Since he publicly confessed that he was the reincarnation of the God Slayer, Hao Ren was more active than before in the subsequent dream plane construction work, especially the guardian giants and the eldest sons told him to do things, he basically did it without complaint and worked hard.

On the other hand, after many experiments, Bei Kai and the others were 100% sure that, except for Doudou, Yunxiao Palace and the books of gods, the will of the universe would not allow them to take anything away from this world, including the gold, silver and jewelry they had looted and searched from the ruins of the four pseudo-god systems.

Since these gold, silver and jewelry could not be taken away, they would use them to exchange for some items that could be taken away, but every transaction had to pass the reviewer Vivian, and private transactions were also not tolerated by the will of the universe.

When Kaisha completed the compulsory education in Xiling Empire and successfully obtained the intermediate god qualification certificate, Belo was only one exam away from obtaining the primary god qualification certificate. He has now become the most famous and well-known male god in the social circle of gods.

However, as long as he thought of the father god-Chen Jun, who seemed to be a male god in this circle, Belo would instantly feel that this matter did not seem to be a particularly bad thing. I am willing to eat soft rice, and you male gods who can't eat soft rice from your wife are purely jealous of us male gods.

There is no news about the wedding of Hao Ren and Vivian for the time being, but the weddings of Nangong Sanba and Shaqila, and Wim and Lanina will be held first. These two couples definitely did it on purpose. Not only did they set their weddings on the same day, but they also held their weddings in the surface world and the dream plane respectively. This made the common relatives and friends of the four couples not know whose wedding to attend on that day, which would be the most appropriate move.

In addition, Nangong Sanba also set an example for everyone. He became the first son-in-law of Nasaton. When he married Shaqila, he would settle down in the Siren City. His wife would specially open up a dry place for him in the underwater world, and the couple's future wedding room would be built in this dry area.

Wim is the regent of the Elf Kingdom, and Lanina is the regent of the Demon Kingdom. Therefore, the union of these two people marks that the two countries have officially formed an alliance, so these two races have become the well-deserved overlords of the planet Aerym.

On the wedding day of the two couples, some of their mutual relatives and friends who were at a loss suddenly discovered that there was a time difference between the surface world and the dream plane. At a certain moment of the same year, month and day, the time difference between the two worlds was a full twelve hours.

In this way, the mutual relatives and friends of both parties can first attend the wedding of Nangong Sanba and Shaqila in the surface world, and then rush to the dream plane to attend the wedding of Wim and Lanina.

Oh, by the way, do you remember that Lanina once claimed that she would not like men? But as an elf prince, Wim inherited the beautiful face and figure of Hiltan. He really looks more feminine than a woman. If you ignore his chest and philtrum, he looks like a real beautiful girl!

In summary, the reason why Lanina married Wim is not ruled out that she regarded the other party as a woman, and the elf prince does not seem to mind this factor.

Since the earthlings got the genetic samples of the first generation of super soldiers, they have been going all out to overcome the relevant technical difficulties. The first batch of humans who were injected with the research results, most of them, after living for about 200 years, almost died with a little regret. The representatives of the ten major powers that signed the security agreement with the Shadow Council, now only the two prime ministers of the Flower Planting Family and the Beauty are still alive.

The two prime ministers of the Flower Growers and the United States have now gained a transcendent social status. They no longer care about worldly power, but only want to live a little longer. They now stay in the Red Moon Street all day, praying that Vivian can give them some items to prolong their lives.

They did not wait for Vivian, but waited for the Bei Yu sisters. Then Kai Yu only used twenty words to make them leave happily, because these twenty words involved the genetic improvement method of the first generation of super soldiers.As long as they can improve the existing longevity formula, there should be no problem living for 500 years.

Ever since Kaisha got the qualification certificate of the intermediate god, she used the imperial points, and after being exempted from part of the tuition as a disciple of Leah, she went to study in the formal God School. As a result, she failed two courses in the final exam of the first semester, because the difficulty of the courses in the school is much higher than that of self-study.

Students in the God School who failed the exams were no longer arranged to sweep the streets, but were sent to the front line of the war for training. If they were one point short of 60 points, they had to stay in the barracks for a month, and if they were two points short, they had to stay for two months... and so on!

When the divine students came to the military camp, they didn't have to go to the front line in person. They only needed to undergo military training in the military camp and do the logistics work. When Kaisha arrived at the military camp, she suddenly discovered that the divine warriors responsible for fighting on the front line were actually more goddesses than male gods, especially on the Xiling Empire side, where all the soldiers were female.

The scores of the two subjects that Kaisha failed were 58 points and 55 points respectively. Therefore, she had to stay in the military camp for a total of seven months. In the next seven months, no matter what training tasks and work content the instructors arranged, she would always complete them in excess. Therefore, when the seven-month military camp career ended, her divine power gained a huge increase.

During the seven months when Kesha was away from home, Belo applied for several delayed exams because he had to appease Doudou's little emotions at home. Otherwise, once the mermaid baby started crying, half of the sanctuary of the goddess Shun'er would definitely not be able to withstand the power of her lion roar.

When Kesha returned to Earth, Doudou jumped from Belo's body to her mother's body at the speed of light without looking back. Looking at the mermaid baby's tearful eyes, Kesha silently swore in her heart that she would never fail an exam again in the future.

When Kesha returned to the family, Belo took all the delayed subjects at once, but he failed four of the five subjects. The difference in the failed scores added up, and he had to sweep the streets for 25 days. As a result, this time, it took a full two months. Yes, he happened to run into the reform of the street sweeping system.

When Leah learned about the actual situation of Beikai and the others, she took the initiative to bring it up. When they were both not at home, why not send Doudou to the World Tree Temple and let her take care of the mermaid baby temporarily!

Leah is the origin of most of the life in the dream plane, and Doudou is the end of life on a planet. When the two of them were put together, a very wonderful chemical reaction occurred between them. The goddess of creation liked the mermaid baby more and more, and the mermaid baby also relied on the embrace of the goddess of creation.

In order to prevent Doudou from appearing lonely, and also to study the life form of this ultimate creature, Leah began to study the genetic samples of the mermaid baby. As a result, the Doudou gene that Goddess Shunzi concluded could not be copied was successfully copied by the goddess of creation, but there was only one copy, and the copied gene was already in the culture chamber full of source blood, slowly nurturing new life!

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