After Hao Ren went to the dream plane to plant trees, Beikai and his companions also welcomed the day to sweep the streets. They first went to the office of the goddess Shunnu to report, and then a crow god came to take them away.

Beikai and his companions were taken to a planet called "Hatukun" by the crow god. This planet had been devastated by the abyss phenomenon. Not long ago, it was just liberated by the coalition forces of the Star Domain God System and the Xiling God System. At present, the surface of the planet is full of a large amount of psionic energy and remnants of abyssal energy.

Psionic energy presents a faint blue psionic light, while abyssal energy is an extreme black light. As soon as Beikai and his companions saw the appearance of abyssal energy, they both thought of the dark creatures in the dream plane-the dark abyss. Could the dark abyss be a plane loophole in the abyss phenomenon?

"You two have such rich imaginations! The dark abyss of the dream plane is not a plane loophole of the abyss phenomenon, it is just a very pure dark side of the universe!" After the Crow God popularized some knowledge points to Bekai and the others, she flapped her small wings behind her and flew away at a speed faster than the speed of light.

In the rules and regulations of the three major gods, even street sweeping has very strict time regulations. In the pan-civilization circle, the time counting method they use is a timing rule for "universal coordinated time".

The daily street sweeping task is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock in the world coordinated time and end at 12 o'clock in the evening. Those who complete the quota of tasks first will rest first, and those who complete it later will rest later.

If the prescribed task volume has not been completed by 12 o'clock in the evening, the task punch-in for that day will be reset, and it will start again the next day until you can complete the prescribed task volume.

Yes, some gods, who were originally only assigned to sweep the streets for one or several days, were stranded here for more than ten days or even several months because they did not meet the daily quota. This is a common phenomenon.

Bekai and his partner arrived at Hatukun at 7:30 UTC. Before they arrived, some gods had already arrived one after another. These gods were either candidates who failed the exam or the make-up exam, or true gods who neglected their duties at work. They were also of various types, including human, animal, half-animal, and even indescribable.

At 7:50 UTC, all the gods who were assigned to sweep Hatukun today had arrived. There were novices like Bekai and his partner, as well as veterans who had swept the streets many times. Now, these gods were given different types of cleaning tools based on their morphological characteristics.

For gods in human form and other upright walking forms, the cleaning tools they hold are naturally a set of brooms, dustpans and trash cans; for gods in animal form and other four-legged or even multi-legged forms, the cleaning tools they hold are manual cleaning robots that are directly put on their bodies; as for those gods with indescribable forms, the cleaning tools they hold are of various types, and I will not give examples here one by one.

When gods sweep the streets, if they want the cleaning tools in their hands to work, they have to inject divine power into the tools, which is the same as the physical strength required by mortals to sweep the floor. Psionic energy and abyssal energy are deeply entangled together, and they also have the property of devouring each other, so collecting them together is the first step, and then separating and sorting them is the second step.

Because Bekay and Bakay are husband and wife, they can choose a cooperation mode where one of them cleans and the other classifies energy. Anyway, they just need to calculate the total amount of tasks for the two people. Therefore, the cleaning task is given to Bakay, and the energy classification task is Kaisha's job.

Of course, other gods who are not husband and wife can also choose the cooperation mode, but the risk of doing so is that the total amount of tasks in the end must be a corresponding multiple of the number of partners. As long as the total amount of tasks is not up to standard, then all the gods participating in the cooperation will not meet the standard.

Time quickly came to lunch and lunch break time. These gods who sweep the streets can choose to eat or take a break, or they can choose to continue working according to their own needs. Therefore, the gods who usually choose to eat or rest are those veterans who are often punished to sweep the streets. The novices are afraid that they will not complete the task indicators of the day, so they all give up the time for eating and resting. Yes., Bekai and the others also chose to give up all their free time.

An old hand is an old hand. Not only can they eat and take a lunch break on time, but they have also completed the task indicators for the day before dinner. If the god only has one day's work indicators, he can leave now. If there are work indicators on the second day, he can only carry out activities in the nearby star field and must not leave the galaxy range to which Hatukun Star belongs.

On the first day of work, Bekai and the others completed the cleaning indicators smoothly, but the energy classification indicators were not completed. The psionic energy classified by Kaisha was mixed with a part of the abyss energy, while the abyss energy did not contain psionic energy. Therefore, in summary, the first day of cleaning tasks for both of them failed to meet the standards.

Fortunately, Bekai and the others are husband and wife. When Kaisha made a mistake that caused her and Belo's work for the day to be in vain, she only got her husband's forgiveness and consideration. As for the other gods who cooperated to complete the task but failed to meet the task indicators in the end, they were already blaming each other and even fighting.

In this way, Bekai and the other two leaned against each other, eating supper while admiring the gods fighting each other on Hatukun Star, and the two true gods in charge of supervising the cleaning work did not seem to have the idea of ​​stopping these fights.

Due to the failure of cooperation on the first day, in the cleaning task on the second day, in addition to Bekai and the other two pairs of god couples, a pair of god brothers and two pairs of god sisters, no other gods would choose the cooperation mode. After the failure experience on the first day, Kaisha successfully completed the energy classification on the second day. The two of them completed the task target of the day before twelve o'clock in the evening.

As the saying goes, the first time is new, the second time is familiar. After Bekai and the other two had a successful experience, the task targets were completed faster and faster. On the eighth day, they actually completed the task target of the day before dinner for the first time. The two sat down and fed each other enviously.

According to the test scores of Beikai and the others, Bello had to stay on Hatukun Star for at least ten days longer than Kaisha. When the task on the sixteenth day, which was actually the task on the seventeenth day, was completed, Kaisha had to leave Hatukun Star first. Before leaving, Kaisha imparted her energy classification experience to Bello without reservation.

On the eighteenth day, Bello was cleaning alone. He completed the cleaning target before lunch was distributed. After lunch, he started the energy classification work, but the result was a mess. The energy ratio in the two trash cans basically reached a one-to-one ratio, which scared the staff in charge of registration.

The ratio of the two energies reached a one-to-one ratio. What is the difference between this and not doing energy classification? Because the ratio of the mixed energy just collected is basically a one-to-one ratio, but Bello said very seriously: I really did a good job of energy classification, but I don’t know why the final result is such a bad situation?

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