"Hao Ren, now you are the exclusive examiner of the dream plane. Please hand over your work content and responsibilities in the surface world to the new examiner as soon as possible after she takes office!" Raven 12345 solemnly returned the final brick after being formally appointed to Hao Ren.

"What? Sister Raven, I want to hand over the work in the surface world to the new examiner. What's going on?" Hao Ren stared at the face of the goddess Shunzi in disbelief.

"Didn't you just sign the formalization contract? In addition to your formalization application, it also states that your work responsibilities and scope from now on are only responsible for the reconstruction and daily management of the dream plane. As for your work authority in the surface world, all of it must be handed over to the new examiner!" Raven 12345 took out the formalization contract again and placed it in front of Hao Ren.

Hao Ren picked up the regularization contract and read it word by word. It was clearly written on it that when he became a formal examiner, he only needed to be responsible for various matters in the dream plane, and his work scope and job responsibilities in the surface world would be handed over to the new examiner.

Hao Ren thought that this regularization contract was simply a promotion against him, but he ignored that the dream plane was gradually recovering, and there would be more and more new civilizations, which would appear one after another in the dream plane like mushrooms after rain. At that time, the jurisdiction within his job responsibilities would only become more and more and wider, but unfortunately he could not see such a long-term side at present.

"Sister Raven, may I ask who is the new examiner in the surface world?" Hao Ren reluctantly accepted this ironclad fact.

"Far away in the sky, close at hand!" Raven 12345 threw a "you know" look at Vivian behind Hao Ren.

"Vivian is the new Inquisitor. When was this decided?" Hao Ren stared at Vivian in amazement and walked to the desk of Goddess Shunzi.

"Of course it was decided by the higher-ups. I'm just responsible for getting Vivian to sign the contract!" Raven 12345 took out a brand new Inquisitor's Inauguration Agreement from the drawer.

Compared with Hao Ren's previous carelessness, Vivian read every word on the Inquisitor's Inauguration Agreement word by word, and Goddess Shunzi waited patiently for her to finish reading the agreement.

After reading every word on the agreement, Vivian carefully signed her full name in the lower right corner of the agreement: Vivian Ancesta!

After Vivian signed the agreement, Goddess Shunzi picked up the agreement and repeated all the previous actions, causing a white light to fall from the sky and print the exclusive badge of the Xiling Empire on the lower right corner of the agreement, which meant that Vivian was now a formal employee of the Empire, not a trainee examiner.

"Wait, Sister Raven, you are wrong! Shouldn't Vivian sign a trainee examiner's contract first?" Hao Ren immediately found a bright spot.

"Please think about Vivian's true identity! Will those people above let her sign a trainee examiner's contract? I emphasize two words again: privilege!" Raven 12345 blinked at Hao Ren.

Yes! As Leah's biological daughter and the granddaughter of Mistress Bingdis, the Xiling Empire will naturally give Vivian a green light to handle the employment contract.

Next, Goddess Shunzi continued to show Hao Ren some of the exclusive privileges that Vivian enjoyed:

She could choose the shell style and color of the data terminal at will, and even the AI ​​electronic sound in the terminal could be customized at will. As soon as the data terminal was put into use, the employee group chat was online, and the accounts of major forums were all opened.

For Hao Ren, handing over the work in the table world to Vivian was like transferring from one hand to the other. The two of them took less than half an hour to complete the handover of work between the new and old examiners.

"Okay! Now it's time to handle the naturalization procedures for the two of you!" Raven 12345 turned his eyes to Beikai and the other two who had been sitting in the back of the office watching the show.

"No problem, you take out the naturalization agreement and we'll sign it!" Kaisha walked to the front of Goddess Shunzi.

"The naturalization agreement I showed you two beforeThe agreement is just a rough sample. To sign the formal naturalization contract, we have to go to the empire's office! Hao Ren, we have to go to the office next. Either you go back first or wait for us here! "Raven 12345 looked at Hao Ren with a smile.

Yes, since the job responsibilities and scope of work have been transferred, the naturalization guarantor of Bei Kai and his partner has changed from Hao Ren to Vivian. Because they are more deeply involved in the surface world, the examiner of the surface world is needed to witness the scene.

The last time was immersive, going to the imperial capital of the Xiling God System. This time, from Hao Ren's perspective, Goddess Shunzi, Bei Kai and his partner, and Vivian, were wrapped in a giant bubble and teleported directly from the office.

When the four people came to the universe, After the circular platform, Beikai and the other two used their divine sense to explore and the eye of insight respectively, trying to read the internal structure and operating principle of the platform. As a result, as soon as they activated their respective exploration abilities, a strong light shone directly at them. This strong light must be reminding them not to "steal" the technology of the Xiling Empire in private.

"If you want to know the operating principle of the platform, after you two join the Xiling Divine Class, you can go to a professional school to learn this knowledge, or buy books on related knowledge points to study on your own!" Raven 12345 said with a smile.

"Is it charged to study in the school?" Bello seemed to ask a very low-level question.

"Nonsense, of course it is charged. The free welfare benefits given to the people by the empire are only the most basic divine arts textbooks, and they are only issued until you become an intermediate god. If you want to improve your realm, you have to buy all the divine arts textbooks yourself! "Raven 12345 said so calmly.

In other words, before you become an intermediate god, the gods who do not go to full-time schools, the Xiling Empire will provide you with free self-study materials for various basic divine arts, and then you can study at home and take regular divine arts exams.

When you pass all the divine arts exams at each stage, you can obtain the god level certificate issued by the Xiling Empire, and before obtaining the intermediate god qualification certificate, every citizen of the empire must be forced to receive education, wow! Is this referring to the nine-year compulsory education in the human world-Zhihuajia?

As for the gods who failed the divine arts exam, they naturally have to take the make-up exam, because the lifespan of the gods is almost unlimited, so there is no limit to the number of make-up exams, but before each make-up exam, you must first accept the punishment of failing the exam, and failing the make-up exam is also the same punishment.

"You should have said these things in advance! "Kesha sighed softly.

"I have already reminded you two before that the complete kingdom of gods is the same as the kingdom of mortals in many aspects, and there is also a certain degree of exaggeration!" Raven 12345 said with his hands spread out.

"Okay! There is no point in talking about this now. Anyway, our lifespans are almost infinite. Just study and take exams slowly!" Bello was advising Kesha to relax and at the same time, he was also advising himself to accept his fate.

"Fortunately, the examiners of the Xiling Empire do not need to take exams, otherwise, I would definitely be the type of student who would fail every exam! "Vivian, who had been silent all this time, finally interrupted.

It can be seen that Bingdis's academic gene seemed to have been passed on only to Leah, and Vivian had no outstanding performance in this aspect at all, but Hesanna seemed to be smarter than Vivian.

While everyone was chatting, the circular platform under their feet completed the docking with the half-moon platform, and then the surrounding scene changed from the vast universe to a silver-white hexagonal hall!

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