The remains of the creature were a black dog over five meters tall with three heads. Its fur was as hard as steel, and each head was inlaid with steel plates and black spikes.

Around its remains, there were traces of fierce battles everywhere. The countless silver weapon fragments seemed to tell how powerful the dog was when it was alive.

However, the dog died after all. The stronger demon hunter cut off the trachea of ​​its two heads, and inserted a holy silver sword straight into the middle dog head, piercing its entire head. It was the three-headed hellhound Cerberus, and it was also Hades' most successful magically transformed creature and his mount!

"The three-headed hellhound - Cerberus, after defeating Hades, the two surviving elders and seven masters all died in its hands. Its three heads can spit out fire, ice and poison gas respectively!" Hasu seemed to have a particularly fresh memory of the powerful fighting power of the hellhound.

Just as everyone passed by the body of Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound, which was supposed to be dead, suddenly shook. Its last head that had not been cut off opened its bloody mouth and bit directly towards little Heather Anna.

"Fuck! Does this guy still have a resurrection armor?" Hao Ren turned around quickly and hugged the helpless little Heather Anna, then his other hand opened the energy shield, and this hand protected by the shield was directly stuffed into the huge mouth of Cerberus.

"Damn commandos, they actually forgot that this guy is not a pure undead magic creature, but a semi-mechanized creature, and its skeleton is made of alloy!" Hasu rushed forward and directly opened the skull of the Cerberus. In addition to flesh and blood, there were also glittering metal wires, ticking gears, and various hoses with green liquid flowing.

"What corner has the technology tree of Mount Olympus gone to?" Looking at the true face of Cerberus, even Hao Ren felt a little bit unbearable to look at.

"Sister, isn't this the design concept of the first generation of Terminator?" Betha, who was eating melons and watching the show, almost vomited out what she had just eaten, because the true face of Cerberus was really too disgusting.

"Sister, this is different from the design concept of the first generation of Terminator. Cerberus' body organs are obviously original biological tissues!"

"But the various organs of the first generation of Terminator have been replaced by mechanical parts. Their only biological tissues are blood, skin and hair, and they are artificially synthesized biological tissues!" Looking at the disgusting Cerberus, Kai Yu explained calmly.

I almost forgot that Kai Yu is the famous corpse ancestor in the world of Bad People-Jiang Chen. She often needs to sew up corpses. I guess she has seen scenes that are thousands and tens of thousands times more disgusting than the true face of Cerberus.

After the unsuccessful raid and the injury, Cerberus immediately let go of Hao Ren's arm, and then it began to rush around on the battlefield. Obviously, some of its biological tissues have been completely necrotic, and it is now completely out of control!

Facing a three-headed hellhound that was embarrassing the dog, Liu Lili rushed up like crazy, and she also jumped directly onto the back of Cerberus, and then climbed to the head of the hellhound with her hands and feet. Then she fought with the opponent in the most primitive way, like a wild beast...

"Go to hell, you are so ugly, don't jump out to embarrass the Wang family. You think you are great just because you have three heads, right? You can't get into Peking University with three heads... And your fur is simply embarrassing the entire dog world!" Liu Lili rode on Cerberus' neck and beat the head of the three-headed hellhound with all her strength.

"Is this the legendary dog ​​bites dog?" Sea Arthur stood aside and watched the battle with a smile on her face.

Under Liu Lili's crazy beating, Cerberus suddenly let out a terrifying roar. Then, the mad dog left Liu Lili behind and ran towards the tower with a red glow all over its body.After reaching the base of the tower, it kicked the ground and jumped into the ground.

After Cerberus jumped into the ground, a deafening sound came from the ground, gradually approaching. These sounds sounded like some big guy was about to crawl out from the ground.

"Not good! Cerberus has opened the abyss prison of the underworld, and Kronos and the other twelve Titans are about to be released!" Hasu suddenly said nervously.

Then, except for the Bei Yu sisters who were invisible to everyone, the others present did not react for a while. Who is "Kronos"? When the vibration in the ground had become dizzy, Liu Lili asked leisurely: Is Kronos the father of Zeus?

"Who else could it be if not him? The underground of the underworld is actually an abyss prison. Not only is Zeus' father, but also the parents of the twelve {main gods}, that is, the twelve Titans, they are all imprisoned in it!" Hasu has become more and more uneasy.

"Why are these Titans still alive? Why don't you kill them together?" Hao Ren asked while leading everyone to climb up the tower leading to the Temple of Hades.

"Because this is an unnecessary loss. The twelve Titans are imprisoned in the deepest part of the underworld. We don't want to lose too many people for them! Besides, the key to open the abyss prison is to sacrifice Cerberus. Are we so bored that we have to do such a thankless task?" Hasu was also desperately climbing up.

While everyone was talking, the so-called indestructible Wall of Sighs was gradually collapsed by the shaking of the underground prison. Then, the platform on which the tower stood was also shaken down, and even the bottom of the tower began to collapse. Then, a giant over 80 meters tall drilled out of the ground, and he was Zeus's father-Cronus!

After Cronus, the other eleven Titans also drilled out of the ground one after another. There were men and women among them, but their heights were all over 50 or 60 meters, which was much taller than the guardian giants such as Muru.

After the twelve Titans drilled out of the ground, the giants headed by Cronus roared towards Mount Olympus, as if they were shaking the earth. They wanted to take revenge on their descendants.

The twelve Titans first destroyed the entire underworld, and even ate Hades' remains. Then they climbed up the tower. Hao Ren and others were chasing them and were running up like crazy, but the distance between them was gradually shortening.

"I suddenly thought of a question. Are Kronos and Zeus really father and father?" Liu Lili, who was in a hurry, asked this question in her busy schedule.

"The normal Olympus {gods} are all three to five meters tall, but the fathers and descendants of the twelve {main gods} are all mutated. The fathers such as Kronos mutated upward, while the descendants such as Hercules mutated downward!" Ha Su also took the time to popularize it for everyone.

Before the twelve "main gods" came to power, although the twelve Titans had the advantage of height, their IQ was gradually degenerating. They then implemented a primitive and barbaric high-pressure rule on Mount Olympus. Then Zeus united his brothers and sisters, as well as the "gods" of their generation, to overthrow the cruel rule of Kronos and others, and they also imprisoned their parents in the abyss prison under the underworld!

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