Seeing this, Gunmiao first picked up the TV from the ground, and then she wanted to use her saliva to stick the damaged part, but she didn't have that much saliva, so in order not to be eaten by the big cat, she could only carry out a plan that had been planned for a long time but had never been realized.

Gunmiao rushed to the second floor with her hands and feet, found her package in the utility room, and then she ran back to the living room in a hurry. After she stuffed the cat's tail into her clothes, she ran straight to the door.

But when Gunmiao ran to the front yard, she suddenly seemed to think of something bad, so she came to the cloakroom again, found a hat for herself, and covered the cat ears on her head.

After doing all this, Gunmiao ran out of the house, and she shouted while running: The outside world, here I come! The first step of the cat people to conquer the earth starts here!

After running for about an hour, Gun Miao stopped at a secluded street, and then she opened her package, but she was dumbfounded.

Because there was not even a little food in the package, all of it were Gun Miao's toys, because her original plan was to catch mice to eat after going out, so she didn't need to prepare any more food.

But now Gun Miao no longer likes to eat mice. She touched her stomach and felt that she was not too hungry yet. She should feel hungry in two hours.

Going home is definitely not an option, because Gun Miao was the only one at home just now, and the small western-style building was covered by half of the holy land, so outsiders could not get in at all. The TV in the living room was broken, and there was no need to guess that it was broken by her. If she went back now, she would be walking into a trap.

When Gunmiao's stomach started to growl, she searched her body and found a few crumpled banknotes in her pocket. These were the pocket money that Dadamao gave her when she allowed her to go out alone.

Because it was troublesome to spend money on buying things, it would be happier to climb a few more trees, so Gunmiao never spent the money. After the cat-eared girl calmed down and thought carefully for a while, she slowly recalled the scene of how Dadamao taught her to buy things.

When Gunmiao figured out how to buy things, she happened to walk into Tianren Supermarket. As soon as she walked in, she shouted to the supermarket's lobby manager, Cheng Gang, a little embarrassedly: Boss! I want to buy dried fish, small biscuits and small dried tofu. Where are they?

"Hey! Aren't you the girl from the boss's landlord's house? Why did you come here alone today? By the way, where are the boss and the boss's wife? I haven't seen them and Hao Ren for a long time!" Cheng Gang recognized Gun Miao's identity at a glance, but he couldn't call out his name.

When he heard the name of Da Da Mao, Gun Miao immediately thought that Cheng Gang had seen through her plan. Just when she was about to turn around and leave, the other party took down a lot of small dried fish, small biscuits and small dried tofu from the shelf, and asked with a smile: Are the boss, the boss's wife and Hao Ren on a business trip again?

"Big... Big Brother and the others are all on a business trip!" Gun Miao almost bit her tongue, and she almost said Hao Ren's nickname-"Big Cat".

"Oh, when Hao Ren comes back, please tell him that the high-quality cat food he asked me to order last time has arrived yesterday!" Cheng Gang said with a smile.

"Where is the high-quality cat food? Give it to me!" After Gun Miao received the dried fish, biscuits and dried tofu, she asked Cheng Gang for cat food again.

In this way, Gun Miao spent all the money in her pocket to buy high-quality cat food. With a discount, Cheng Gang also let her take the dried fish, biscuits and dried tofu away. These foods filled two largest shopping bags.

Now that there is food, the task of conquering the earth can begin. So, Gun Miao recruited brothers while walking. All stray cats and some pet cats in the southern suburbs were recruited by her, and her way of bribery was naturally to give food.

And Gun Miao's thinking is still very open. She knows that it is unrealistic to rely on cats to rule the world. It still needs the help of human power. For this, she has alreadyA preliminary plan was made: let her little brothers go to humans to act cute and turn humans into tools to rule the world.

Then she would use humans to establish a puppet regime, and Gun Miao would remotely control the kingdom from behind. As for the king of this cat country, let Dada Cat take the position! In this way, he should no longer hold her responsible for breaking the TV!

As the sun set, a cat-eared girl was distributing various foods in her hands to countless stray cats in an alley in the southern suburbs. She was also distributing food and assigning tasks at the same time, but these stray cats simply couldn't understand what she was saying?

When stray cats took the food from her hands and ate it cleanly, Gun Miao couldn't help but think of her childhood. That day, when she was about to starve to death, it was Dada Cat who gave her a bite of food and took her home. Thinking of this, Gun Miao was reflecting on why she ran away from home?

After all the stray cats left, Gunmiao looked at the food scraps on the ground, and two tears slid down involuntarily. It was already dark. At this time, the big cat would have prepared delicious meals and brought them to her personally, but now she could no longer see the delicious meals, and the cold wind at night blew, and Gunmiao felt unprecedented coldness...

Gunmiao, who didn't dare to go home, shivered and came to a floor lamp. When she was still a cat, such a floor lamp could keep her warm, but now the floor lamp couldn't keep her warm. I don't know if it was because she was wearing shoes or because her body had grown bigger!

"Isn't it just a broken TV? Why did I run away from home so stupidly? The world outside is not exciting at all. The world without the big cat is really scary!" Gunmiao sat on the lampshade of a floor lamp, and she was seen shivering in the cold wind in the middle of the night.

At this time, a yellow little wild cat came over trembling all over, and it gently "meowed" at the floor lamp where Gunmiao was, meaning that this position was its exclusive territory.

"Sorry, I took your place, come and lie down!" Gunmiao stood up and gave the little wild cat a place. After the other party "meowed" at her, it walked on its four short legs and lay down on the lampshade of the floor lamp.

"You have a home, I have a home, I am going home now! Goodbye, meow!" After Gunmiao touched the little wild cat's head, she turned and headed towards home. At this time, she no longer cared whether the big cat would beat her or eat her. She just wanted to return to that warm and safe haven as soon as possible!

Narrator 1: There is actually one more chapter in the original extra chapter, which tells the story of Nangong Wuyue helping a little girl who accidentally got lost to find her mother while singing at the subway station, and that day happened to be her and the little girl's birthday: the fifteenth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar!

Narrator 2: Starting from the content of the next chapter, the author's original plot will be officially entered. In fact, before I started writing the plot of this world, I just wanted to let Beikai and the others come to this world to increase some strength!

At that time, after considering for a long time, I finally chose the world main line of "Abnormal Creatures Records", but I never thought that I would write so many chapters in this writing. It seems that I should try to avoid the adaptation of a long novel in the future, because the workload of adapting this long novel is really too tiring!

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