a little unhappy!" Liu Lili took a look at her skirt and confirmed that it was not exposed because of the matchlock gun.

"She is angry now, you'd better not provoke her!" As soon as Hao Rencai finished speaking, Lady Mary walked towards Hesanna, and she half-knelt in front of her and said: In the name of black magic, it is my greatest honor to meet the messenger from the City of Shadows. I am...

"A group of self-righteous fools, do you know what you have done?" Hesanna arrogantly accused Lady Mary and other wizards of their stupid behavior.

"Lord Hesanna, we are saving you!" Lady Mary said tentatively.

"Do I need you to save me? I don't even know you, okay? To put it bluntly, your combined strength is not even enough for one of my hands!" Hesienna punched the ground lightly, and a big pit and a circle of spider web-like cracks appeared.

"This naughty child, it turns out that she has been lacking maternal love for a long time, which has led to her distorted personality!" Hao Ren silently commented on Hesienna in his heart.

"Okay, okay, although they did a bad thing with good intentions, at least they were kind, so don't scold them anymore, okay?" When Hesienna was almost angry, Hao Ren went over to calm her down.

"Okay! For your sake, I won't bother with them, and I can also take them to the City of Shadows (Athens Shelter)!" Hesienna calmed down a little.

Lady Mary and other witches were waiting for this sentence, which seemed to make all the unwarranted accusations they had suffered before disappear into thin air: in this dark age where life was in danger, being able to get a little bit of protection was enough to make them willing to endure all the unfair treatment.

"Their problems have been solved, now it's time to talk about yours. Who are you? Why do you know about Lady Vivian? What is your relationship with her? And how do you know my name?" Heatherna stared at Hao Ren intently.

Hao Ren knew that it was not easy for him to gain the trust of Heatherna who lived more than 600 years ago, so he suddenly had an idea and took out a little bat that Vivian had given him before from the accompanying space. This was given to him by Vivian for safekeeping in a certain incident, but he had always forgotten to return it to her!

Let me digress: If Hao Ren never remembers the little bat in the accompanying space, I wonder if it will become Heather Anna No. 2?

Heather Anna stared in amazement at the little bat that Hao Ren took out from nowhere.Finally, I completely believed what the strange man in front of me said!

"Now you should believe what I said! I also know that your current guardian is Hesperius. I actually knew you a long time ago, but you just don't know me!" Hao Ren tentatively touched Hesien's head, and then the little bat spirit did not resist.

"Sister, do you think Hao Ren treats Hesien like a father treats his daughter when he treats Hesien?" Betha, who was floating on Hesien's head, asked Kai Yu beside her.

"Sister, Hao Ren wants to pursue Vivian, and Hesien's level is his only way. I didn't expect this guy's mind is really deep! Now he knows how to get close to his future stepdaughter!" Kai Yu found that Hao Ren is really becoming more and more mature and experienced.

"It sounds like it's true. Next, don't tell me that when I was a child, you hugged me and other nonsense!" Hesien suddenly felt a chill in her spine.

Next, Hao Ren and Hesanna talked about some irrelevant topics. After talking about a lot of irrelevant topics, Hesanna told her plan: she heard that a demon hunter was coming towards Lady Vivian, so she decided to make a big noise and attract all the demon hunters. She had set up a trap somewhere in advance, just waiting for the demon hunter to take the bait and catch the turtle in the jar!

Hao Ren and Hesanna's discussion about Vivian also alarmed Lady Mary and other witches. They all seemed very surprised. They hurried over to ask Hesanna what kind of relationship she had with the Countess who summoned the Red Moon?

Hesanna first used all kinds of gorgeous words to praise Vivian in front of Hao Ren, Mary and others, and then she hypnotized herself and said: I am the only descendant of the Countess. I want to emphasize here that my mother loves me very much!

Hao Ren, who wanted to be a stepfather, felt that Hesanna had lived a very difficult life for so many years. After he got out of here, he must persuade Vivian and treat the child better in the future. Oh no, he and Vivian must treat the child better together!

"The bat who only cares about giving birth but not raising her deserves her bad luck for more than 10,000 years!" Liu Lili sat aside, eating barbecue and silently complaining about Vivian in her heart.

Through Hesanna's description, Hao Ren felt that these suddenly appearing demon hunters must have come for Vivian's sleeping place, but at the same time he had a new doubt: Vivian is one of the fourteen saints of demon hunters. Although most of the demon hunters have forgotten her name, don't the twelve saints remind the demon hunters to go around her when they go out to do tasks?

And this time, why did the demon hunters come to find Vivian's sleeping place in such a big way? Could it be that the God-killing Sword's "nightmare" was about to break out ahead of time? For this reason, Hao Ren couldn't help but take a look at the God-killing Sword that was "lying" in the accompanying space and "sleeping"!

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