In this way, under the lure of a soulless team that was fighting and retreating, the demon hunters led by Lockheed were gradually led to the evil body, and then they were collectively confused because they saw the kidnapped Hasu and the suspected kidnapper Hao Ren fighting side by side.

"Don't hesitate any more. This is just a temporary cooperation forced by the situation. Now give priority to attacking the Countess!" Hasu ordered Lockheed and others like this. After all, he didn't have too much energy to explain that the "Vivian" in front of him was just an evil body.

After being confused for about two or three minutes, Lockheed gave instructions: Everyone listen to my orders, cooperate with Elder Hasu and the soulless army, and attack the Countess with all your strength!

The addition of demon hunters greatly improved the situation on the battlefield and relieved the pressure on Hao Ren and others. In order to thoroughly implement the principle of using demon hunters as cannon fodder, Hesanna was the first to withdraw from the central battlefield, and the next person to withdraw from the battlefield was Liu Lili, who didn't care about the lives of her children and grandchildren.

Hesanna and Liu Lili could withdraw from the battlefield, but Hao Ren couldn't easily withdraw. He was still on the battlefield, waiting for the best opportunity to see if he could stab the God-killing Sword or the World-splitting Blade into the chest of the evil mind body, because only in this way could he completely destroy the opponent.

On the battlefield, the demon hunters led by Lockheed gradually evolved into a team led by Hasu himself, and then the combat effectiveness of this team doubled at once. All kinds of dazzling Leta runes and magic-killing spells were continuously poured towards the evil mind body, but the evil mind body could recover quickly after being injured.

While Hao Ren was still looking for the best point to penetrate, the magic cannon that five demon hunters had temporarily equipped on the battlefield had been assembled. When this magic beam cannon that broke through the sky smashed down, the evil thought body was directly blown into pieces.

"The Countess who summoned the Red Moon was killed by us, right?" A young demon hunter wiped the blood on his forehead in disbelief, while the other demon hunters looked at their comrades around them in bewilderment. At this time, it was more appropriate to describe their state with the phrase "at a loss and ridiculous".

Perhaps these demon hunters had never imagined that the Countess who summoned the Red Moon could be killed, because they had always regarded Vivian as an invincible alien myth, and the reason why this deeply rooted view came about was probably because Vivian had beaten their fathers!

"Calm down, the Countess is not an easy person to deal with. What you just killed is just a clone!" Hasu's roar finally brought these demon hunters back to their senses.

Just as Hasu's voice fell, when everyone was looking for the Countess, this cunning evil body appeared from behind Liu Lili.

Seeing this, Hao Ren immediately waved the Doomsday Double Blade and rushed over to support, but it seemed too late. At this critical moment, a black figure suddenly appeared, and she also tightly clamped all the actions of the evil body.

Looking closely, I saw Vivian appearing on the scene and pinching the neck of the evil body, while her other hand was "greeting" the other's face: I let you rob my bedroom! I let you rob my coffin! I let you rob my territory! I am so poor that I can only sleep in the ruins, and there are still people who dare to steal things! Is there any law here?

The evil body, which was so powerful just now, finally stopped moving gradually under Vivian's crazy slaps. Not only did it stop moving, but it also slowly turned into a pile of smoke and liquid. It melted away quickly like a snowflake that met the sun.

Yes, this is just Vivian's memory corridor. The evil body will not turn into blood crystal after death, and this is a difference between it and the real world.

Vivian's shining appearance and the scene of beating the evil body to death with random punches made most of the demon hunters present retreat involuntarily. After swallowing their saliva, they all put away their weapons and tried to reduce their presence as much as possible.

The power of the evil body is obvious to all demon hunters. Such a powerful guy was beaten to death by Vivian's fist without any extraordinary power in front of everyone.Dead, who dares to go up and cause trouble?

The atmosphere at the scene was silent for about ten minutes, and then Vivian yawned and flew up, then she looked around at the people present, and pointed at the remnant of the evil thought body that was beaten to death and asked: Who is this guy? How come he looks exactly like me? Who of you can explain it to me!

When the demon hunters hesitated, only Hao Ren dared to step forward and asked: Vivian, are you awake? Do you want to sleep a little longer?

"I woke up, but it was just a careless wake-up. I woke up halfway and sleepwalked for a while, and then I couldn't find the way home, so I just slept outside until a little guy came in and woke me up!" Vivian looked at a dark corner, and about ten seconds later, Barn walked out of the corner.

"Great Lord of the Red Moon, congratulations on regaining your territory!" Barn came to Vivian and offered the most sincere kneeling ceremony to the Countess.

"I almost forgot that there is an agreement between me and the Night Watch Knight. I'll give this to you!" Vivian took out a crystal bead from somewhere, and inside the crystal bead, there was a drop of blood-red liquid, and there were also waves of powerful energy fluctuations, which continued to come out of this drop of liquid.

This drop of red liquid is a drop of Vivian's blood. With this drop of blood, the door to the location of any evil thought body can be opened, of course, except for the place outside the God Realm. Although the door can be opened, whether it can go to those places depends on the strength of the caster.

"Praise the great Lord of the Red Moon, thank you for your gift, I will find a way to do the next thing myself!" Barn knelt in front of Vivian again and kowtowed.

"Mr. Vivian, how can you give your blood to a human wizard who is not even up to the standard?" Hesanna suddenly appeared in front of Vivian.

"Vivian, don't move!" Hao Ren shouted quickly, and then Vivian was hugged by Hesanna.

Yes, Hao Ren's sudden shout made Vivian's plan to turn into a group of small bats and escape fall through. Then, she was hugged firmly by Hesanna, and then the little bat spirit was "tied" to Vivian like an octopus.

"Get down here, if you don't come down, I will turn into a bat in your arms and fly away directly!" Vivian wanted to pull Hesanna down, but she couldn't do it anyway.

After hearing this, Heather Anna reluctantly got off Vivian's body, and then she stood in front of her mother with her head down like a child who had done something wrong, and used her peripheral vision to send a look to Hao Ren: Thank you, you did a great job just now!

That's right, if it weren't for Hao Ren's precise voice, how could Heather Anna have the opportunity to hang on Vivian's body for several minutes as she wished? Now she is very curious, why can Hao Ren catch the opportunity so accurately?

Hao Ren used his eyes very happily and replied to Heather Anna: There is no need to be so polite between us, you finally met your mother, I naturally have to satisfy your wish! Unfortunately, the little bat spirit didn't even understand a "word"!

In response, the Bei Yu sisters who were floating in the air eating melons and watching the show and eating snacks said: Hao Ren, you are quite competent as the future stepfather!

Yes, Heather Anna's favorability towards Hao Ren has already exceeded the passing line. It can be seen that this journey through time and space is not only Hao Ren's journey to find love, but also his journey to find his relatives. After this journey is over, he will be able to gain a lover and a daughter at the same time!

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