Yin Hao's chivalrous spirit was once again fully revealed. When Zhao Yun reached the attic, he took the initiative to step aside and handed the stage to Yin Tianqi. Yin Zhong's attention was always on the two Tong brothers, so he was too lazy to ask about the fight between the young people.

Because he saw that the opponent was a woman, the arrogant Yin Tianqi actually held the Blood Ruyi in one hand and used only the other hand to fight Zhao Yun. After the two fought each other for dozens of rounds, Yin Tianqi lost to Zhao Yun without any surprise, and even the Blood Ruyi in his hand was snatched away by the opponent.

"The heir of Yujian Villa is so vulnerable!", "He can't even beat a woman. This time, Yujian Villa is so embarrassed!", "This is the rhythm of no successor!", "I am a hero, but I didn't expect that even Yujian Villa can't escape this conclusion of the world!", "The main Yinzhuang is gone, and Yujian Villa is probably going to be lonely!"... The fellows in the world are constantly discussing.

After getting the blood Ruyi, Zhao Yun no longer lingered in the battle. She used the Qinggong she learned from Kaiyu and disappeared in front of the heroes of the world in an instant. Yes, before she evacuated this place, she didn't even shout "retreat" to Han Doudou and Han Zhuer who were still fighting with the Iron Guards.

"Second sister, when did the eldest sister's kung fu become so powerful? Are we disciples taught by the same master?" Han Zhuer couldn't believe that Zhao Yun's martial arts had far surpassed her and Han Doudou.

"The martial arts and Qinggong she just displayed were not the ones Dad taught us. They should be the ones that the eldest lady of Longze Villa taught her!" Han Doudou used a soft steel wire from her sleeve to tie up the dozen iron guards in front of her, and then she led Han Zhuer to fight and retreat.

The succession ceremony of Yujian Villa had such a farce, but Yin Hao still announced the end of the ceremony tonight without changing his expression, and then he arranged for the servants of Yujian Villa to let all the martial arts fellows leave the villa in an orderly manner.

After all the guests left, Yin Hao ordered the entire villa to be under martial law, vowing to capture all the thieves who trespassed into Yujian Villa alive. Just before the martial arts fellows left the villa, Han Doudou and Han Zhuer sisters had already taken advantage of the fact that most of the iron guards were attracted by the firepower of the Tong brothers, and quietly mixed in the team of heroes and left without anyone noticing.

Such a low-level disguise and escape technique could be successful. In the eyes of the Bei Yu sisters, one of the sisters Han Doudou and Han Zhuer must be the heroine of this world.

After the Blood Ruyi was taken away by Zhao Yun, the two Tong brothers no longer wanted to entangle here, but the number of Iron Guards was too large, so that all the heroes in the world had left Yujian Villa, and the two of them were still trapped in the siege of more than 30 Iron Guards.

As long as the two Tong brothers dared to break the shackles of the clan rules, the entire Yujian Villa Iron Guards would probably be wiped out. Unfortunately, their repeated tolerance could not win the Iron Guards' mercy, and the attack methods of these villa guards would only become more and more fierce and fierce.

On the other side, after Zhao Yun got the Blood Ruyi, she moved towards the west wall of Yujian Villa. As a result, when she came to the west garden of the villa, the blood python jumped out from behind her.

Facing the blood python that was pressing forward step by step, Zhao Yun used all her martial arts and light-handed steps to cleverly avoid the opponent's attacks again and again. When she was holding the blood ruyi's left hand and was about to be bitten by the blood python, her right hand used the extremely unskilled Tianshan Zhemei hand and hit the opponent's snake head with one palm.

Although the power of this palm was extremely unskilled, it still temporarily stunned the blood python. Zhao Yun took advantage of this rare opportunity to display her high light-handed skills and jumped directly onto the wall of the west garden. When she came to the outside of Yujian Villa, she did not dare to go to Sanhuafang but rushed towards Longze Villa.

After the blood python was stunned for a short while, it immediately looked for the smell of blood ruyi, flew out of Yujian Villa and chased Zhao Yun.

The two Tong brothers should have a certain aura of being the protagonists. They rushed to the scene before Yin Hao and Yin Zhong personally came out, and repelled the hundreds of iron guards who came to besiege them without any injuries. Then the two brothers even left Yujian Villa in a swagger.

"Sister, I didn't understand what the protagonist meant before.Halo, but now I know that this so-called protagonist halo is actually a trace of heavenly luck! "Kai Yu stared at the top of the Tong brothers' heads. Under her observation of the eyes of insight, she saw that there were some stars of light on the heads of Tong Zhan and Tong Xin.

"Sister, if you had taken away the heavenly luck on them before, would they have been caught by Yu Jian Villa tonight?" Although Betha couldn't see the heavenly luck, she knew what the specific function of this thing was.

"If the heavenly luck was taken away, it would be a small matter for them to be caught. If they were unlucky, they would be killed by some iron guards, and if they were very lucky, they might be killed! "Kai Yu called Beisha, and the two of them could go catch the blood python.

Zhao Yun used her own Qinggong to the limit, but the pursuit distance between her and the blood python was still shrinking little by little. When the blood python was about to catch up and bite her again, the blood python suddenly seemed to sense a particularly dangerous signal, and turned around and ran away without looking back.

The blood python had only run less than ten meters away when a black dragon of the same length as it appeared. Under the strong suppression of the blood level, it immediately coiled on the ground and dared not move. Then, the Bei Yu sisters, who were not afraid of Zhang Yang at all, rode the fire unicorn to the front of the blood python.

"It's the two of them. Yin Zhong only raised a big snake, but I didn't expect that the two of them actually raised a dragon and a unicorn!" Zhao Yun looked at everything in front of him with a shattered view.

"Heizi, come back! "Kai Yu stretched out his left hand and called out to the black dragon, which immediately flew backwards and gradually shrank into a small black snake in the air, finally coiling around its owner's left wrist.

Yes, Kai Yu named the black dragon in the Fengyun World Heizi, because there was already a monster called Xiaohei on the Beast King Star.

When the Bei Yu sisters got off the back of the Fire Kirin, Xiaohuo immediately turned into a red puppy, and came to Beisha's arms with ease, becoming an extremely docile pet dog.

After seeing the black dragon and the Fire Kirin licking their masters, the blood python, which had already begun to have intelligence, immediately turned into a big snake that looked like a licking dog, and began to perform various funny actions in front of the Bei Yu sisters.

"Your intelligence is okay, but you are too ugly, so you are only suitable to be made into snake soup! "Kai Yu said so with his arms crossed.

After hearing that he was going to be eaten, the blood python went even further and performed various extremely difficult snake movements in front of the Bei Yu sisters. It even tied a bow with its snake body, and flew forward and flipped 720 degrees in the air...

"As I said, your intelligence is okay, but your snake body is only suitable for being made into snake soup!" Beisha held the fire unicorn and took a step closer to the blood python.

Knowing that it had no way to retreat, the blood python simply crashed into a large rock on the side of the road. After smashing more than a dozen large rocks in a row, it finally knocked itself out successfully. Yes, the blood python's idea at this time was that it would be better to be eaten in a daze than to be skinned alive with a clear mind!

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