After Nolan flew up for a distance, everyone found the first wrong place. They were now in a situation where they could get in but not get out. No matter how high the Giant Turtle Platform flew up, their current position was in the atmosphere, but all the sensors of the spacecraft showed that everything was normal.

However, fortunately, the jump engine of the Giant Turtle Platform could still be used normally, and the three blue crystals were still connected to the coordinates of the outside world, but Hao Ren asked Nolan not to use the space jump easily. Let's go to the ground to see the situation first!

As Nolan's hull gradually lowered, the style of the building complex on the plain slowly came into everyone's eyes: this is similar to the architectural style of the late Middle Ages on Earth. Large houses are built with rocks and some original concrete, and small houses are ordinary civil mixed structures. Most of the buildings are no more than two floors. A few large buildings are centered on the square, and there are usually rows of low bungalows around them.

Although this place looks like a paradise, after experiencing the strange scene before, everyone now knows that this place is not as simple as it seems. Hao Ren asked Nolan to stop at the edge of the plain, and then he released a group of invisible drones to explore a city near the plain and the mountains.

"It's so lively here! The streets are full of people!" Liu Lili stared at the holographic image sent back by the drone and said excitedly.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid no one would dare to believe that this is the dark kingdom formed after the explosion of the Kingdom of God. Could it be that this is not the lost Kingdom of God, but a remote planet implicated by the explosion of the Kingdom of God!" Nangong Sanba put forward his own views.

"The power of the explosion of the Kingdom of God is extraordinary. Even if it is just implicated, it is impossible to be intact! Interesting, the residents here are actually of various races. What a beautiful picture of humans and aliens coexisting peacefully!" Hao Ren pointed to part of the picture in the holographic image.

"Great, now Gun and I don't need to hide our ears and tails!" Liu Lili's focus is always so fresh and refined.

In the pictures sent back by the drone, in the streets and alleys of the city, there are really creatures of all races, such as normal-looking humans, vampires, werewolves, lizardmen, catmen, eaglemen, demons, elves, and even translucent shadow people... As long as you have seen abnormal creatures, you can show your physical characteristics here, and then walk freely and boldly on the street.

These scenes give people the feeling that this is not only a paradise, but also an idealistic utopian world.

"Bero, this is a bit too idealistic!" Such a harmonious scene made Kaisha worry involuntarily.

"Yes! Even creatures of the same species may not be able to live in such harmony, let alone such a diverse group of creatures! This is simply like a dream! Kaisha, I suddenly thought of a concept. Could this world be a dream of the goddess of creation?" Bello suddenly had an idea.

"Being in a state between death and dying, isn't this a state of deep coma? Is this really a dream of the goddess of creation? That's right, the greatest wish of the goddess of creation should be that all the races she created can live in harmony and peace, and the world in front of us should be her wish world!" Kaisha said so with sudden enlightenment.

"Creating your own wish world in a dream, and being able to make it so real, you are really worthy of being the goddess of creation in the dream plane! Kaisha, when will you and I be able to reach this level?" Bello really envied the goddess of creation, who was born to be a real god.

"According to the Raven Goddess, there are seven levels of gods. When you surpass these seven levels, you will become a first-level true god. We are only at the entry level among the primary gods now! The height of the true god is too far away from us!" Kaisha said this with a little reluctance. After all, she was the real king of gods in the Super God Universe, but after coming to this world, she was the lowest among the gods.

After everyone changed into local clothes, Hao Ren asked Nolan to return to the atmosphere and be on standby at any time, and also to act as a guide for everyone, andHe also solemnly told them not to race against the ship again, but the key point was that there were no other ships here to race against the ship girl.

In order to better integrate into the current humanistic environment, Hao Ren and his party changed into clothes similar to those of adventurers, because in this city called "White Maple Leaf City", there are simply endless foreign adventurer teams, so when they appeared in the city, they did not attract much attention from the locals.

They have been to many places with Hao Ren, but as soon as Liu Lili entered the White Maple Leaf City, she immediately became a bumpkin who entered the city for the first time. She would patronize various commodity stalls on the street, and she also showed a very shocked expression for the slime creatures that jumped past her.

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile. We don't have the currency of this world. We can't afford any of the goods on these stalls. Don't delay business!" Hao Ren quickly walked forward and pulled the noisy Liu Lili back from a stall selling various meats.

"Sister, let's try and see if gold can be circulated here?" Besha took out a gold brick from her ring.

"Okay, sister!" Sisters Kaiyu and Besha took a gold brick and went to a jewelry stall. As a result, they found that gold can be circulated normally in this world.

"Gold can be consumed normally in this world. Buy whatever you want! I'll treat you!" Besha took out some gold bricks from her ring, and she and Kaiyu distributed one to each of their teammates.

"Isn't this the gold from the planet Tanagos? When did these two young ladies go to purify so much gold?" Hao Ren saw through the source of these gold bricks with just one glance.

"Hao Ren, I can finally buy things with money now, I'm so happy!" Vivian used the gold bricks to buy some amulets, and she was so happy that she almost flew up. In fact, her feet were already five or six centimeters off the ground.

Since curing her own narcolepsy and amnesia, Vivian's constitution of the god of poverty and the god of bad luck seems to be slowly weakening. The special targeting of the will of the universe seems to be just reminding her not to forget her mission!

"Vivian, you have bought things, now it's time to get down to business!" Hao Ren asked Vivian to release some small bats to explore some details of the White Maple Leaf City. After all, in terms of exploring details, small bats are much better than drones.

"I'm here to help, too. My energy clone can also explore the way. I want to share some of the responsibility for Lady Vivian!" Heather Anna also followed Vivian's example and bought a large number of amulets with gold bricks. Everything she did now was to completely emulate her mother.

Next, under the joint exploration of Vivian and her daughter, every nook and cranny in the city, even the darkest alleys, was soon explored by the two of them!

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