"Just watching quietly, young lives enjoying their joys and sorrows, sometimes there really is a faint joy! As a true god, it seems pretty good to watch your children enjoying life!" Raven 12345 stood outside the circle, quietly watching the laughter of Hao Ren and others.

"Strictly speaking, except for the cat, none of the people standing there are your children. You count the creatures created by the God of the neighboring universe and the creatures from other worlds under your name. You really insult the name of the true god!" A goddess who looks exactly like Goddess Shunzi, Raven 10086, walked out of the shadows of the house.

"The God of the neighboring universe is about to die. Can't I help her take care of the orphans left behind? And you, 10086, why did you come to me all of a sudden without even saying hello?" Raven 12345 turned around and looked at the goddess of telecommunications (Raven 10086).

"I have been standing here for more than ten minutes. It is because you are not strong enough that you cannot find my existence. I advise you to return to the factory for a thorough repair as soon as possible. Your current strength is not even comparable to some of your juniors!" Raven 10086 said with his arms folded.

"No need. I think it is good to let myself go like this, and it does not delay the great cause of the empire. If His Majesty the Father God and the four mistresses think that I have a problem, they would have summoned me back by force!" Raven 12345 rejected the proposal of the goddess of telecommunications.

"Is your little thing worth the five majesties' worrying about you? Don't flatter yourself. However, I will always keep your exclusive repair slot for you. If one day, your thinking core is completely down, I will definitely send you to the repair slot in person. Okay! Enough of the small talk, now it's time to talk about business!" Raven 10086 told the goddess Shunzi about a big thing and a small thing.

After seeing off the goddess of telecommunications, Goddess Shunzi walked straight towards Hao Ren's position. Seeing this, everyone immediately made way for her.

"Sister Raven, I have finally completed my mission and returned!" Hao Ren bowed deeply to Goddess Shunzi.

"Come here, I have a big thing and a small thing to announce in public!" Raven 12345 hooked her fingers at everyone.

"What's wrong? Sister Raven, is it because Vivian caused too much trouble this time, and the people above want to hold her responsible, right?" Hao Ren asked nervously.

"Goddess! You have to be reasonable. This time, it's not all Vivian's fault. Please talk to her!" Heather Anna also became nervous.

"You think too much. The people above are not so petty. Although the trouble caused this time is quite big, Vivian probably can't bear this responsibility! Forget it, I want to talk about other things. First of all, it's a big thing: my year-end evaluation this year is at the bottom again!" Raven 12345 said with a distressed face.

After hearing what the goddess Shunzi said, everyone felt speechless for a while. Only Hao Ren responded: Sister Raven, isn't this a routine operation for you?

"I have been brewing my emotions for a long time, and you have this expression! Forget it, let's talk about a small matter! The high-level god corresponding to the goddess of creation has just found a matching result!" Raven 12345 said so lightly.

"Fuck! This should be a big deal! Sister Raven, why don't you know the priority? I..." Hao Ren hasn't finished speaking yet, and the will of the universe has sent him a divine punishment lightning.

"I've already said it before. It's okay for you to call me a psychopath, but you absolutely cannot say any other dirty words in front of me. You'll be struck by lightning this time!" Raven 12345 waved her hand gently and removed the stain of divine punishment on Hao Ren.

"Sister Raven, I was wrong. Tell me quickly, Yue... Which big boss of the empire is the goddess of creation? Is it the power or clone that was accidentally left behind?" Hao Ren asked humbly.

"Do you remember the residual information of the goddess of creation that I took away from the God-killing Sword last time? After multiple investigations and comparisons, we even contacted the Star Domain God System... In the end, we finally found out the identity of the goddess of creation."The origin of this woman!"

No one on the scene interrupted, they all signaled Goddess Shunzi to continue.

"In the Xiling Empire, there is a very special boss, Hao Ren, you should have heard of her name, she controls the power of darkness and light at the same time, and is the guardian of combat units such as hunters, warriors, and combat priests. Although she often changes her name, there is a name that is widely sung and generally believed, that is {Dark Valkyrie}!" Raven 12345 breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dark Valkyrie - Mistress Bingdis, the true god idol that Anthony believes in, seems to be her, right!" Hao Ren immediately thought of something.

"Anthony, that guy, believes in Mistress Bingdis! If you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten this matter! "Raven 12345 said so calmly.

Hao Ren thought: Sister Raven, your judges believe in other goddesses instead of you, but you act as if nothing has happened. You are really generous!

"That's right, Mistress Bingdis was originally a star domain god. She had a good relationship with our father God. During a long cooperation, she accidentally had a little accident, and as a result, she was stuck in the household registration of the Xiling God system. The process in the middle can be omitted. Anyway, she finally became one of our mistresses, and also had dual god registration of the star domain and Xiling at the same time!"

"In addition, she was born a dark god, but when she was in school, she accidentally reported the wrong major. As a result, in order to snatch this high-quality student, the Bright Academy forcibly withheld her student information, and then the Bright Academy spent millions of years to make her, a dark god, become the goddess of light! "Raven 12345 breathed a sigh of relief again.

"Oh my god! Is this even possible?" Except for the Bekai family, everyone else present was stunned and said so in unison.

"Why not? I didn't learn arcane magic very well, but now I am practicing both magic and martial arts, right? "Raven 12345 asked arrogantly.

No one dared to answer, only Hao Ren silently complained in his heart: Sister Raven, you are often beaten by the victim because you "stole" someone else's knife. How dare you claim that you are a magician and martial artist?

"We don't need to mention the glorious deeds of Mistress Bingdis for the time being. If we really want to talk about it in detail, it will probably take seven days and seven nights to finish. After checking the relevant archives of the Star Domain God System, we found that she had visited a native universe about 100 million years ago. No need to be so cryptic, it is the dream plane! "Raven 12345 finally began to get to the point.

Next, everyone present already knew: the most critical point is coming!

The abyss phenomenon is just a very broad definition. It is a cancer in the entire universe and a destructive phenomenon in the endless void. It will cause the destruction of each universe and the data to be cleared. Therefore, the three major gods will regularly organize expeditions to eliminate the abyss phenomenon in the universe to ensure the stability and safety of the mortal world.

About 105 million years ago, Bingdis also joined the expedition team and went to fight against the abyss phenomenon. Then she was injured in this battle, so she went to the dream plane at that time and rested for a while!

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