As soon as Nolan flew out of the galaxy of Io, Muru and Sif drove a spaceship to greet Hao Ren and the other two. To be more precise, they came to greet Vivian and Hesanna.

The World Tree Temple has obtained full surveillance authority over the Dream Plane. As soon as the shadow of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform appeared in the Dream Plane, Leah, who was in the Guardian Star, received the news. So she arranged for Muru and Sif to greet Vivian and the others.

When Muru and Sif saw the appearance of Nolan's ship, some of the lies that Hao Ren had said before were immediately exposed. The two of them are now in the cockpit of the spaceship, laughing so hard that they are laughing.

Compared with the giant spaceship of the guardian giants, the Giant Turtle Rock Platform is like a soft and fragrant kitten. Therefore, Nolan directly "landed" on the top of Muru's spaceship, and then she was taken away by this giant spaceship.

After arriving at the outer square of the World Tree Temple, Vivian and Hesanna were arranged to meet Leah, while Hao Ren was surrounded by a dozen guardian giants. They all wanted to gossip about why Nolan's hull became like this?

Facing the "aggressive" questioning of the guardian giants, Hao Ren sighed deeply, and then he could only tell the whole story and the truth. Nolan is now Vivian's exclusive car!

On the other side, when Vivian and Hesanna, mother and daughter, walked into the World Tree Temple, Leah had already prepared refreshments for her daughter and granddaughter in a side hall, quietly waiting for their arrival.

"Queen, you are finally here. We missed you so much!" As soon as Vivian stepped into the threshold of the side hall, more than a dozen fairies chirped and surrounded her.

"I miss you too!" Vivian picked up a female fairy who looked the cutest at random, and then she and Hesanna walked towards Leah's position together.

"Grandma!" After coming in front of Leah, before Vivian could react, Hesanna took the lead and plunged into the arms of the goddess of creation.

"Xiao Na, you are already the patriarch of a family, why do you still like to act like a child?" Leah gently stroked Hesanna's head.

"Even if I become the Lord of the Earth, I am still grandma's little granddaughter!" Hesanna kept rubbing against Leah's arms.

"You! The place where you should act like a spoiled child the most is not here with me, but..." Leah glanced at Vivian who was holding the fairy.

"Mister Vivian, don't let me act like a spoiled child in her arms!" Hesanna actually complained about Vivian in front of Leah.

"Xiao Na, you call Vivian an adult, what's the situation?" Because she was so busy before, Leah didn't even notice this problem.

"Grandma, this is what happened. I..." Hesanna told Leah about the time she spent with Vivian.

"Vivian, I have to say a few words to you about this matter. How could you..." Leah started to preach to Vivian.

After being preached by Leah, Hesanna could openly call Vivian "Mom".

After greeting Vivian and Hesanna, eating a snack and drinking a few cups of tea, Leah talked about the main business of calling them here today, which was to let a wisp of consciousness of Bingdis in the Bible come to see these two little guys.

After Vivian and Hesanna had tidied their appearances, Leah opened the cover of the Bible, and then the three of them were dragged into a space with water and fog all around them. After a while, a wisp of Bingdis's consciousness walked in front of the three of them.

"My dear daughter, you miss me again, don't you?" Bingdis stretched out her arms to Leah, and the goddess of creation immediately rushed up to hug her.

"Mom, I want you to meet two people today. They are also members of our family!" Leah, who had a serious face before, now became a little girl who liked to act coquettishly in her mother's arms.

"In fact, you and I have had a quick glance before!" Bingdis hugged Leah and looked at Vivian with a smile.

"Hello! Madam Bingdis, I am..." Before Vivian finished speaking, Bingdis interrupted her directly.

"First, what did you call me? Second, you and thisHow come you two little girls have grown up like this?" Bingdis looked at the overall appearance of Vivian and Hesanna separately.

"Grandma, mom is a little shy. I am Hesanna, your great-granddaughter!" Hesanna walked to Bingdis familiarly again.

"Then answer me, why do you two look like this? You two have not inherited my appearance at all!" Bingdis also pointed out that Leah and herself look 80% similar.

"Well, I heard from my stepfather that mom is because..." Hesanna told Bingdis the mimicry process of Vivian in a concise manner.

"So that's it! Now I'll give you two a chance. I will adjust your appearance so that you two have the exclusive appearance of our family. At the same time, you two can also get an exclusive skill. Are you willing?" Bingdis said with a smile.

"No! "This time, without Heatherna responding, Vivian said so decisively.

"Good! Very individual! I like it! What about you?" Bingdis first praised Vivian, and then she looked at Heatherna on the side.

"If my mother doesn't want it, I don't want it either!" Heatherna didn't want Vivian to be unique.

"Okay! Since you two choose not to, I won't make it difficult for you two, but as a gift for the first meeting, this exclusive skill still needs to be given." Bingdis let go of Leah and slowly walked to Vivian and Heather Anna.

What kind of exclusive skills did Vivian and Heather Anna get from Bingdis? The answer is that she passed on the experience and family traditions that she had taught to Leah to her granddaughter and great-granddaughter!

After coming out of the alien space, Vivian and Heather Anna also learned the family skill of cursing at someone they were unhappy with, and then taking action directly if cursing didn't work!

Vivian and Heather Anna, mother and daughter, stayed in the World Tree Temple for three days and three nights, and then they set off to return to the surface world, while the miserable Hao Ren was left behind again. He stayed here for a full six months and only got five days of vacation!

Hao Ren's vacation happened to coincide with the first exam of Beikai and the others, and the exam did not The two of them went directly to the office of the goddess Shunzi, and then a crow god was responsible for supervising the exam.

After the goddess Shunzi snapped her fingers, Beikai and the other two entered a different space respectively. They will complete the two major test items of written test and practical operation ability in their respective different spaces. The scores of these two items will be added up and averaged. If it reaches more than 60 points, it will be passed. If it is less than 60 points, a make-up exam will be arranged, and there will be a punishment before the make-up exam!

The written test is naturally to test the gods' learning ability. As for the practical operation ability, it is to test the gods to defeat a mirror version of themselves. As for what kind of battle method you and your mirror will take, it will be chosen by the gods themselves. In addition, the Xiling Empire is very considerate and has prepared three practical operation opportunities for you. You can choose three different battle methods to take the exam, and you only need to defeat your mirror once to pass!

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