"I never expected it! The dream world I created with great effort was actually exposed by this little thing!" The Goddess of Creation couldn't help but take another look at the weakling.

"And you, I can sense the blood resonance between you and me, but you seem to be different from what I expected. Whether it is the form of power or the structure of the soul, there has been a serious deviation beyond expectations, and you have not yet generated the personality and memory I preset for you!" The Goddess of Creation turned her eyes to Vivian again.

"I'm sorry, Mom (whispering as softly as possible)! I rejected the throne of the end, and I don't plan to operate the creation engine. I haven't completed any of the tasks you left for me, and when I went to another world, I completely lost my memory!" Vivian came to the Goddess of Creation and bowed deeply to her.

"The Throne of the End is a flawed design. In fact, many of your plans have serious deviations. The Guardian Corps also had internal strife. Vivian was also contaminated at the beginning. We spent a lot of energy to solve this problem. In addition..." Hao Ren was afraid that the Goddess of Creation would blame Vivian, so he hurried over to explain.

"So that's it! It seems that I underestimated my old opponent! Vivian Ancesta, is this your current name? Although you are my divine blood creation, in my eyes, you are the same as those source blood creations, and you are my children who treat me equally, so you can also call me {mother} like them!" The Goddess of Creation stared at Vivian with a smile.

"Mother... I'm sorry, I'm a little embarrassed!" Vivian really couldn't look at the little girl face of the Goddess of Creation and call her "Mom" or "Mother" openly.

"Okay, I know what you are worried about. Why don't you just call me "sister" from now on!" The Goddess of Creation did not dwell on this matter any more.

Although Vivian did not dare to call her mom, Hesanna had no such concerns. After listening to the conversation between the Goddess of Creation and Vivian, she "whooshed" over and knelt at the feet of the Goddess of Creation, then she raised her head and cried out in tears: Grandma!

Hesanna's trick shocked almost everyone present. Even the Goddess of Creation was stunned for several seconds before she slowly reacted: Vivian, who is this child? She looks quite like you. Is there anything wrong with her brain?

"Sister, this is Hesanna. She is a little bat separated from me and became a spirit. When she was young, she was a little malnourished and lacked love, so her thinking is a little different!" Vivian explained awkwardly.

"So that's how it is! Hesanna, yes, you do have a trace of my blood in your body, kid, you've suffered!" The Goddess of Creation touched Hesanna's head, and the two of them said a lot of intimate words.

"Goddess of Creation, I want to know the origin of the source blood!" Hao Ren asked this question that has troubled him for a long time.

"It's very simple. I copied the genetic map of my own divine blood, and then created artificial divine blood, but there is no divine breath in it. I poured the most primitive artificial divine blood into the red ocean of the Star of Creation. After the source blood ocean is completely finalized, I will use it to create all kinds of life!" The Goddess of Creation said this concisely.

"Okay, now tell me what the dream plane is like now, and what kind of world is the world you are in!" The Goddess of Creation gently touched her forehead.

Next, Hao Ren and the others, except Vivian, vividly described the current situation of the dream plane and the general situation of the surface world, especially the overview of the Xiling Empire. They rushed to describe it, even though what they knew was only the tip of the iceberg of the Xiling God System.

"A large and well-established kingdom of gods, it seems that I can no longer keep up with the trend of the times!", "Most of my children have been corrupted. I once wanted to save them, but in the end, even I have fallen to this point today!", "Lockmarton, my first child, I made too many mistakes with him, and his current ending can be regarded as a kind of relief!", "I created the Guardian Corps alone, but even they were not spared!"

"Thank youYou, you helped me solve a lot of messes!" The Goddess of Creation breathed a sigh of relief.

"These things are indeed a mess, but one of the duties of the Inquisitor is to solve all kinds of messes!" Hao Ren said with his hands spread out.

"I have been immersed for too long, and it is time to wake up now. However, the way you woke me up was a bit cruel. You actually summoned the projection of the Star of Creation in front of me. At that moment, I had an urge to cry!" The Goddess of Creation slightly adjusted her sitting posture.

"We really didn't guess wrong. You are Leah! Under the circumstances at that time, I really couldn't think of any other way to wake up you, the true god, except using this method!" Hao Ren bowed deeply to the Goddess of Creation.

"Liya is my dream incarnation. I don't think it's strange that the two gods can see through it at a glance, but how did you know that she was me? "The Goddess of Creation asked with some curiosity.

"Because no one dares to approach the Great Pit, no one is willing to study the Great Pit in detail, and no one will make those detailed judgments on the Great Pit. Maybe your role-playing is very realistic, but some things, from the perspective of us bystanders, will be seen very clearly!" Nangong Sanba responded on behalf of everyone.

"You guys! It's really too risky. You are not gods. If you don't have that mark, you will probably be assimilated by the dream world as soon as you see Leia, and then you will naturally think that you are a native Laherien star, and you have been a mercenary for half your life!" The Goddess of Creation kindly reminded.

After the Goddess of Creation reminded them, everyone realized that the World Tree mark printed on the back of everyone's hand had disappeared at some point, and they didn't know when everyone died.

"Don't worry! None of you have died once. The mark of the World Tree only offsets the assimilation of the dream world on you, so as to prevent you from being immersed in this real and fake world! "When everyone was regretting that they had used up a resurrection coin without knowing it, Beikai and the others came to everyone hand in hand.

"Mom and Dad!" Doudou "whoosh" and teleported directly from Besha's hands to Kaisha's arms.

"If you are really immersed in this world, you will probably have to wait until the true god wakes up before you can get rid of the assimilation of this world!" Kaisha held Doudou and came to the goddess of creation alone.

"Are my experiences and insights helpful to you two?" The goddess of creation sat upright and looked at Kaisha.

"Although there may be a little bit of the work of the Lord of Madness mixed in, it still benefits me and Bero a lot! "Kesha extended her right hand to the Goddess of Creation, and she immediately shook hands with her.

"Shame on you! The entanglement between Him and me is too deep. I can't guarantee whether He is still affecting my mind!" The Goddess of Creation finally stood up slowly.

Next, Nolan made an inopportune sound. She wanted to ask why she was not assimilated by the dream world. As a result, the Goddess of Creation responded lightly: Because you are an existence that I cannot understand at present, and an existence that cannot be understood cannot be assimilated!

In fact, to put it bluntly, the technological means of the Xiling Empire have left behind the technological tree of who knows how many generations compared to the Goddess of Creation. The parts and equipment on the Giant Turtle Rock Platform are far beyond the dream world. Far beyond the scope of the Goddess of Creation's understanding.

Just as everyone was about to leave, Hao Ren asked the Goddess of Creation again, what was going on with the Broken Kingdom in the sky? Then Beikai and the others answered for her: The Broken Kingdom was the real Lahrien Star, and this was a buffer microcosm between the dream plane and the surface world, and it was also connected to the chaotic world. More than 10,000 years ago, this place almost fell into the chaotic world. It was the "timely" arrival of the fragments of the Kingdom of God that prevented Lahrien Star from falling into the chaotic world!

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