In the tenth year after the destruction of the Goddess of Madness, the Dream Plane and the Surface World were finally officially "opened to traffic". Before the completion of the World Gate, there was a little incident between the two bosses of the Star Domain God System and the Xiling God System, the Father God and the Daddy God.

The Father God asked for the management rights of the Dream Plane on the grounds that the Star Domain God System had provided Leah with the seeds of the World Tree and the amulet, and at the beginning, he even asked for a 70-30 split: the Star Domain God System took 70% and the Xiling God System took 30%!

The shameless behavior of the Father God caused the Daddy God to curse without caring about his image. Although this was just one of his clones, it also made the entire surface world tremble. Then, the Father God did not want to be outdone and fought back. Under the witness of countless eyes, the leaders of the gods of the two major pantheons started a cosmic-level verbal war...

In the end, it was the Father God's wife, the Supreme Dark Goddess Sorafiel, who personally came forward, and the constant persuasion of the Daddy God's daughter Chen Xiaoxue that allowed the leaders of the two major pantheons to end the verbal war that transcended the universe level between the two sides. As for the management authority of the dream plane, it will be shared equally by the Star Domain Pantheon and the Xiling Pantheon.

Narrator 1: I just checked the encyclopedia. The god king of the Huron God Clan is named Xila. She is a very beautiful queen. She also likes the father god of the Star Domain God System - Xingchen. They are both powerful void creatures. The father god and his wife - Solafiel have two children: Xindiya and Jiadi.

Narrator 2: The father god of the Xiling God System is named Chen Jun. He has four wives: Xu Qianqian (daughter - Chen Xiaoqian), Lin Xue (daughter - Chen Xiaoxue), Shandora (daughter - Chen Xiaoshan), Bingdis. The father god's way of naming his daughters is really unique! If Bingdis gives birth to a daughter in the future, she will not be named Chen Xiaobing!

Narrator 3: The birth methods of the Xiling Empire are all kinds of strange. Chen Xiaoshan was born through the fusion of two soul fragments. In addition, there are Xiao Pao Bubble and Mercury Lamp, who were created separately, and Alaya, who has no wife status, also created one, and the father god also gave birth to one himself. If Leah is included, Chen Jun seems to have eight daughters now!

Text: On the day when the world gate between the dream plane and the surface world was officially completed, Hao Ren and Vivian represented both sides of the world and held a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony for the two world gates. When the two of them had just finished cutting the ribbon and everyone was still applauding and celebrating, a red spaceship flew from the surface world into the dream plane like a swimming fish.

"Hao Ren, that is the business spaceship of the Fiyali Void Consortium. Those grandsons must be planning to take advantage of the goddess Leah!" The final brick flew out of Hao Ren's trouser pocket.

By the time Hao Ren flew to the Guardian Star in his new business spaceship, the business representatives of the Fialli Void Consortium had already negotiated all the business plans with Leah. From now on, as long as the specialty and goods produced in the Dream Plane, the Goddess of Creation can get a commission from the sales.

"Terminal, have those grandsons changed their nature?" Hao Ren couldn't believe the business plan contract in front of him.

"What's so strange about this? With the support of the mistress Bingtis, do those grandsons dare to take advantage of the goddess Leah? Didn't I say it a long time ago? If you want to verify whether your power in the universe is strong or not, just go and talk to those grandsons about business. As long as they are willing to do business with you in good faith, it means that your power and background are very strong!" Zhongzhuan was explaining the various arrogance and unreasonableness of the Fialliya Void Consortium.

Although the world gate has been built between the dream plane and the surface world, only creatures below the primary god level can travel between the two world gates at present. In other words, Bei Kai and his sister will still be excluded from the dream plane by the will of the universe. However, the sisters Bei Yu will no longer be suppressed by any force when they go to the dream plane.

When will the dream plane allow creatures above the primary god level to enter? That depends on the specific degree of integration of the dream plane-darkness and destruction law authority of Leah, the goddess of creation. She has only integrated less than 5% of the progress so far.

Daddy God and Bingdis do not have any children of their own yet, so Chen Jun personally supervised and asked the forging gods of the Xiling Empire to make a princess crown for Leah. This crown is a symbol of the identity and power of the princess group of the Xiling God system..

After getting the princess crown, the corresponding supporting documents were also distributed to various departments and management levels of the Xiling Empire. From now on, Leah is one of the legitimate and well-deserved princesses of the Xiling God system.

When Hao Ren and Vivian presented the princess crown supervised by the father god to Leah, they also presented a brand new quality projector, which was a gift specially prepared by the father god's family to meet Leah.

"I heard that my stepfather has four wives and eight daughters in total. Doesn't our family have any brothers or younger brothers?" When Leah came into contact with the princess crown, the family portrait of the father god's family appeared in her mind.

"I just heard that His Majesty the Father God is the most famous daughter slave in the pan-civilization circle. Because he absorbed too much abyss energy, he gave birth to a daughter. This is simply going to shatter all three views!" Hao Ren told a funny rumor about the Father God that he had just heard from Goddess Shunzi.

The Father God absorbed too much abyss energy, and then gave birth to a daughter. From this point of view, he is afraid that he will really have no son in this life, and he will have to be surrounded by a lot of daughters. But fortunately, he likes what his daughters like, which makes many people feel envious and jealous.

In this way, Leah separated another mass projection clone and went to participate in the family gathering of the Father God's family. Oh, no, it was their family gathering. Speaking of using mass projection clones, it is said that a certain big man in the Star Domain God System has opened one million clones in the universe at the same time, and can achieve the degree of no conflict between the behaviors and thoughts of each clone.

The clone went to attend the family gathering, while Leah's original body stayed in the World Tree Temple, continuing to merge the power of the laws of darkness and destruction. In fact, the family members who came to the family gathering of the father's family were just clones, and their original bodies had their own things to do.

About an hour later, Sif came in and announced that the sisters Beisha and Kaiyu wanted to meet Leah. After getting the approval of her mother, Sif brought the sisters Beiyu in.

After the sisters Beiyu met Leah, they directly stated their purpose. In short, Kaisha wanted to worship the goddess of creation as her teacher.

"Oh, Kaisha wants to worship me as her teacher. Is it a verbal agreement or a formal apprenticeship agreement?" Leah asked the sisters Beiyu while merging the power of the two laws.

"Of course, a formal apprenticeship agreement must be signed!" Kaiyu responded solemnly.

"Well, according to what the Raven Goddess said, Kaisha has great potential. If she is cultivated more, she should be able to achieve a great cause! Okay! Find a time to let Vivian start her mass projector, and I will go to the surface world!" After careful consideration, Leah agreed to the request of the Beiyu sisters.

Before signing the apprenticeship agreement with Kaisha, Leah also asked Hao Ren to start his mass projector. She went to the goddess Shunzi to take the exams for 18 divine subjects, and then she got more than 90 points in each of the exams.

The practical operation ability test of the Xiling Empire also has a special function to deal with the mass projection clone. When the projection clone does not have divine power, the candidates will enter a simulated environment where they can temporarily restore divine power to take the test. In addition, when taking the written test, there is also a device to block the spiritual connection between the original body and the clone, so as to prevent the original body and the clone from communicating and cheating.

In the examination of eighteen divine subjects, the lowest score was 91 and the highest was 98. Once Leia's results were announced, they quickly made headlines in the Xiling Empire. Then almost all the gods looked up to the sky and sighed: Princess Leia is worthy of being the daughter of Mistress Bingtis!

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