Xiao Yan used two kinds of strange fire to refine the remains of the demon beast. For this, he got a pair of exquisite bone wings, seven drops of precious beast blood, an extremely hard spine, and segmented bones of different lengths. In short, he gained a lot this time.

After finishing the remains of the demon beast, Xiao Yan began to refine the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill.

When Xiao Yan thought that this was something for his child, he often looked for the most expensive and top-level materials when collecting materials.

After seven days and seven nights of refining, when the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill was about to take shape, Xiao Yan melted two drops of the seven drops of beast blood into it. He was not stingy with what his children needed.

"Well, this Xiao Yan is not bad! Although he is not a good man, he will definitely be a good father!" Kaisha, who had been watching Xiao Yan refining the pill in the dark, finally said a word of praise to him.

"Maybe! Who can tell what will happen in the future?" When Bello said this, his hands kept rubbing Kaisha's belly.

At this moment, he was only thinking about one thing: We have both tried so hard, why is there still no movement?

"You have been touching for a long time, did you feel any movement?" Kaisha turned her head slightly and asked Bello behind her.

"It's a pity, there is still no movement. Maybe we are not blessed!" Bello put his head on Kaisha's shoulder.

"I remember you once said that the god called the high priest has a child. How long did it take him and his wife to have a child?" Kaisha turned her hand over and touched Bello's head.

"I heard that it seemed to take hundreds of millions of years!" Bello thought about it for a while.

"Then it's over. We are both gods. How can we give birth to offspring in a normal time like mortals?" Kaisha said to comfort Bello.

"What realm is the high priest in? What realm are we in? Compared with him, we are so far apart in realm! No, to be precise, we are so far apart in dimension!" Bello dared not compare himself with the high priest.

"In short, what I mean is that maybe we can't have children, but the time has not come yet! Although you and I are both gods, our divine bodies are normal, so I believe that one day in the future, we will have children of our own!" Kaisha seriously enlightened Bello.

"Okay! I can only continue to look forward to that day. Why don't we think about what the name of our future child should be! If it's a girl, we'll call her..." Bello began to discuss with Kaisha the name of a child who was not even eight poles away from them.

What is a little different from the original plot is that after Xiao Yan refined the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill, he asked Xiao Li to bring the pill back to the Yan League and give it to Cai Lin.

Instead, he personally went back to the Yan League and solemnly handed the Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill to Cai Lin. Afterwards, the two said goodbye to each other affectionately.

"Cai Lin, I will leave for Zhongzhou tomorrow. If anything happens to me, you must take good care of our children, and..." Before Xiao Yan finished speaking, Cai Lin covered his mouth with her hand.

"Don't say anything more. I hope you can come back safely. I don't want our children to be without a father. When you are out there, please remember us mother and daughter at all times. In addition, I will take good care of the Yan League and the Xiao family for you. I..." There are some things that Cai Lin dare not say directly at the moment.

"Cai Lin, you..." After Xiao Yan and Cai Lin looked at each other for about a minute, the former took the initiative to "talk to each other" with the latter, and then the two of them remained in this state for a long time!

After bidding farewell to Cai Lin affectionately, Xiao Yan returned to Canaan College at Su Qian's invitation. His original intention was to separate a trace of the origin of the Fallen Heart Flame from his body to maintain the daily operation of the Burning Heaven Qi Training Tower.

But when Xiao Yan came to the alien fire space at the bottom of the tower again, he "encountered" the Skyfire Venerable here. The other party used the newly born Fallen Heart Flame in the lava below the alien fire space as an exchange, allowing Xiao Yan to take his soul out of the alien fire space.

After that, Xiao Yan directly handed over the newly born Fallen Heart Flame to Su Qian and others.

Losing the power of Yao ChenWith the assistance of a large amount of people, Xiao Yan also gained the Skyfire Venerable as his last trump card. His good luck made many people envious and cry.

After everything was ready, Xiao Yan took Zi Yan and Xiao Yixian to Zhongzhou!

After Xiao Yan and the other two left, Bei Kai and the other two traveled in the northwest of Douqi Continent. A year later, they returned to the Yan League of Jia Ma Empire and settled down together.

After two years of precipitation, Cai Lin's lower abdomen finally began to show signs of pregnancy. Everyone in Yan League was guessing who the father of the child was, and many of them were guessing that the father of the child was Xiao Yan.

"Cai Lin, are you not going to disclose the life experience of your child in your belly? Everyone is waiting impatiently!" Kaisha came to Cai Lin's room.

"I... I don't know how to say it?" Queen Medusa, who was majestic in front of outsiders, showed an expression like a little woman at this time.

"Why should you be embarrassed to speak up? Many people have already guessed the relationship between you and Xiao Yan, and they are now waiting for your answer! Listen to my advice, and quickly announce the child's background! In this way, some people in the Yan League will be more convinced of you as the deputy leader!" Kaisha tried her best to persuade Cai Lin.

"I understand, I will admit this to everyone tomorrow!" After careful consideration, Cai Lin finally decided to make public the background of the child in her belly.

When Cai Lin publicly announced that she and Xiao Yan were already husband and wife, many people in the Yan League cheered and clamored to celebrate.

The only two elders left in the Xiao family, together with the Xiao family members, respectfully called Cai Lin "Young Madam", and Xiao Ding and Xiao Li also began to affectionately call Cai Lin "brother-in-law"!

"Old Hai, Old Pharaoh, you lost. Now hand over the bet we agreed on in advance!" Jia Xingtian stretched out his right hand to Hai Bodong and Fama. The three old guys actually bet on who the father of Cai Lin's child was.

"I'm willing to accept the loss!" Hai Bodong handed over a fifth-grade pill very readily, while Fama was a little stingy.

"They are all celebrating. Why did you come here to drink alone?" Bello temporarily left Kaisha and came behind Hai Bodong who was drinking alone on a platform.

At this moment, everyone in the Yan League was celebrating for Cai Lin!

"I just thought of some not-so-good but beautiful things!" Hai Bodong stared at a dandelion in his hand while drinking.

"Are you thinking about her?" Bello asked tentatively.

In fact, before this, Belo already knew that this world was a world that merged the plot of the special episode of Fights Break Sphere. Therefore, the love story between Haibodong and Die was also something that had happened in this world.

"What if I want to? What if I don't want to? The person has gone, and I am just feeling sad alone!" Haibodong blew gently at the dandelion in his hand, and the dandelion separated into pieces.

"I heard that after she died, Medusa took her body away. Why don't you ask where her body is now? Maybe you two can meet again?" After Belo patted Haibodong on the shoulder, he turned and left the platform.

After all, he had said all the words he could persuade, and the rest could only be figured out by Haibodong himself.

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