After leaving the world of Fengyun, Beikai and his partner walked into the familiar time and space tunnel again. They walked for a while in it. After an unknown amount of time had passed, they landed in a world of ancient civilization again.

The place where Beikai and his partner landed this time seemed to be an abandoned manor. The manor covered a large area. From some traces of broken walls, it can be judged how magnificent the manor was before it was abandoned.

Anyway, Beikai's family also needed a temporary place to stay, so why not repair this ready-made abandoned manor a little bit! When the three sisters Bei Yudou came out of the dream wonderland, they finally saw the name of the villa: Longze Villa!

The entire Longze Villa has been abandoned and covered with spider webs and weeds, but there is only one house and a pavilion, which are out of tune with the surrounding dilapidated environment, because these two places are not dilapidated at all, but are well preserved. It can be seen that someone must come here frequently to clean and maintain these two places.

It seems that this Longze Villa is not ownerless, but its owner is a bit weird. Except for these two places, other places are left to gradually become deserted. However, the Beikai family really plans to stay here and not leave. They want to take a good look at what kind of weird person would let his manor be dilapidated like this.

Five days after staying in Longze Villa, a little old man who looked to be in his forties walked into the gate of Longze Villa while drinking. When he saw that the scenery inside the villa was completely renewed, he immediately threw away the wine gourd in his hand and ran towards the house that had never been defeated, and he kept shouting the name of a girl named "Yan'er".

"Are you the owner of this Longze Villa? Our family just came here a few days ago. Seeing that this place is already deserted, we decided to stay. I hope you can understand!" Kaiyu walked from the backyard of Longze Villa to the front yard with a standard super god model step.

"Hello, girl, my name is Han Batian, this is my wife's host's house. Since the Long family suffered a disaster, I often come here to take care of my wife's old room and the pavilion where she often sits!" Han Batian said to Kaiyu with his hands clasped.

"Hello, Uncle Han, my name is Huo Yu!" After staying in the world of Fengyun for decades, Kai Yu has learned the etiquette of Jianghu children again.

"It turns out to be Miss Huo, I'm sorry!" Han Batian immediately responded with a Jianghu etiquette.

Next, Kai Yu took Han Batian to meet his family, and then they sat together and talked freely.

After chatting for about two or three hours, Han Batian went to his wife's room, which was the room that was often cleaned. He sat on the bed in the room and kept recalling every bit between him and his wife...

Through chatting with Han Batian, Beikai's family knew the current timeline. The background of the era here is the ancient Chinese civilization. It has now come to the Western Jin Dynasty in 300 AD. If their memory is correct, it should be less than ten days before Sima Yi was killed.

The death of Sima Yi was one of the root causes of the Eight Kings Rebellion. After another 16 years of unrest, the entire northern part of China will become a tragic scene of no roosters crowing for thousands of miles and bones lying in the wild.

"Xiaobei, Xiaoyu, you two decide whether to prevent the birth of the Eight Kings Rebellion or let the inevitability of history happen and then enjoy hunting the Hu people?" Kaisha looked at the Beiyu sisters with a smile, and at the same time she was holding Doudou in her arms.

The relevant regulations of the Xiling Empire are: As a god, whether you prevent the tragedy from happening or let the wheel of history move forward, it is within the scope of the rules of the Xiling God System, as long as you do not actively cause unrest in the mortal world.

"Mom, since we are gods, we must exchange the well-being of the mortal world at the lowest cost!" Beisha has decided to burn the demon queen of the generation - Jia Nanfeng.

"Little girl, you dare to call yourself a god with your strength. You are still far from the realm of gods! Xiaoyu, what is your opinion? Tell me!" Kaisha said while making Doudou happy.

"The key to stopping the Eight Kings Rebellion lies in Sima Yi, and the key to Sima Yi's life and death lies in Jia Nanfeng, but I don't recommend killing him directly."Why not let her..." Kaiyu said the most vicious words in the most gentle tone.

"Sister, you are so vicious! I am ashamed of myself!" Beisha gave Kaiyu a thumbs up.

"This is a good idea. Gods love the world, and you are satisfying her wishes! Just do it according to your idea!" Kaisha agreed with Kaiyu's proposal.

In this way, Beiyu and her sister said goodbye to Beikai and Doudou. Kaiyu took Beisha to use instant movement and went straight from Longze Villa to the palace of the Western Jin Dynasty. They controlled the extremely ugly generation of demon queen-Jia Nanfeng. At the same time, the two of them also intercepted the secret edict that the other party wanted to send someone to poison Sima Yi.

Since the entire Western Jin Dynasty is now under the control of Jia Nanfeng, why not borrow the other party's handwriting and move all the gold, silver and jewelry in the treasury into the Beiyu sisters' house. In the ring, he wrote an edict to restore Sima Yi as the crown prince of the Western Jin Dynasty.

After squeezing out all the value of Jia Nanfeng, Besha set a big fire in the queen's bedroom, and Kaiyu threw a woman's corpse that was randomly pieced together into the blazing fire. The former corpse ancestor also sighed a little: I haven't pieced together a corpse for a long time, and my skills are a little rusty!

The next day, rumors about Sima Yi's restoration of the crown prince and the queen-Jia Nanfeng buried in the sea of ​​fire spread all over the world. Throughout the Western Jin Dynasty, the people all applauded these two events. This shows how popular the prince was and how hated the queen was!

The sisters Bei Yu took the unconscious Jia Nanfeng and went straight to the largest brothel in Yangzhou. Kai Yu used her unparalleled plastic surgery skills to transform the extremely ugly queen into a stunning beauty. In this way, not only could Jia Nanfeng be sold at a good price, but she would also be loved by her patrons.

Jia Nanfeng in history , isn't she just a queen who plays a lot? She secretly cuckolded Sima Zhong countless times, and sending her to this place of fireworks was a professional match, but when the madam of the brothel received Jia Nanfeng, she actually wanted to keep Kaiyu as well.

Facing this unsatisfied madam, Kaiyu gently used the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Origin that she learned in the Fengyun World, and a small sword energy flew out from her right index finger, and the big tree behind the madam fell to the ground.

"Miss, I was wrong! Spare my life! I won't dare to do it again!" The madam knelt down with a "puff", and kowtowed to Kaiyu with a bloody head.

"Originally, I only wanted five thousand taels from you, but now you are so disrespectful to me, five hundred thousand taels, not a penny less! "Kai Yu used his sword energy to attack again, and a wall of the brothel collapsed.

"Okay, okay, five hundred thousand taels is five hundred thousand taels, I'll give it to you! "The madam gritted her teeth and agreed to Kaiyu's request. Anyway, as long as she had Jia Nanfeng, this top-notch product in her hands, she would not worry about not being able to make back the 500,000 taels in the future.

After accepting the 500,000 taels from the madam, Kaiyu took Besha and displayed her superb lightness skills, and flew away from the madam like a startled swan. As soon as the two of them left the brothel, Jia Nanfeng, who was in a coma, woke up.

From that day on, in this brothel called "Yangchun Pavilion", there was a top courtesan who claimed to be the queen, and her temperament was also similar to that of a noble lady in the deep palace. She attracted countless literati and talented people, as well as many princes and nobles and disciples of aristocratic families, who were willing to spend a lot of money or even go bankrupt to spend a night with her, so that the madam's hands were cramped from counting the money she earned!

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