The Goddess of Creation's Kingdom of Creation was not only blown up by the God-killing Rebellious Son, but also entangled with the power of the Lord of Madness. This is likely to cause this place to become a chaotic world with all kinds of negative emotions. If the Goddess of Creation is still alive, then there is no reason for the power of the Lord of Madness to disappear, so this trip must be extremely dangerous!

"Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten to give you your year-end benefits last year, so I will make it up to you now!" Raven 12345 said slowly.

"You still remember this! Wait, you are not going to give me this year's year-end benefits as last year's year-end benefits!" Hao Ren suddenly remembered it, as if the end of this year was coming soon.

"I am a certified and legitimate God. Can I do such a shameless thing? Congratulations, you guessed it right. I can really do it. I just want to ask you whether you want to do it or not!" Raven 12345 admitted shamelessly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will complain about you? Don't think I don't know that you can be complained about!" Hao Ren wanted to threaten Goddess Shunzi a little.

"Go ahead if you want to complain! Anyway, everything that can be confiscated from me this year, even next year and the year after, has been confiscated. If you dare to complain about me, be careful that I will often make things difficult for you in the future!" At this time, Raven 12345 looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

Seeing such a shameless goddess Shunzi, Hao Ren had to admit that he was inferior. In fact, he had another rebuttal that he didn't say: Sister Raven, although all your things within the past three years have been deducted, you can still deduct things within ten years. Anyway, these things can be deducted without limit!

"It's boring. I thought you could hold on for a while longer! Okay, I'm done with the small talk. The year-end benefits I want to get for you this time are far beyond the welfare standards of the examiner. If it weren't for the special situation, you would never see this thing in your life!" Raven 12345 was just teasing Hao Ren.

Special situation? Nonsense! To save the daughter of Mistress Bingdis, even though the bigwigs of the Xiling God System have no free time, do the management of the Xiling Empire dare not pay attention to it? No matter how much this thing exceeds the welfare standards of the examiner, it must be allowed to be applied for by Goddess Shunzi smoothly!

See? Even in the God Realm, it is a place that values ​​human relationships and background!

This is a ball emitting a faint green light. It is a little smaller than a normal football. There are mysterious and complex patterns on its surface. A surging vitality is constantly coming out from the inside of the ball. Just by looking at it lightly, Hao Ren felt that his spirit and energy were enlightened by some kind of power.

"Sister Raven, what on earth is this thing?" Hao Ren found that he couldn't even touch the ball with his hands.

"This is the seed I specially applied for you. After this seed sprouts, it will be a world tree!" Raven 12345 said so seriously, and she seemed to have never been so serious before.

"World tree! What kind? Is it like the level of Yogurtola Hill?" Hao Ren asked cautiously.

"Yugdorahil is at most a leek flower in front of it. We don't have this thing in the Xiling Empire yet! This is the real thing from the Star Domain God System. It is a world management terminal with a tree-like structure!" Raven 12345 said with a smile on his face.

Yes! Is the Lost Kingdom of God after a true god "falls" a place you can enter whenever you want? What's more, the current state of the Goddess of Creation is between dying and death. The self-defense ability of the true god is also in the strongest power range at this time, and this is a biological instinct of the true god!

Therefore, if Hao Ren and others did not plant the World Tree Mark that can represent the Way of Heaven on their bodies, I am afraid that they would have been completely destroyed by the automatic defense mechanism of the Lost Kingdom of God before they even approached the Goddess of Creation.

Also, if it weren't for the fact that the Goddess of Creation is Bingdis's biological daughter, no matter how close the relationship between the Star Domain God System and the Xiling Empire is, they would never have sent such a precious World Tree Seed.

In addition,Because the Goddess of Creation can be regarded as the descendant of half of the star domain gods, the mark of the World Tree will also help Hao Ren and others to automatically lock the signal of the Goddess of Creation. After entering the Lost Kingdom of God, pay careful attention to everyone around you. Maybe one of the most inconspicuous people is a kind of incarnation of the Goddess of Creation.

Another thing to remember is that the management authority of the World Tree must be installed on the End Network to allow it to run autonomously, because with Hao Ren's current authority, he is afraid that he will not be able to operate the running program of the World Tree in a few million years.

To put it bluntly, Goddess Shunzi wants Hao Ren to take this World Tree to replace the computing core of the End Network. In this way, no matter how many crazy masters are in it, this thing can purify it, and there will be no more blue screen crashes!

Because they were worried that Hao Ren would mess things up, the people of the Star Domain God System specially sent a fool-proof World Tree seed. Just throw this seed on the End Throne, and it will take care of the rest. Also, after planting the World Tree seed, please stay away as much as possible!

In addition, the mark of the World Tree has an additional function. It can provide Hao Ren and others with a chance to revive with full blood after being killed, and even if they are killed by the Lord of Madness himself, they can be resurrected. In short, this thing is a real good thing.

After explaining everything that should be explained, Goddess Shunzi ordered Hao Ren to leave, but this time, the other party refused to leave no matter what. Hao Ren had to ask Raven 12345 to give everyone a blessing like protection, and then he set his eyes on a plate of melon seeds on the other party's table and a plate of fruit that was secretly hidden by the other party.

After Shunzi blocked a few times symbolically, she let Hao Ren take away all the fruits and melon seeds. Having been an examiner for several years, Hao Ren already knew the specific morals of his boss. For some things, the subordinates had to be thick-skinned and take them by themselves.

"It's really unfortunate for the God's Gate! How could I have such a shameless group of popes like you? I stewed an elbow a few days ago, but Galadjoer came over and ate up the pot of the stewed elbow. I strung a bead yesterday, and it was taken away by Tunar. She also said that her spider nest was missing an egg... You guys are so annoying!" Raven 12345 looked like he had no desire to live, and leaned weakly on the chair.

Hao Ren was now extremely clear. With the behavior of Goddess Shunzi, she probably had already figured out that her subordinates were just short of something recently. Then she hurriedly made some temporary goods before her subordinates came to report on their work. If the subordinates didn't take them themselves, she could just take them out in front of them and perform a boastful show in front of her subordinates!

Just when Hao Ren packed up everything and was about to leave the God Realm, Goddess Shunzi reminded him that he must bring Doudou with him on this mission. There were also a limited number of marks of the World Tree, so the two gods didn't need to be marked, because the Lost Kingdom of Gods basically had no self-defense mechanism for real gods. In addition, Beikai and the others would probably gain an unexpected benefit in the Lost Kingdom of Goddess of Creation!

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