While the two Hesianas were persuading Vivian, Hao Ren also went to explain some things to Poseidon and Athena. The list of breakouts had already been drawn up. In order to ensure the survival rate after the breakout as much as possible, even the number of people was reduced to ten. As for items such as "artifacts", there were almost only everyone's personal belongings.

In fact, Hao Ren also knew that Hercules, who really brought the files and treasures, had already left through a secret passage leading to the outside world under the arrangement of Zeus and Poseidon, and those files and treasures were already in his own hands in the real time and space.

That's right, Hao Ren and others have collected the things brought out by Hercules from Mount Olympus in the real world, and there are also some scattered clues that can unlock the truth of the dream plane.

As for the ten people on the breakout list, they are just some historical terms for Hao Ren, as long as the name of Hesperius is guaranteed to be among them.

At this time, Hesperius was still a gentle and calm "goddess", not the female Tyrannosaurus who had a drastic change of temperament and split personality due to brain damage in the next three thousand years. At this time, she and Liu Lili were good friends who talked and laughed.

Next, in order to allow Poseidon and others to stay and be responsible for the rear guard, Hao Ren went to the treasury of the temple and selected a few "artifacts" that were said to be super precious. After that, they took the confused Vivian with them and prepared to break through.

As expected of the descendants of the "gods" of Mount Olympus, when they heard that they were going to break through, Hesperius and the other ten people immediately changed into gorgeous battle robes, and the weapons in their hands were all of the type with some kind of magic special effects. If they went out, they would directly become moving targets for the demon hunters!

"You think you're not dying fast enough, right? Hurry up and change into ordinary civilian clothes and put away your weapons!" Hao Ren patiently explained the current interests to Hesperius and others.

After Hao Ren and his party left the back door of the temple, Poseidon used the last bit of energy to reinforce the four sides of the temple hall, and then he walked to the coffin of Zeus. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the future direction of the earth. He knew that neither aliens nor demon hunters would become the masters of this planet. Those humans who they have always looked down on will be the future masters of this planet.

As the demon hunters continued to attack, Poseidon applied his life energy to the temple's defense barrier at all costs. The purpose of doing so was just to buy a little time for Hesperius and others to leave Mount Olympus, while Athena and others clenched their weapons, ready to fight the demon hunters who broke in...

When Hao Ren led everyone to a "dead end" that he and Poseidon had agreed on in advance, the twelve main peaks of Mount Olympus actually exploded one after another at the same time. The energy waves generated after the explosion blew out a temporary passage on this "dead end", and then they walked into this passage one after another.

Yes, Poseidon and others had already prepared for collective death. When they fought to the last soldier, they had to detonate the entire "Kingdom of God" to blast an escape route for Hesperius and others.

The twelve main peaks are also the power source of Mount Olympus. As long as the power reactor is overloaded, the entire "Kingdom of God" can be blown up to the sky.

Hasu once said that the fall of Mount Olympus was a historic and epoch-making event, because the explosion of the "Kingdom of God" was witnessed by many places in the human world.

However, the fall of Mount Olympus was a scene that occurred in a different space, and the scene that humans could see was just a phantom image projected in the sky, but this did not prevent humans from writing about it.

At the same time, in the real historical line, a large number of elites and elites of the demon hunters after conquering Mount Olympus also died in the space turbulence after the explosion of the "Kingdom of God".

"Lord Poseidon has bought us time. The Kingdom of God is about to collapse completely. Let's leave here quickly!" Hesperius looked at the Temple of Poseidon with flames soaring into the sky and said so sadly..

At this moment, Hasu, who had arrived belatedly, finally arrived in front of Hao Ren and others in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and then someone in the crowd shouted a word: Kill! Then, Hesperius and ten other people rushed towards Hasu.

"Except Hesperius, kill all the others!" Hao Ren took out the Final Double Blade without hesitation, and then he rushed towards the nine survivors of Mount Olympus.

"Enemy, I want..." After seeing Hao Ren killing indiscriminately, Vivian's eyes were gradually turning red, and she was about to completely lose control.

Seeing this, Hao Ren immediately rushed to Vivian, handed the key to the door of the small western-style building to her and said: Vivian, please wake up quickly!

After seeing the key to the door of the small western-style building, the ferocious expression on Vivian's face immediately began to fade away, and then she looked up at Hao Ren and asked: Who are you?

"Can you change your line? I have heard you say this sentence ten times!" Hao Ren pressed Vivian's shoulders with both hands.

"Sorry, I just came back to my senses, and there is only this sentence in my mind! Hao Ren, we finally meet again!" Vivian took the initiative to go forward and hug Hao Ren.

When Hao Ren and Vivian hugged each other, the dynamic scenery of the entire space and time stopped, and all the surrounding scenery gradually turned into black and white. Even little Heather Anna and Hesperius turned into a gray-white statue. In the end, all the surrounding scenery turned into a "safe house".

Hasu, who was being chased and running around, finally stopped. The descendants of Mount Olympus behind him had turned into a row of statues. Then Liu Lili and Dahaisiana slowly came to Hao Ren and Vivian.

"Time flies so fast. I didn't expect you to have come to the day when Mount Olympus was destroyed!" Vivian let go of Hao Ren's arms and walked in front of the other three people.

"Vivian, you don't need us to explain it to you again now?" Hao Ren looked at Vivian with joy.

"Thanks to you, my strength has recovered a lot now. I can contact the memory fragments awakened by you, so I have recalled your memories along the way intermittently now!" When Vivian said these words, she looked up from time to time at the Bei Yu sisters who were floating in the air and no one could see them.

"Vivian, can you see them now?" Hao Ren followed Vivian's line of sight, but he saw nothing.

"I still can't see them now, but I can sense them. As my strength gradually recovers, my sense of their existence is getting stronger and stronger!" Vivian finally stopped staring at the "air" above.

Next, Vivian turned her head and looked at the little Heather Anna, who had turned into a statue. The second before she turned into a statue, she was still thinking about running over quickly and throwing herself into her arms. She really owed this child too much!

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