The old merchant ship did not even have a data terminal socket on the central console of the captain's room. As a result, Zhongzhuan could not take over the operation authority of the ship, so that Hao Ren could not make the ship leave the current landing pad after tinkering for a long time.

"Hao Ren, I advise you to return the ship! Such a broken thing can't withstand the vibration of the wall of reality! If the ship falls apart accidentally, your year-end benefits for the next 100 years will be withheld!" Zhongzhuan really reminded Hao Ren kindly.

A hundred years of year-end benefits is equivalent to 100,000 void coins. Is a broken ship like this worth so much money? Forget it, now is not the time to worry about this problem. Hao Ren followed Zhong Zhuan's advice and returned the merchant ship. In just a short while, he paid 100 Void Coins for rent and 20 Void Coins for parking fees!

The staff of the Coibo Space Transfer Station told Hao Ren that the parking fee is not calculated by hours, but by days. Even if the parking time is less than a day, even if it is only a few minutes, it is still counted as a day. Of course, the size of the spacecraft also determines the amount of the parking fee.

Yes, the inspectors of the three major gods and some officials have public-funded special helipads at the Coibo Space Transfer Station. These helipads will not charge any fees. Nolan has parked here for such a long time, and no one has charged Hao Ren any fees.

He couldn't afford to rent a high-level spaceship, and he couldn't drive a low-level spaceship. After Hao Ren wandered around the Kuibo Space Transfer Station, he could only return to the small western-style building with a disappointed look on his face.

"I just mentioned it to the Raven Goddess, but I didn't expect that Nolan would be assigned to me! Sorry, Hao Ren!" Vivian was apologizing to Hao Ren on the surface, but in fact, she was already very happy in her heart!

The story was like this. When the goddess Shunzi asked Vivian what type of official spaceship she wanted, and the people above could also customize a spaceship for her, she thought for a while and replied: I want a spaceship like Nolan!

So, the goddess Shunzi made the decision privately and allocated Nolan to Vivian. When the staff responsible for registering and managing official ships saw that the beneficiary of the allocation of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform was actually the granddaughter of the mistress Bingtis, they basically stamped and approved it one by one without any hesitation.

"It's okay, we are friends!" Hao Ren hugged Vivian directly. He wanted to get back Nolan's depressed mood from his girlfriend.

"Hao Ren, are you going to report to your mother? Otherwise, I'll lend you Nolan first!" Vivian comforted Hao Ren's emotions while letting his hands wander around her body.

"Nolan is now making major changes to her ship. I don't think she will be able to set sail for a while. I will enter Tanagos from Andre's underground palace tomorrow, and then borrow a spaceship from there to visit my mother-in-law!" Hao Ren deeply planted a "strawberry" mark on Vivian's forehead, but in less than three seconds, the mark disappeared.

"Then you have to be prepared. When the time comes, those people will definitely ask about your ship. What's the situation?" Vivian also gently planted a "strawberry" mark on Hao Ren's forehead, but the mark lasted for a long time.

"This is easy. I'll just say that Nolan is still under repair. Anyway, many people have seen her miserable condition at that time!" Hao Ren wanted to "plant strawberries" on Vivian's arm again, but it still only lasted for three seconds.

"But this excuse can be used for a while but not for a lifetime. I advise you to tell the truth!" Vivian also "planted strawberries" on Hao Ren's arm, and the result was that the other party couldn't wipe it off even if they wanted to.

"It can be used as long as it can be used! After my new spaceship is approved, I will tell them the truth!" Hao Ren wanted to grab Vivian's pair of big white rabbits, but when he just wanted to do so, a dark cloud appeared above his head, and he was so scared that he quickly retracted his "evil" hand.

"Mother is such a jerk. Not only does she not allow us to get married, but she also wants to deprive you of some...benefits!" Vivian said with a blushing face.

"Mother-in-law also took into consideration that we are both immortal races., just want to test us a little more!" Hao Ren lifted Vivian's pretty face, aimed at his girlfriend's lips and kissed her. Fortunately, this kind of thing was still within the permitted range.

Vivian not only cooperated with Hao Ren's kiss, but also took the initiative to stick out her tongue. The two of them immediately staged a French kiss scene that lasted more than 30 minutes... (Someone said: Don't be impatient, there is still a long time before the romantic drama between Ren and An arrives!)

That night, Hao Ren stayed in Vivian's room. Although the two slept on the same bed, there was a 30-minute wide strip of grass between them. The dividing line was only a centimeter wide, and they both slept in their clothes, and they didn't even change into pajamas and nightgowns.

The next day, when Hao Ren and Vivian walked out of the room hand in hand, a group of people were already standing at the door. The leader was Heather Anna, Liu Lili and Nangong Wuyue were constantly making noises, Yzax even covered Elizabeth's eyes, Nangong Sanba gave Hao Ren a thumbs up, and Gun Miao came over to ask for breakfast, and only the Bei Yu sisters looked the most normal.

"Wait for me, I'll make breakfast!" Vivian let go of Hao Ren's hand, and then she ran to the kitchen with a blushing face, running so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen.

"Landlord, when did you two give out wedding candy? I don't want ordinary wedding candy, I want to use various local specialties from the dream plane to process wedding candy! "Liu Lili walked up to Hao Ren, wagging her tail.

"What wedding candy? We haven't even started dating yet!" Hao Ren tapped Liu Lili's head gently.

"We've already lived together, and you still say we haven't started dating yet! Do you have to give birth to a baby before you two will give out wedding candy?" Liu Lili asked with a wild imagination.

"You won't understand even if I tell you. Anyway, we're just dating now, and we don't plan to get married yet!" Hao Ren didn't dare to say in public that Leah didn't allow him to get married with Vivian.

"Hehehe! As the saying goes: dating without the purpose of getting married is just hooliganism! Landlord, you and Bat are just playing..." Liu Lili hadn't finished her words yet, and she was hit by Hao Ren again. This time, it was no longer a light knock, but the husky girl was hit so hard that she saw stars.

After Liu Lili's previous experience, no one else would say anything more. After a while, Vivian prepared a sumptuous breakfast. The husky girl turned her grief into appetite and ate all the food on the table!

"Bat, your boyfriend just beat me. In order to compensate for my loss, I have to eat ten kilograms of sweet and sour pork ribs at noon today. I can't eat one gram less, but I don't mind if you make one more pound at that time!" Liu Lili was thinking about lunch just after finishing breakfast.

"Got it, thirty kilograms of sweet and sour pork ribs, let you eat as much as you want! "Vivian gently patted Liu Lili's head, and she even stuck out her tongue at her.

After finishing breakfast, Hao Ren spent some time with Vivian, and then he used the space teleportation function of the final brick to go directly to the underground palace of Andre's family!

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