In the lair of the brain monster, Hao Ren drove Nolan and controlled the drone group to fight a life-and-death battle with these corrupters. The war between them finally attracted the attention of Amantyr. After fighting side by side, Hao Ren and Vivian finally gained the initial trust of Amantyr's leader, Salaman.

Unlike Muru and others, when Vivian revealed her identity and said that she was the biological daughter of the goddess of creation, Salaman and others did not completely believe her. Instead, they questioned her identity, and Salaman also proposed to verify Vivian's true identity.

On the way to the verification place, Salaman told Hao Ren and Vivian that the Guardian Giant Legion was different from other brothers and sisters. They were not born in the source blood ocean of the Star of Creation. The goddess of creation created them somewhere else.

Members of the Guardian Giants are subject to very strict military training as soon as they are born, and they have to repeatedly hone their willpower and mental strength. The purpose of their existence in the world is to protect their mother's important asset: the throne of the end!

"After all this time, Muru and the others are civil officials, and these Guardian Giants are military commanders!" The voice of the final brick came into the minds of Hao Ren and Vivian at an inappropriate time.

When the group arrived at the verification site, it turned out to be a steep crystal rock wall with a 90-degree angle. Then countless goblins flew out from the crystal rock wall. The goblins chattered something: Lord Salaman, don't bring strangers here without Her Majesty the Queen.

Although Vivian didn't really want to be the queen of the goblins, in order to prove her identity, she could only bite the bullet and come to the goblins and say in person that she was their Her Majesty the Queen.

After Vivian admitted that she was the queen of the fairy clan, a crystal reindeer jumped out from the crystal rock wall. At Salaman's signal, Vivian had to put her hand on the forehead of the crystal reindeer.

After a slight hesitation, Vivian still put her hand on the forehead of the crystal reindeer, and she also lightly teased: This guy's forehead is harder than a rolling head.

"The main system is activated successfully, the administrator is connected successfully, the 12th to 86th ports of the End Throne are open, the integrity rate of the internal nodes of the throne has reached 65%, the integrity rate of the external network has reached 86%, the basic program can be executed, and the reserved image is being played..." When the crystal reindeer was broadcasting the voice, a set of immersive stereoscopic images appeared in Vivian's sight.

"Hao Ren, how long have I been in just now?" After watching the reserved image, Vivian turned around and asked Hao Ren.

"Vivian, what happened to you? You didn't go anywhere just now! You just stood in front of the crystal reindeer, and then for a short while, you became the same crystal state as it, but soon, you exited this state!" Hao Ren came to Vivian.

"What else?" Vivian's intuition told her that Hao Ren had not yet told the whole truth.

"And the crystal rock wall, it just lit up for a short while, and then it blue screened, just like a computer crash, and now it is a bunch of garbled characters again!" Hao Ren added. At the same time, the goblins were also jumping back and forth in front of the crystal rock wall. They might be trying to restart it!

"Salaman, although it blue screened again after it was turned on just now, I think I should have passed the verification!" Vivian came to Salaman.

Then, to the shock of Hao Ren and Vivian, Salaman actually knelt down and said: You have passed the verification, the master of the End Throne, the queen of all resonance nodes, the controller and executor of the new era, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the End Agreement, the command of all Guardian Corps will now be transferred to you, from now on, we will obey your arbitrary orders!

"Get up first, you suddenly do this, I know what to do, right? So what is our plan next? Does my mother have any more information for you to convey to me!" Vivian looked at Salaman who was kneeling on the ground, and the other party's slap was as big as hers.

Next, the message Salaman told Hao Ren and Vivian overturned all their previous speculations about the Genesis Engine, because it was not used forWhat repaired the wall of reality was not a navigator to lead the alien refugees home, nor a life creation instrument to reshape the dream plane, but an eraser.

Yes, when the goddess of creation fell, the main body of the Lord of Madness would be permanently sealed, but his power could continue to affect the normal operation of the dream plane. Similarly, the power of the goddess of creation would continue to affect the dream plane.

The great battle of light and darkness that year caused the goddess of creation and the Lord of Madness to have a very serious mutual pollution. The former gave birth to the second personality of "Goddess of Destruction" because of the pollution of the latter, and the latter also had a very slight divine breath because of the pollution of the former.

The Lord of Madness was originally a dark master born from the dark law of the dream plane. His main body had almost no weaknesses, but because he was contaminated with the divine breath of the goddess of creation, he had a weakness that could be eliminated.

The real function of the Creation Engine is to clear the traces of the Goddess of Creation and all her influence on the Dream Plane. In this process, the traces and influence of the Lord of Madness will also be cleared. After that, the Dream Plane will have data blanks, and the blank data nodes must have a replacement.

"Yes, that replacement is me. In addition to me, the complete version of the Creation Engine, the End Throne here, the three planetary fortresses, the neural oscillation network we discovered before, and these crystals and all the fairies, we add together to make up for the blank data nodes that will be generated in the Dream Plane after my mother and the Lord of Madness leave together!" Vivian said while showing some related simulation pictures.

In other words, the Goddess of Creation wanted to first clear the divine influence of the Dream Plane, not only her divine influence, but also the "divine" influence of the Lord of Madness, and then Vivian, the Creation Engine, the End Throne, the three planetary fortresses, the neural vibration network, the crystal and the goblins would form a weakened and uncontaminated "Goddess of Creation".

At this time, Hao Ren suddenly remembered a story that Muru had told him. On the eve of the God-killing War, the Goddess of Creation often said to herself: Is it better for a world to have gods or no gods?

According to the Goddess of Creation's predetermined idea, after the Creation Engine completed its task, if the Dream Plane still needed the existence of gods, Vivian, the goblins and these items could form a weakened version of the true god.

If the dream plane no longer needs the existence of gods, we just need to separate them from each other, and the best way to separate them is to send Vivian or some items to other universes. For example, in the surface world, the goddess of creation chose the earth as the airdrop site for refugees. It turns out that there is this layer of preparation for the back-up!

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