Since Belo took over as the second deputy leader of the Yan League, the overall level of the Yan League has been undergoing earth-shaking changes every day.

Soon after, the Yan League went out of the Jiama Empire and began to expand its sphere of influence, and their first target was the Izumo Empire.

Belo rushed into the imperial capital of the Izumo Empire alone, and he easily killed everyone in this place.

In the end, it took only less than three days for him to make all the big and small sects in the Izumo Imperial Capital bow down to him! After shocking these sects, Belo left directly, and the remaining work of receiving the territory, personnel and property was left to the rest of the Yan League.

In this way, Belo charged in the front alone, and the rest of the Yan League "picked up" the fruits of victory in the back. After only one month, the entire Izumo Empire became the sphere of influence of the Yan League.

According to the agreement with Jia Xingtian, Yanmeng only accepted the sects and related resources of the Chuyun Empire.

The daily affairs of the Chuyun Empire still had to be managed by the Jiamao royal family. Jia Xingtian and the entire Jiamao royal family agreed with this resolution.

Before Cailin's child was born, Bello had brought the people of Yanmeng to expand the influence of Yanmeng to most of the northwest region. At the same time, the jurisdiction of the Jiama Empire also grew to the same level.

On this day, Cailin, who was still talking in the snake tribe the previous second, had labor pains the next second. Then, she came to her room to give birth with the help of Kaisha and Yuemei.

"Your Majesty, come on! You can already see the baby's head!" Yuemei kept cheering and encouraging beside Cailin.

Kaisha stood aside and glanced at Cailin's big belly with her eyes of insight. She found that the other party's baby seemed to be a pair of "twins"!

Because in Cai Lin's belly, in addition to a very healthy fetus, there is also a lively colorful little snake.

"Ah... Wow..." Cai Lin, who had been holding back from crying, finally cried out a second before the child was born, and then there was a baby crying.

"Hiss..." When there was a gap in the baby's crying, a snake sound came into the ears of Cai Lin and the other two.

Looking closely, the reborn colorful swallowing sky python was now coiled on the baby's cheek. After Kaisha and the other two cast three glances at it, it quickly drilled into the baby's left eyebrow.

"The colorful swallowing sky python was reborn with the birth of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and its soul is connected with Her Royal Highness the Princess's soul!" Yue Mei said with her eyes wide open.

"That is to say, my daughter can become a Dou Zong strongman with the help of the power of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python as soon as she is born!" Cai Lin was so excited that she couldn't be more excited.

"Your Majesty, theoretically, this is right!" Yue Mei said to Cai Lin.

"Okay, topics like strength are all things to discuss later. Now it's time to give this little girl a name!" Kaisha held the newborn baby in front of Cai Lin.

"She is the child of Xiao Yan and me, so let's call her Xiao... Xiao..." Cai Lin didn't know what name to give the child for a while.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the princess will be called Xiao Xiao from now on!" Yue Mei directly heard Cai Lin's intermittent thinking words "Xiao... Xiao..." as "Xiao Xiao", so this newborn baby was named Xiao Xiao by mistake!

"Oh, Xiao Xiaoxiao was born in the shape of a human baby, not a half-human, half-snake one!" Bello learned some details about Xiao Xiao's birth from Kaisha.

"I thought Cai Lin would lay an egg!" Kaisha said mischievously.

"Maybe Xiao Yan's bloodline is too strong!" Bello agreed jokingly.

"Speaking of Xiao Yan, don't you go to Zhongzhou to see how he is doing?" Kaisha leaned on Bello's chest and asked.

"No need, he will definitely encounter some hardships in Zhongzhou, but he will be out of danger in the end. When he comes back again, he should be a Dou Zun strongman!" Bello put his arms around Kaisha's slender waist.

"How long will it take? Will he come back only when Xiao Xiaoxiao grows up?" KaishaAfter taking off her boots and socks, she put her feet into the pool below.

"That's not the case. We should wait until she is five or six years old!" Bello lifted a strand of Kaisha's hair with one hand.

"He will come back only when Xiao Xiao is five or six years old? It seems that my previous evaluation of him was wrong. He is not only not a good man, but also not a good father!" Kaisha retracted her previous praise for Xiao Yan.

"Okay, these are other people's family affairs! Now let me ask you, how is the water quality here?" Bello asked with curiosity.

"It's okay!" In Kaisha's mouth, this so-called "okay water" is a medicine for the current sect to refine the marrow washing potion for the disciples.

And this "unlucky" sect is the "lamb to be slaughtered" that Bello will take into the bag of Yanmeng next.

"Since it's okay, let's take a bath here before we go to conquer this sect! We have been using the copied sea heart flame to remove the dirt on our bodies. I almost forgot what it feels like to take a bath with water." Bello said this while setting up a protective net and a protective cover around the entire pool.

"Hate it, whatever you want!" Kaisha stood up and used the microwormhole to "change" all her clothes away.

"Kesha, here I come!" Bello followed suit and "changed" all his clothes away... (Zishujun said: Am I online?)

Since Xiao Xiao was born, Bello asked Kaisha to bring bowls of medicinal porridge to Cai Lin to supplement her nutrition.

And whenever Cai Lin was taking the medicinal porridge, Kaisha would tease Xiao Xiao on the side! Sometimes, she would even change some wet pieces of cloth for the other party!

"Mrs. Bei, do you like children very much?" After Cai Lin finished eating the medicinal porridge, she came over and hugged Xiao Xiao.

"Yes! I like children very much!" Kaisha said sincerely.

"Then why don't you and Mr. Bei have one?" Cai Lin teased Xiao Xiao in her arms with a bright smile.

"We can't have children for the time being. Maybe it's not our blessing yet!" Kaisha stood beside Cai Lin and teased Xiao Xiao with her.

"Not yet blessed? What does this mean?" Cai Lin asked in confusion.

"You won't understand even if I tell you. Anyway, we still have a long way to go before we have our own children!" Kaisha gently touched Xiao Xiao's left eyebrow, and the seven-colored swallowing sky python came out from the little guy's eyebrows.

"Wow..." When the seven-colored swallowing sky python came out, Xiao Xiao, who was originally smiling, burst into tears.

"Xiao Cai, hurry back!" Cai Lin said to the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python with a serious expression. After hearing her words, the other party hurriedly returned to the center of Xiao Xiao's left eyebrow.

"Mrs. Bei, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Cai are connected in spirit. As long as Xiao Cai leaves Xiao Xiao's body, Xiao Xiao will sense it. But she is too young now and cannot express this directly, so she can only express it by crying!" Cai Lin explained to Kaisha patiently.

"I see, I'm really sorry just now!" Kaisha responded to Cai Lin with a smile, and then the two of them went to continue to amuse Xiao Xiao together!

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