When Hao Ren finished talking to Bello, Vivian opened her eyes from her sleep. She smiled and said "good morning" to her husband, then got up and started to dress. After she was dressed, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When Vivian came to the living room, Liu Lili was lying on the sofa watching TV. The content on TV was the ultra-clear remake of the TV series "Wind and Cloud".

"Big Dog, do you want to know what the real world of wind and cloud looks like?" Vivian summoned her data terminal and placed it in front of Liu Lili.

Yes, although Vivian was sleeping with her eyes closed when Bello and Hao Ren were talking, as a descendant of the true god, she could sense everything around her even when she was asleep.

"Could it be that Mr. Bei and the others are currently in the real world of wind and cloud?" As the reincarnation of the ancestor of the demon hunter, Liu Lili immediately grasped the key point.

"Yes, but because of the cross-dimensional, the data terminal can only make voice calls. If you want to see the real Fengyun world, it is not possible yet!" After leaving the data terminal on the coffee table, Vivian went straight into the kitchen.

Liu Lili picked up Vivian's data terminal. After thinking for a while, she dialed Kaiyu's terminal number. After about ten minutes, the other side connected the cross-dimensional communication...

Looking back at the Fengyun world, Belo stopped a person on the road casually, and after asking a little, he learned the current timeline. They came to about ten years before the beginning of the first episode, because a major event that is about to happen in the martial arts world is: Beiyin Kuangdao-Nie Renwang marries the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world-Yan Ying!

Nie Renwang is going to marry Yan Ying, which means that in the current timeline, Nie Feng has not been born yet, so what about Bu Jingyun? In the comics and TV series, Bu Jingyun calls Nie Feng "Junior Brother Feng", so is Bu Jingyun really older than Nie Feng?

Next, Kaisha didn't need to take action. Bello just used a little bit of insignificant divine power to collect the money that people dropped on the ground within thousands of kilometers. Although there were only a small amount of more than 400 taels of silver and a few thousand copper coins, it was enough for their family to do many things.

One hundred taels of silver was enough to buy off some people and let them find out all kinds of news in the world, including the location of the martial arts supreme. When watching the TV series, everyone was a little confused. Why did a mere martial arts supreme wear a golden dragon robe, why could he control the government in various places, and why was the mausoleum built for his deceased wife called "Hou Mausoleum"?

After Beikai and his family reached the imperial city, they learned from the local people that this so-called Wulin Supreme was actually the emperor of Jiuzhou. But why did he call himself the Wulin Supreme when he was just an emperor?

It turned out that the current Wulin Supreme should have been called Emperor Wenjia. His throne came from his brother, Emperor Wenlong. Emperor Wenlong was very skilled in martial arts. A few years ago, he went to Japan to compete with others. As a result, he never came back. In the end, he had to temporarily take over the throne.

Emperor Wenlong was not only skilled in martial arts, but also very good at governing the country. In the world of martial arts where knights violated the law with martial arts, he made no one in the world dare to challenge the majesty of the court. However, Emperor Wenjia was mediocre in talent and his martial arts were even more disappointing. Since he ascended the throne, a prophecy began to circulate in the martial arts world: Do you want to prove that your martial arts is the best in the world? Then you go and sleep on the emperor's dragon bed. If you can get out of it unscathed, then everyone will recognize you as the best in the world!

Even though this prophecy sounds extremely absurd, some people actually believed it. The first and second jianghu people who broke into the palace at night were caught and beheaded before they reached the emperor's dragon bed. However, after the first and second times, there will be a third and fourth time in succession...

By the fifty-fifth time, there was finally a jianghu person who slept on the emperor's dragon bed and was able to get out of it unscathed. As a result, breaking into the palace at night and lying on the dragon bed, even in broad daylight, breaking into the palace and sitting on the dragon chair, all became the life goals that jianghu people wanted to achieve, as well as the capital to show off to their companions. With the gradual increase of such cases, the personal prestige and prestige of Emperor Wenjia naturally increased.It slowly disappeared.

Emperor Wenjia didn't want anyone to break into the palace and trample on his dignity. As a result, a dog-headed military advisor beside him came up with a bad idea: let him remove the title of emperor and call himself the Supreme of Wulin from now on. Anyway, as long as the power in his hands remains unchanged, it is not a big problem to just change the title.

Since Emperor Wenjia changed his title to the Supreme of Wulin, no one from the martial arts world broke into the palace, but some martial arts heroes would no longer take him seriously. Then the whole Kyushu land opened a more chaotic era of martial arts hegemony. People with strong martial arts skills can do whatever they want by relying on their own strength or the powerful forces behind them, and the various state governments can only turn a blind eye to this situation.

Even if the government and the sects were fighting each other, the Wulin Supreme could not do anything except issue one or two proclamations to denounce them. The government officials could kill people without any discipline, and the people in the martial arts world could rush into the government to take revenge. These things have become commonplace daily phenomena.

To put it bluntly, in the Fengyun world, the emperor has become a decoration and a mascot. Whether it is the government officials or the people in the martial arts world, they can fight as they please. The laws here are already a dead letter. Whether they can handle things impartially and seek justice depends entirely on the hardness of their fists.

But what is even more regrettable is that the chosen sons of heaven, Fengyun and Fengyun, always choose to retire to the mountains and forests after defeating the big boss, and then let the martial arts world continue to be in chaos. When the new big boss appears again, they will come out again to quell the chaos. After defeating the enemy, they will retire again, and then the martial arts world will be in turmoil again...

To put it nicely, Fengyun and Fengyun are indifferent to fame and fortune, but to put it bluntly, they are irresponsible bastards. They should ascend to the top of the martial arts world. Only under their rule can the martial arts world move towards the beautiful situation of universal harmony.

Okay, I've gone a bit off topic. At this time, Beikai's family has walked into the palace openly. There are countless martial arts secrets in the palace. These martial arts secrets are just garbage martial arts in the high martial arts world, but in the low martial arts world, they can be used to dominate the world after being integrated.

Do you dare to believe that in a large number of third-rate martial arts secrets, such as Tathagata Palm, Eighteen Dragon Palms, Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword, these familiar martial arts are all vivid? In addition, the Taixuan Sutra, which is known as the immortal cultivation secret book in the low martial arts world, can only be regarded as a second-rate martial arts in the Fengyun world!

No matter how many martial arts they are, these "low-level" martial arts secrets were copied by Kaiyu, and then she made some improvements, and then they were put into the humanities star, so that the future world of great struggle can be smoothly launched.

In the world of Fengyun, Belo needs an identity that can control the world so that he can act conveniently. The Wulin Supreme in front of him looks quite suitable. Through a little mind reading, Belo learned that Wulin Supreme, in addition to the ambition to reproduce the glory of his brother, also wants to abdicate and become a rich man.

Wulin Supreme's first ambition is naturally impossible to achieve, but his second wish can be satisfied. In view of this situation, Belo is too lazy to use his divine power. He just infinitely magnifies the power of Wulin Supreme's second wish, and the other party has the idea of ​​abdicating as soon as possible. So, after the good story of Nie Renwang marrying Yan Ying, the people in the martial arts world ushered in the "great joy" that Wulin Supreme is about to abdicate!

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