When the light energy spear slowly dissipated, the body of the Crazy Goddess also turned into scattered fragments, and then the fragments slowly dissipated in the universe of the dark abyss.

Leah stared at the place where the Crazy Goddess dissipated. The excessive loss of power made her tremble uncontrollably, and strands of golden red blood slowly drifted out of her wounds, but she had no time to deal with these things.

The next moment, Leah's pupils shrank slightly, and she saw that the last fragment of the Crazy Goddess actually stopped dissipating. In a moment, more and more fragments appeared out of thin air in the dark abyss, and then everything was like a movie played in reverse. I saw that the fragments gradually reassembled into the outline and appearance of the Crazy Goddess.

"Hahaha, your expression now is what I like to see the most! Interesting, you really prepared a lot of surprises for me!" The Crazy Goddess looked at her body, and then she looked at Leah with a complicated expression.

"You haven't seen the real surprise yet!" Leah's complex expression only lasted for a short moment, and then she showed a smile that she had been trying to hide for a long time.

"What..." The Crazy Goddess only said one word, and the Double Blades of the End had already chopped her back of the head, knocking her whole body away for a long, long distance.

"The good show has just begun!" Hao Ren held the Double Blades of the End, and his body was radiating the divine halo of the Shunyi Goddess. He pointed the tips of the two swords at the Crazy Goddess in the distance.

"Is this the surprise you prepared? Letting a mortal sneak attack me, you are too much of a scorn for me!" The Crazy Goddess cast a pale light curtain wall, blocking all the sword beams of the God-killing Sword, and when the sword beams came into contact with the light curtain wall, they continuously emitted "crackling" brilliant sparks.

As she spoke, the Crazy Goddess even yawned and said: Even if you succeed in the sneak attack, what can you do? You are just an ordinary mortal. No matter how strong you are, you can't touch the realm of the true god!

"Then do you still recognize this sword?" Hao Ren waved the God-killing Sword and increased the strength of the chopping against the light curtain wall.

"This sword is not the one from that year..." The Crazy Goddess finally noticed the familiar breath emanating from the blade of the God-killing Sword.

"Yes, it is the sword from that year. We spent a lot of effort to create a weapon that can kill gods!" Hao Ren pressed the Double Blades of the End towards the light curtain wall at the same time, but only on the blade of the God-killing Sword did a faint blood-red light flash.

With the enchantment of blood-red light, the God-killing Sword actually left a little crack on the light curtain wall, while the World-Splitting Blade did not have such an attack effect. With the continuous attack of the God-killing Sword, the cracks on the light curtain wall are gradually increasing.

"Build a weapon capable of killing gods? So that's it, I understand what you are thinking, but this also makes me feel too disappointed!" The Crazy Goddess confidently removed the light curtain wall, and she really-held the sword of the Double-Edged Sword of the End with her bare hands.

"Hahaha, I understand, only the sword stained with the blood of God is the real God-killing Sword, so you deliberately got severely injured in the past, the purpose is to build this so-called God-killing Sword? But unfortunately, it can't do anything to me at all!" The Crazy Goddess tightly grasped the sword of the Double-Edged Sword of the End, and the light on the God-killing Sword has become fainter and fainter.

Hao Ren stared at the eyes of the Crazy Goddess, and in the sky behind him, the Creation Engine had suppressed the World Destruction Engine again, and then a ray of golden and red moonlight slowly shone on him from the surface of the Creation Engine.

In this golden and red moonlight, there was also Vivian's muttering that seemed like a Buddhist scripture. When this moonlight shone on Hao Ren's body, it immediately condensed into a golden and red armor. At the same time, as some shackles in his soul were slowly opened, his face was gradually changing.

Looking at the extremely familiar golden and red armor and the face that was gradually becoming familiar, the eyes of the Crazy Goddess were wide open, and she slowly uttered four words: It turned out to be you! At the same time, her left hand couldn't help but loosen the blade of the World-Splitting Blade!

"Who told you,The weapon we made back then is a sword now! "Hao Ren, who has become the leader of the God Killers, wields the World Splitting Blade quickly, and before the Crazy Goddess can react, he slashes down from above her head.

"How could this happen? It's just one sword, why..." That's right, just one sword from Hao Ren, the body of the Crazy Goddess began to break up gradually.

Yes, the weapon that was created to kill the gods was neither the God-killing Sword nor the World-splitting Blade, but Hao Ren himself, or more accurately, his soul. His soul was permanently branded with the mark of "God-killer". From now on, no matter how many times he will reincarnate and be reborn, as long as the conditions are right, the God-killing power dormant in his body will be awakened.

Of course, the Doomsday Twin Blades are also auxiliary weapons of the God-killer. Without their assistance, Hao Ren's God-killing power would not be complete. Therefore, the God-killing Sword and the World-splitting Blade are destined to be his exclusive weapons.

Hao Ren knew very well how difficult it was to get this sword. If it weren't for the crazy fight between Leah and the Crazy Goddess to distract the latter's attention, If Vivian had not used the power of the Creation Engine to collect the signature code of the Crazy Goddess on the battlefield, even if he had restored all the strength of the God Slayer, he would not have been able to cause effective damage to the Crazy Goddess.

From the beginning of the God Slayer War that year to this sword today, it has been brewing for more than 10,000 years. How much courage, perseverance and determination are needed to complete it?

Since this sword came so hard, it is necessary to continue to defend the results of this sword. So, Hao Ren waved the Double Blades of the End and rushed towards the Crazy Goddess who had completely lost the ability to resist. Then he performed a series of dazzling sword flower performances against the opponent's body...

"Chop you to death, chop you to death, you fake goddess, I have been waiting for more than 10,000 years just for today, and this layman can finally be proud of it! Don't you think so! Brother! "When Hao Ren was hacking at the body of the Crazy Goddess, the God-killing Sword Spirit was expressing his feelings to the fullest.

"That's right, everything will end today!" The World-Splitting Blade Spirit said a few more words, which was rare.

Under Hao Ren's random hacking and slashing, the body of the Crazy Goddess turned into fragments smaller than flour grains. Under the illumination of the red moonlight, these fragments were really gradually dissipating in the dark abyss. These fragments had completely cut off the hope of reunion. Until this moment came, the World-Destroying Engine was completely collapsed.

Liya stared at the place where the Crazy Goddess dissipated. She didn't dare to relax her vigilance until the last second, because the difficult-to-eliminate characteristics of the Lord of Crazy made her have to take this matter seriously. Looking up, I saw that the divine runes were gradually compressing the activity space of those fragments to prevent the enemy from having the slightest chance of revival.

Until all the fragments of the Goddess of Madness completely disappeared, a group of shining golden glimmers slowly condensed at that position. These glimmers were the essence of the Goddess of Destruction, and also part of the original power that Leah had separated. The reappearance, condensation and purification of the golden glimmers meant that the body and power of the Lord of Madness had completely dissipated in the dream plane!

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