Liu Lili's "petrification" process started from her feet and slowly spread to her whole body. When the gray and white color spread to her chest, she said with a smile: I will go back to the audience to eat melons first. Landlord, you must bring the bat back intact. She still owes me a lifetime of food! And you have to come back intact. If you don't come back, how can she, a poor ghost, pay for the food!

When the "petrification" progress was about to spread to her face, Liu Lili suddenly raised the alloy heavy sword in her hand. She wanted to test it out. After she was completely "petrified", would the sword be preserved? As a result, when her whole body was completely "petrified", the alloy heavy sword also began to be slowly "petrified"!

When Liu Lili returned to modern time and space, she suddenly found that there were seven or eight little turtles on her face. When she asked who drew the little turtles, several instigators pointed at Heatherna, who was standing still.

Next, Liu Lili picked up a paintbrush and drew little turtles on Heatherna's face. No, she was not only drawing little turtles, but she also drew a little bat being held by a little turtle...

After Liu Lili left the team, Hao Ren and his team continued their journey back in time... For them, the world ahead of them became more and more bizarre. The historical knowledge points that Hao Ren originally remembered were overturned and re-recognized again and again in this long journey back in time.

In fact, it is difficult to guarantee that human historical records can be 100% accurate, and those records involving ancient "gods" are even more so.

The interweaving of supernatural traces and real-life plots has led most historians in later generations to extract all the parts of ancient books that involve myths and legends, and then hand these knowledge points over to religious scholars and mythologists for discussion and compilation.

But for Hao Ren and others, these contents ignored and eliminated by historians are their own personal experiences.

Hao Ren and his team witnessed one ancient kingdom after another that did not exist in history books. These kingdoms were full of magical elements and alien auras. Some kingdoms relied on sunlight as power and floated in the sky, while some kingdoms were buried deep underground, relying on magma and geothermal heat as production power...

All kinds of strange dream plane creatures ruled these bizarre city-states. They implemented all kinds of strange laws and formulated many seemingly incredible sacrificial rituals. Humans, as servants of these alien city-states, worshipped their alien masters from generation to generation, and they also fought endless wars with other city-states.

And most of the wars were actually just an idea of ​​these pseudo-gods. For example, the female patron saint of a city-state rejected the male patron saint of another city-state. The male "god" was so angry that he asked his human servants to attack the human city-state ruled by the female "god".

There was even a gathering of false gods, where two false gods said something they didn't like to hear when they toasted each other. After the gathering of the "gods" ended, the human city-states under the two false gods would fight... There are too many such things to count!

When Hao Ren and his companions passed through the Mediterranean for the second time, they found Jason with the guidance of Hesperius. They assisted the legendary hero in finding the Golden Fleece, and exchanged clues about Vivian's sleeping place from him.

When passing through Egypt, when Set was about to kill Horus, Hao Ren launched a sneak attack on Set and cut off his head in exchange for Horus' trust. Then they boarded the legendary sun boat. After that, they relied on this "god boat" to find the pyramid where Vivian was sleeping, which was buried in the sand underground.

When they arrived in Babylon, when Marduk and Tiamat were fighting fiercely and there was no clear winner, Hasu shot an arrow and pierced one of Tiamat's eyes, which made the Babylonian "gods" feel awe for them, and then let these aliens reveal the location of the labyrinth of "Vivian, the God of Blood".

The heyday of the mythological eraDuring the period, about five thousand years had passed. This was a special period when the dream plane creatures ruled the earth's surface, and humans were completely reduced to slaves and livestock of aliens, and countless lost ancient countries were turbulent and died in the morning.

During this special period, although humans established countless city-states and kingdoms, due to the lack of reasonable social order and constant wars between each other, these ancient countries often did not have time to leave any historical traces, and they were already submerged in the deep and long river of history.

The dream plane creatures once brought unimaginable high technology and magic skills to the earth, but these things were not prepared for humans. When the so-called "gods" gradually withdrew from the stage of history, everything in human civilization had to be done by themselves again, but the more sad thing is that their civilization has developed for two or three thousand years, but it still cannot catch up with the technology of the former alien refugees.

After Hao Ren and his team had finished looking back at the long history of the entire ancient Babylonian dynasty, all the surrounding scenery began to turn black and white again. Then, the extremely familiar "safe house" replaced all the scenes again, and Vivian, who had just woken up, looked at everyone with a smile. At the same time, she raised her head from time to time and glanced at the Bei Yu sisters, whose outlines could already be seen a little bit.

"I have a suggestion for you. Don't use the identity of humans when you go forward, because in the previous era, the humans walking in the desert were usually slaves who defected from the hands of false gods. Once you expose your identity as a human, you will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble! Well, see you in the next era!" As soon as the voice fell, Vivian's body slowly became nothingness again.

"The more I see the glory of the mythological era, the more I know what kind of people these dream plane creatures are. They are just a group of unorganized and undisciplined refugees. They were sent to Earth for refuge by the last blessing of the Goddess of Creation. Not only are they not grateful for their survival, but they also want to enslave the native creatures of the Earth. I think they are simply a group of ungrateful villains!" Hesperius commented with disdain.

"Please don't knock down a whole boat of people with one stick, okay? Don't forget, I am also one of the dream plane creatures. I saved the humans of an entire city-state back then! Another thing please remember, your mother is the biological daughter of the Goddess of Creation. Her identity is already the leader of all dream plane creatures!" Hesperius couldn't help but give Hesperius a white look.

"So Lady Vivian and I are both descendants of gods, and what kind of people are you on Mount Olympus? Pick any false god from them, and they are all the kind that are hated by heaven and man, such as Hades who likes to enslave souls, Ares who likes to provoke wars, and Poseidon who stirs up storms for no reason!" Hessiana argued so.

"These things are all a mess from thousands of years ago, so you two should stop arguing!" Seeing that the quarrel between Hessiana and Hesperius was getting more and more intense, Hao Ren quickly stepped forward to act as a peacemaker.

"Well! Actually, big families like the four major pantheons... the four pseudo-pantheons have established certain rules. As long as the subordinate human city-states abide by these rules, humans can generally survive. And those aliens who don't even have a perfect family system will occasionally destroy the human city-states under their command with a sneeze. Such guys are the most hateful type!" Hessianna said in contrast.

"The aliens you are talking about are probably not even intelligent creatures. When they came to Earth, they had already mutated into primitive creatures that were no different from wild beasts. The humans ruled by them were really miserable and had no way to resist. At the beginning, we were fighting against this type of aliens!" Hasu added lightly.

"What you're going to say next is that it was you witchers who destroyed the four false gods, liberated humans from the shackles of aliens, and allowed the development of Earth civilization to return to normal track, so you witchers are really not useless... Oh my god! I can't even last as long as a husky!" While speaking, Heatheranna suddenly looked down and discovered that her feet had begun to show signs of "petrification".

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